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Friday, June 19, 2020

Mediteranski zacin (Mediterranean spice)

Sastojci: 1 1/2 kasicice suvog origana, 1 kasicica suvog majorana, 1 kasicica suvog timijana, 1/2 kasicice suvog bosiljka, 1/2 kasicice suvog ruzmarina, 1/2 kasicice suve zalfije.

1) Pomesati sve sastojke.

Cuvati u hermeticki zatvorenoj posudi.

Ingredients: 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano, 1 teaspoon dried marjoram, 1 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, 1/2 teaspoon dried sage.

1) Mix all the ingredients.

Store in a hermetically sealed container.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Mango, chia, cvekla frape (Mango, chia, beetroot frappe)

Sastojci: 2 manga, 400ml soka od pomorandze (svezeg), rendana kora od pomorandzi, 3 kasike chia semenki, 2 banane (smrznute), 350ml bademovog ili kokosovoog mleka + jos ako je potrebno, 200g malina (svezih ili smrznutih), 200g jagoda (svezih ili smrznutih), 1 cvekla, 2 kasicice svezeg korena djumbira (rendanog) ili 1 kasicica u prahu, 2 kasike meda.

1) Mango i cveklu oljustiti i iseci na kocke.
2) U blender staviti mango i 200ml soka od pomorandze i koru od pomorandze i usitniti. Dodati bananu i nastaviti sa bledniranjem uz dodatak soka od pomorandze. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Corba od spanaca (Spinach chowder)

Sastojci: 1kg spanaca, 100ml pavlake za kuvanje, 2 kasike mleka.

1) Blansirati spanac.
2) Pripremiti besamel sos. U pripremi zamenite obicno brasno sa integralnim brasnom.

Chia frape sa cokoladom (Chia frappe with chocolate)

Sastojci: 500ml bademovog mleka (bez secera), 2 kasike cia semenki, 1/2 kasicice cimeta, 2 banane (smrznute), 2 kasike mlevenog rogaca, 2 kasike putera od kikirikija.

1) U solju staviti 250ml mleka i cia semenke. Ostaviti 15 minuta.
2) U blender staviti ostatak bademovog mleka, cimet, banane, rogac i puter od kikirija. 

Integralne makarone sa povrcem i piletinom (Integral macaroni with vegetables and chicken)

Sastojci: 300g belog mesa, 200g integralnih makarona, 300g graska, 1 mlad luk, 150g majoneza (light), tri kasike soka od paradajza, prstohvat djumbira u prahu, 60g badema (pecenih).

1) Belo meso isprati hladnom vodom i iseci na kocke. Mladi luk ocistiti i iseci na kocke. Bademe iseci na listice.
2) U serpicu staviti belo meso preliti vodom i pustiti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati 20 minuta. Procediti.

Kolac od indijskih oraha (Cashew cake)

Sastojci: 250g indijskih oraha, 150ml bademovog mleka, 1 kasicica cimeta, jaje, 2 kasicice stevije, 2 kasike kokosovog ulja (otopljenog), za krem - 250g indijskih oraha, 150ml bademovog mleka, 2 kasike kokosovog ulja (otopljenog). 1 kasicica cimeta.

1) Indijske orahe potopiti u vodu u dve cinije i ostaviti preko noci. Procediti. Umutiti jaje.
2) U blender staviti indijske orahe, bademovo mleko, cimet i steviju i ustiniti. Dodati jaje i kokosovo ulje i dobro promesati.
3) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje i sipati smesu. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 170 C oko 20 minuta.
4) U blender staviti indijske orahe sa bademovim mlekom i usitniti dok ne dobijete kremastu smesu. Dodati kokosovo ulje i cimet.
5) Staviti preko ohladjene kore i ostaviti u frizider 3 sata.

Ingredients: 250g cashews, 150ml almond milk, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, egg, 2 teaspoons stevia, 2 tablespoons coconut oil (melted), for cream - 250g cashews, 150ml almond milk, 2 teaspoons coconut oil (melted). 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

1) Soak cashews in water in two bowls and leave overnight. Drain. Whisk the egg.
2) Put cashews, almond milk, cinnamon and stevia in a blender and grind. Add egg and coconut oil and mix well.
3) Put baking paper in the baking pan and pour the mixture. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for about 20 minutes.
4) Put cashews with almond milk in a blender and chop until you get a creamy mixture. Add coconut oil and cinnamon.

5) Place over chilled crust and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Gulas za dijabeticare (Goulash for diabetics)

Sastojci: 250g junetine bez masnoce, 250g mladog krompira, 200g paradajza, kasicica ulja, glavica crnog luka, cen belog luka, jedna paprika, aleva paprika, kasika paradajz pirea, 150ml govedje supe

1) Junece meso iseci na kocke. Krompir, paradajz, crni i beli luk, papriku oprati, oljustiti i iseci na kocke.
2) Na ulju, na srednjoj temperaturi (4) dinstati crni luk. Posle 5 minuta dodati beli luk i prziti jos 5 minuta. Dodati junetinu i uz dodatak malo vode kuvati dok ne omeksa. 
3) Dodati papriku, krompir i kuvati jos 15 minuta. Dodati paradajz, alevu papriku, paradajz pire i supu i kuvati jos 10 minuta. 

Savet: junece meso mozete zameniti tofu sirom a supu vodom.

Ingredients: 250g fat-free beef, 250g baby potatoes, 200g tomatoes, a teaspoon of oil, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, one pepper, sweet parika, a tablespoon of tomato puree, 150ml beef soup

1) Cut the beef into cubes. Potatoes, tomatoes, onions and garlic, and peppers wash, peel and cut into cubes.
2) Saute onion in oil, at medium temperature (4). After 5 minutes, add the garlic and fry for another 5 minutes. Add the beef and cook with a little water until soft.
3) Add pepper and potatoes and cook for another 15 minutes. Add the tomatoes, sweet paprika, tomato puree and soup and cook for another 10 minutes.

Tip: you can replace beef with tofu cheese and soup with water.

Dzem za ciscenje (Cleansing jam)

Sastojci: 150 g suvih sljiva (bez kostica), 150g urmi (bez kostica), 150g suvih smokava, 260-340ml vode.

1) Suve sljive, suve smokve i urme iseci na kocke. 
2) U serpicu sipati 260ml vode i pustiti da prokljuca. Dodati suvo voce i urme i kuvati mesajuci dok se ne zgusne. Ako zelite redji dzem dodati ostatak vode.

Ingredients: 150 g prunes (pitted), 150g dates (pitted), 150g dried figs, 260-340ml water.

1) Cut into cubes prunes, dried figs and dates.
2) Pour 260ml of water into the saucepan and let it boil. Add dried fruits and dates and cook, stirring, until thickened. If you want thinner jam add the rest of the water.

Mamina supa sa knedlama (Mom's soup with dumplings)

Sastojci: 1 jaje, 5 kasika griza (ravnih), 1 kasicica ulja, 2 sargarepe, 1 koren persuna, 1 koren paskanata, komad korena celera oko 2cm, 2 kasike lista persuna (sitno seckanog), 300g pileceg mesa, rezanca, vegeta, malo ulja.

1) Oljustiti sargarepu, koren persuna, koren paskanata i koren celera. Iseci na kockice sve osim celera. Belo meso isprati hladnom vodom. Iseci na kocke.
2) Belo meso staviti u vrelu vodu i kuvati oko 15 minuta. Povremeno skidati penu koja se nakupi. Procediti.
3) Za knedle - odvojiti belance od zumanca. Penasto umutiti belance. Dodat zumance i ulje i promesati. Dodati griz i dobro promesati i ostaviti 15 minuta.
3) U serpi na malo ulja proprziti sargarepu, koren persuna i koren paskanata. Naliti vodom i dodati celer i vegetu. Poklopiti i pustiti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na srednju vatru (4) i kuvati 10 minuta.
5) Kasikom vaditi knedle i spustati u vrelu supu. Kuvati 10 minuta. Nakon 5 minuta dodati belo meso, rezanca i list persuna. Kuvati sve zajedno jos 5 minuta. Izvaditi celer.

Ingredients: 1 egg, 5 tablespoons of semolina (flat), 1 teaspoon of oil, 2 carrots, 1 parsley root, 1 parsnip root, a piece of celery root about 2cm, 2 tablespoons of parsley leaves (finely chopped), 300g chicken breasts or white meat, noodles, vegeta (vegetable seasoning), a little oil.

1) Peel a carrots, parsley root, parsnip root and celery root. Dice everything except celery. Rinse the white meat with cold water. Cut into cubes.
2) Put white meat in boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes. Occasionally remove any foam that has accumulated. Drain.
3) For dumplings - separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Whisk the egg whites until foamy. Add egg yolks and oil and stir. Add semolina and mix well and leave for 15 minutes.
3) Fry the carrots, parsley root and parsnip root in a bowl with a little oil. Pour water and add celery and vegeta to taste. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce to medium heat (4) and cook for 10 minutes.

5) Take out the dumplings with a spoon and put them in the hot soup. Cook for 10 minutes. After 5 minutes add white meat, noodles and parsley leaf. Cook everything together for another 5 minutes. Remove celery.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Slatke kuglice od susama (Sweet sesame seeds balls)

Sastojci: 250g susama, 125g kokosovog brasna, 125g mlevenog rogaca, kasicica meda, 1/2 kasicice ekstrakta od vanile.

1) Na niskoj temperaturi proprziti susam mesajuci. Samleti susam.
2) Pomesati susam kokosovo brasno, rogac, med i vanilu. Dobro sjediniti.
3) Praviti loptice i ostaviti da odstoje nekoliko sati.

Ingredients: 250g sesame seeds, 125g coconut flour, 125g ground carob, a teaspoon of honey, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

1) Fry sesame seeds at low temperature, stirring. Blend sesame seeds.
2) Mix sesame seeds, coconut flour, carob, honey and vanilla. Combine well.

3) Make balls and let them stand for a few hours.

Hrskava salata (Crunchy salad)

Sastojci: 300g brokolija, 300g karfiola, 150g kupusa svezeg, 150g sargarepe, 4 kasike lista persuna (sitno seckanog), 2 kasike lista celera (sitno seckanog), 1 stabljika celera, 100g badema (na listice), 100g semenki suncokreta, 100g semenki bundeve, za preliv - 3 kasike maslinovog ulja, 4 kasike svezeg soka od limuna, 60ml vode, 1 kasika svezeg djumbira (rendanog) ili 1/4 kasicice djumbira u prahu, 2 kasike meda, so po ukusu.

1) Pripremiti brokoli i karfiol. Kupus na krupno izrendati. Sargarepu oljustiti i izrendati. Stabljiku celera iseckati na kockice. 
2) U ciniji pomesati sve sastojke.
3) Sastojke za preliv staviti u teglicu, zatvoriti i promuckati. Preliti preko salate.
4) Ostaviti u frizider 2 sata. 

Ingredients: 300g broccoli, 300g cauliflower, 150g fresh cabbage, 150g carrots, 4 tablespoons parsley leaves (finely chopped), 2 tablespoons celery leaves (finely chopped), 1 stalk of celery, 100g almonds (cut on the leaves), 100g sunflower seeds, 100g seeds pumpkin, for dressing - 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 60ml of water, 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger (grated) or 1/4 teaspoon of powdered ginger, 2 teaspoons of honey, salt to taste.

1) Prepare broccoli and cauliflower. Grate the cabbage coarsely. Peel and shred carrots. Chop the celery stalk into cubes.
2) In a bowl, mix all ingredients.
3) Put the topping ingredients in a jar, close and shake. Pour over salad.

4) Leave in the fridge for 2 hours.

Krem od limuna 2 (Lemon cream 2)

Sastojci: 400ml jogurta, 100g kisele pavlake, 50ml soka od svezeg limuna, rendana kora limuna, 150ml mleka, 50g secera, 5 listica belog zelatina, 40g slaga + 100ml hladne vode..

1) Umutiti jogurt, kiselu pavlaku, sok od limuna, koru od limuna, mleko i secer.
2) Otopiti zelatin sa malo vode i ostaviti da nabubri. 

Ledeni frape od lubenice (Freezing watermelon smoothie)

Sastojci: 200g lubenice, 200g sladoleda od vanile, 500ml hladnog mleka, 2 kasike secera u prahu, 1 kasika ruma.

1) U blenderu usitniti lubenicu sa secerom u prahu.
2) U ciniji pomesati sladoled od vanile sa lubenicom. Dodati mleko i mikserom sve dobro sjediniti.

Ingredients: 200g watermelon, 200g vanilla ice cream, 500ml cold milk, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon rum.

1) Chop watermelon with powdered sugar in a blender.

2) In a bowl, mix vanilla ice cream with watermelon. Add milk and mix everything well with a mixer.

Kore za tortu od kestena (Chestnut crust for cake)

Sastojci: 500g kesten pirea, 6 jaja, 250g cokolade za kuvanje, 150g margarina, 2 kasike ruma, prstohvat soli.

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Cokoladu izlomiti na kocke.
2) Penasto umutiti belanca i so.
3) Umutiti zumanca. Dodati margarin i kesten pire i dobro sjediniti.
4) U belanca postepeno dodavati mesavinu zumanaca i kesten pirea mesajuci svaki put. 
5) Dodati rum i otopljenu cokoladu. Sve dobro sjediniti.
6) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 40 minuta.

Napomena: belanca se nece dobro umutiti ako zumanac upadne u belance i ako su vam ciniija i viljuska ili drske miksera mokre od vode.

Ingredients: 500g chestnut puree, 6 eggs, 250g cooking chocolate, 150g margarine, 2 tablespoons rum, a pinch of salt.

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Break the chocolate into cubes.
2) Whisk the egg whites and salt until foamy.
3) Whisk the egg yolks. Add margarine and chestnut puree and mix well.
4) Gradually add the egg yolk and chestnut puree mixture  to the egg whites, stirring each time.
5) Add rum and melted chocolate. Combine everything well.
6) Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 40 minutes.

Note: the egg whites will not whisk well if the egg yolk gets into the egg whites and if your bowl and fork or the handle of the mixer are wet with water.

Vocni dezert (Fruit dessert)

Sastojci: 40g pudinga u prahu + 450ml hladnog mleka, 300ml hladnog mleka, 100g slatke pavlake, 150g kisele pavlake, za vocni fil - 350g voca, 180g kisele pavlake (20%), 150 kisele pavlake, 2 kasike lucume u prahu, kakao u zrnu.

1) Umutiti mleko sa slatkom i kiselom pavlakom.
2) Umutiti obe kisele pavlake sa vocem i lucuma prahom.
3) U 100ml mleka razmutiti puding, da nema grudvica. U 350ml mleka staviti 2 kasike secera i pustiti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i dodati puding. Povremeno mesajuci kuvati 5 minuta.
4) U case ili cinije staviti fil od voca, preliti pudingom a odozgo belim filom. Ukrasiti zrnima kakaoa.

Ingredients: 40g pudding powder + 450ml cold milk, 300ml cold milk, 100g heavy cream, 150g sour cream, for fruit filling - 350g fruit, 180g sour cream (20%), 150 sour cream, 2 tablespoons lucuma powder, cocoa in beans.

1) Whisk the milk with sweet and sour cream.
2) Whisk both sour cream with fruit and lucuma powder.
3) Stir the pudding in 100 ml of milk so that there are no lumps. Put 2 tablespoons of sugar in 350 ml of milk and let it boil. Reduce to medium heat (4) and add pudding. Stir occasionally, cook for 5 minutes.

4) Put fruit filling in cups or bowls, pour over pudding and top with white filling. Garnish with cocoa beans.

Vocni fil sa gustinom (Fruit filling with starch)

Sastojci: 500g voca (jabuke, kruske, breskve, kajsije, maline, kupine, borovnice, jagode), 3 kasike vode, 3 kasike gustina, 1 kasika ruma, 20g vanilina secera.

1) Voce ocistiti i iseci na sitnije.
2) U serpu staviti voce i dodati vodu, gustin, rum i vanilin secer. Povremeno mesajuci kuvati 10 minuta.

Ingredients: 500g fruit (apples, pears, peaches, apricots, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries), 3 tablespoons water, 3 tablespoons starch, 1 tablespoon rum, 20g vanilla sugar.

1) Peel the fruits and cut it into small pieces.
2) Put fruits in a bowl and add water, starch, rum and vanilla sugar. Stirring occasionally, cook for 10 minutes.


Sastojci: 200g cokolade za kuvanje, 80g margarina, za fil - 180g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 3 kasike meda, 120g margarina, 80ml vode, 1 kasicica ekstrata. 

1) Otopiti cokoladu na pari, na srednjoj temperaturi (4). Dodati margarin i mesati da se otopi i sve sjedini.
2) U modle za cokoladu sipati po jednu kasiku cokolade.
3) Za fil - u serpicu staviti vodu. Dodati secer i kuvati da se malo zgusne. Dodati med i i margarin i mesati da se otopi i sjedini. Skloniti sa sporeta.
4) Mutiti mikserom dok se ne ohladi.
5) Dodati ekstrakt i mutiti minut dva da se sjedini.
6) Sipati preko cokolade do 2/3 kalupa. Preliti cokoladom. Ostavti da se stegne.

Ingredients: 200g cooking chocolate, 80g margarine, for filling - 180g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 3 tablespoons honey, 120g margarine, 80ml water, 1 teaspoon extract.

1) Melt over steam chocolate, at medium temperature (4). Add the margarine and mix to melt and combine everything.
2) Pour one tablespoon of chocolate into the chocolate molds.
3) For the filling - put water in the bowl. Add sugar and cook until slightly thickened. Add honey and margarine and stir to melt and combine. Remove from the stove.
4) Stir with a mixer until cool.
5) Add the extract and stir for two minutes to combine.
6) Pour over chocolate to 2/3 of the mold. Drizzle with chocolate. Allow to set.