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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Domaci paradajz pire (Homemade tomato paste)

Sastojci: 2 kg zrelog paradajza, 1 kasicica morske ili himalajske soli, 2 kasike maslinovog ulja + jos malo za premazivanje pleha + jos za teglice.


1) Paradajz oprati, ukloniti peteljke i obrisati. Nozem izdubiti sredisnji deo na vrhu i dnu paradajza. Manje paradajze iseci na polovine, a vece na cetvrtine. Kasicicom povaditi semenke.
2) U vecu serpu, staviti 1 kasiku ulja i paradajz. Pustiti da provri pa smanjiti na srednju temperaturu i krckati oko pola sata ili paradajz ne postane veoma mekan i pusti svoje sokove.
3) Na veliku serpu staviti cediljku. Vecom kutlacom zahvatiti paradajz, staviti u cediljku i donjom stranom kutlace pritisnuti preko paradajza. Baciti koru i semenke od paradajza (ako ih ima). Ponoviti sa ostalim paradajzom.
4) Vratiti paradajz u serpu i posoliti. Pustiti da prokljuca pa smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (3 ili 4), i krckati cesto mesajuci oko pola sata.
5) Zagrejati rernu na 130 C. Dublji pleh premazati sa malo ulja. Sipati pire od paradajza i rasporediti ravnomerno. Peci 30 minuta. 
6) Zatim izvaditi iz rerne i promesati, skinuti pire koji se uhvatio na ivicama pleha i staviti ka sredini. Opet rasporediti ravnomerno i peci jos 30 minuta. Ovaj postupak ponovljati dok pire ne bude gotov.

Napomena: pire je gotov kada postane boje cigle i kada se kolicina smanji na malo vise od pola. Takodje, ne bi trebalo da bude soka od paradajza ili da bude vlazno.

Ako zelite da drzite pire u frizideru ili zamrzivacu - prebaciti pire u teglice (100-150g), ali ostaviti jedan prst slobodno. Sipati red maslinovog ulja oko 0.5-0.8 cm. Paradajz pastu vaditi cistom kasikom ili kasicicom i ako je potrebno doliti jos malo maslinovog ulja da se formira prvobitni red od oko 0.5-0.8 cm. 

Moze se drzati u frizideru do 3 nedelje, a u zamrzivacu do 6 meseci.

Ingredients: 2 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 teaspoon sea salt or Himalayan, 2 tablespoons olive oil + a little more coating pan + more for little jars 


1) Wash tomatoes, remove stems and wipe them. With knife hollow central part of the top and bottom of the tomato. Smaller tomatoes cut in half, and bigger in the quarters. Spoon out the seeds.
2) In a larger pot, put 2 tablespoons of oil and add tomatoes. Let it boil, then reduce to medium temperature and simmer for half an hour or until tomatoes become very soft and release their juices.
3) On a big pot put strainer. With bugger ladle take tomatoes, put in a strainer and press  with the underside of the ladle over the tomatoes. Discard peel and seeds of tomato (if any). Repeat with the other tomatoes.
4) Restore tomatoes in a pot and add salt. Let it boil, then reduce to the medium temperature (3 or 4), and simmer often stirring, for about half an hour.
5) Preheat oven to 130 C. Coat deeper baking sheet or pan a little oil. Pour the pureed tomatoes and spread evenly. Bake it for 30 minutes.
6) Then remove from the oven and stir, remove puree which is caught on the edges of the pan and put in the middle. Again spread evenly and bake another 30 minutes. Repeat this process until the puree is done.

Note: puree is done when it becomes as the color of brick, and when the amount is reduced to little more than half. Also, there should be no tomato juice or to be damp.

If you want to hold the puree in the refrigerator or freezer - place puree in jars (100-150g), and leave one finger free on top. Pour one layer of olive oil around 0.5-0.8 cm. Remove tomato paste with clean tablespoon or teaspoon, and if necessary top it with a little more olive oil to form the original layer of about 0.5-0.8 cm.

It can be kept in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks, and in the freezer up to 6 months.

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