Sastojci: 40 cvetova zove, 500 do 1 kg secera na 1 L soka od zove, 6 celih limunova, konzervans (opciono), limuntus u prahu (opciono), 4 L vode.
1. Oprati i potopiti cvetove zove u vodu.
2. Limun dobro oprati. Preseci limunove na pola i iscediti sok.
3. U serpu sa zovom dodati sok od limuna, i ostale delove limuna (sa korom, bez kostica).
4. Ostaviti da stoji 2 dana. Mesati povremeno.
5. Procediti.
6. Dodati secer (po ukusu).
7. Treci dan, dodati konzervans (ako pravite vecu kolicinu, i u letnje vreme tj. radi duzeg trajanja).
8. Jos dodati limuntus.
Napomena: limuntus se dodaje ako sok od zove nije dovoljno kiseo od limuna, po vasem ukusu.
9. Sve opet mesate da se otopi secer, i da se sjedine sok od limuna i limuntus, sa sokom od zove.
10. Kada se secer otopi, sipati u oprane flase i cuvati u frizideru.
11. Sirup sipati u casu, dodati vodu. Standardni odnos sirup voda je 1cm sirupa i 200 do 250ml vode.
Djole je prodavac mesovite robe i proizvoda, na-malo. Kategorija Namestaj. Tacnije, polovan namestaj. Vise o njemu i njegovim proizvodima, imate na linku - A ko je Djole.
Ingredients: 40 flowers of elderflowers, 500 to 1 kg sugar per 1 L of elderflowers juice, 6 whole lemons, preservative (optional), citric acid powder (optional), 4 L water.
1. Wash and soak the elderflowers in water.
2. Wash the lemons well. Cut the lemons in half and squeeze the juice.
3. Add lemon juice and other parts of the lemon (with peel, without pits) to the pot with the elderflowers.
4. Let it stand for 2 days. Stir occasionally.
5. Strain.
6. Add sugar (to taste).
7. On the third day, add preservative (if you are making a larger quantity, and in the summer, i.e. for a longer duration).
8. Add more citric acid, if needed.
Note: if the elderflower juice is not sour enough, you can add more citric acid to adjust the taste.
9. Mix everything again to dissolve the sugar, and to combine the lemon juice and citric acid, with the elderflower juice.
10. When the sugar dissolves, pour into washed bottles and store in the refrigerator.
11. Pour the syrup into a glass, add water. The standard ratio of syrup to water is 1 cm of syrup and 200 to 250 ml of water.
And who is Djole?
Djole is a seller of mixed goods and products. Category Furniture. More precisely, used furniture.
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