Sastojci: 500ml mleka, 280g šećera, 20g vanilin secera, 500g mlevenog keksa, 200g oraha (100g mlevenih i 100g sekanih), 250g margarina, 1 pakovanje oblandi.
1. Staviti mleko u serpu i pustiti da prokljuca.
2. Dodadti šećer i vanilin secer i mesati povremeno da secer ne bi zagoreo.
3. Dodati margarin i pustiti da se otopi. Skloniti sa sporeta.
4. Dodati keks i orahe. Promesati da se sjedini.
5. Ostaviti da se fil ohladi.
6. Filovati svaku koru oblande i redjati jednu na drugu. Zavrsiti sa listom oblande.
7. Preko zadnje oblande staviti papir za pecenje a odzgo nekoliko teskih knjiga. Ostaviti nekoliko sati da se stegne.
8. Seci zeljene oblike.
Ingredients: 500ml milk, 280g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 500g ground biscuits, 200g walnuts (100g ground and 100g chopped), 250g margarine, 1 package of wafers.
1. Put the milk in a saucepan and let it boil.
2. Add sugar and vanilla sugar and stir occasionally so that the sugar does not burn.
3. Add margarine and let it melt. Remove from the stove.
4. Add biscuits and walnuts. Stir to combine.
5. Leave the filling to cool.
6. Fill each wafer crust and arrange one on top of the other. End with the waffer sheet.
7. Put baking paper over the last wafer and a few heavy books on top. Leave it for a few hours to harden.
8. Cut the desired shapes.
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