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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Biskvit kolac sa srcem (Biscuit cake with a heart)

Sastojci: za biskvit 3 jaja, 150g margarina (sobne temperature), 130g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 200g brasna, 30g gustina, 2 kasike mleka, 10g praska za pecivo, za srce - 140g brasna, 20g gustina, 120ml mleka, 60g margarina (sobne temperature), 1 jaje, 120g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 1 kasicica crvene boje za hranu, za dekoraciju - 200g bele cokolade, 100ml slatke pavlake, malo crvene boje za kolace.


Za crvena srca

1. Mikserom umutiti margarin sa šećerom i vanin secerom.

2. Dodati jaje i mutiti mikserom.

3. Dodati mleko, vanilin šećer i boju za kolace. Mešati dok ne postane homogeno.

4. Prosejati brašno i gustin zajedno i dodati u prethodnu smesu. Sve dobro sjediniti.

5. Pravougaoni pleh za hleb namazati margarinom i posuti brasnom.

6. Sipati smesu kalup za kolače i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 170 C 30-35 minuta ili dok čačkalica koju bocnete u sredinu ne izadje suva. 

7. Ostaviti u kalupu da se ohladi oko 30 minuta.

8. Izvaditi, staviti na resetku i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi.

9. Manjim kalupom za srce vaditi srca. 

10. Redjati srca jedan do drugog, bez razmaka, zapravo kao da su slepljeni duzine kalupa za hleb. 

11. Uviti u foliju i staviti u zamrzivac 4h.

Za biskvit

12. Penasto umutiti margarin sa šećerom i vanilin secerom.

13. Dodati umucena jaja, mleko i promesati.

14. Pomesati brasno sa praškom za pecivo i gustinom i prosejati u prethodnu smesu. Sve dobro sjediniti.

15. Margarinom namazati kalup za hleb i posuti brasnom. Stavite sloj belog testa za kolače. Na njega u sredinu stavite sledjenu plocu od crvenih srca i preliti ostalom smesom.

16. Peci u prethodno zagrejnoj rerni na 170 C oko 35 do 40 minuta. 

17. Ostaviti da se ohladi 30 minuta. Izvaditi na resetku i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi.

Za crveni ganas

18. Staviti slatku pavlaku u serpicu i zagrejati ali paziti da ne prokljuca.

19. U dublju serpu staviti vodu do pola i pustiti da kljuca. U drugu manju serpicu ili posudu staviti izlomljenu na kocke belu cokoladu i mesati da se otopi.

Paziti da vrijuca voda iz vece serpe ne dodiruje manju serpicu ili posudu u kojoj je cokolada.

20. Skloniti sa sporeta. Dodati crvenu boju i dobro sjediniti.

21. Preliti preko biskvit kolaca i ostaviti da se ohladi i stegne.

Ingredients: for sponge cake - 3 eggs, 150g margarine (room temperature), 130g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 200g flour, 30g corn starch, 2 tablespoons milk, 10g baking powder, for the hearts - 140g flour, 20g corn starch, 120ml milk, 60g margarine (room temperature),1 egg, 120g sugar, 20g of vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon of red food coloring, for decoration - 200g of white chocolate, 100ml of heavy cream, a little red color for cakes. 


For red hearts 

1. Beat margarine with sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer. 

2. Add the egg and beat with a mixer. 

3. Add milk, and cake coloring. Mix until it becomes homogeneous. 

4. Sift the flour and cornstarch together and add it to the previous mixture. Mix well.

5. A pan for the bread, long one, spread with butter and sprinkle with flour.

6. Pour the mixture into a pan and bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out dry. 

7. Leave in the pan to cool for about 30 minutes. 

8. Take it out, put it on a wire rack and let it cool completely. 

9. Use a smaller heart mold to cut out the hearts. 

10. Arrange the hearts next to each other, without spacing, in fact as if they were glued together to the length of a bread pan. 

11. Wrap in foil and put in the freezer for 4 hours. 

For a biscuit 

12. Beat margarine with sugar and vanilla sugar until foamy. 

13. Add beaten eggs, milk and stir. 

14. Mix flour with baking powder and sift into the previous mixture. Combine everything well. 

15. Grease a bread pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour. Place a layer of white cookie dough. Place the layer of red hearts on it in the middle and cover with the rest of the mixture.

16. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for about 35 to 40 minutes. 

17. Leave to cool for 30 minutes. Remove to a wire rack and leave to cool completely. 

For the red ganache 

18. Put the heavy cream in a saucepan and heat it, but be careful not to boil it. 

19. Put the water in a deep pot to the half of it and let it boil. Put the cubed white chocolate in another small saucepan or bowl and stir until it melts. 

Make sure that the boiling water from the larger pot does not touch the smaller saucepan or the bowl containing the chocolate. 

20. Remove from the stove. Add red color and mix well. 21. Pour over the biscuit cake and leave to cool.

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