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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Kako zaviti kupovne kore u rolat + 2 recepta? (How to roll store bought phyllo crusts + 2 recipes?)

Slane pite i rolati

Sa jajima, kiselom pavlakom pecenicom i piletinom

Sastojci: 3 lista kore za gibanicu (deblje kore), 150g kisele pavlake, 2 manja jaja ili 1 vece, fil po izboru (vidi u koracima 3., 4. i 5.): suhomesnato, pilece meso, kackavalj.

0. Umutiti jaja viljuskom.
1. Dodati kiselu pavlaku i sjediniti.
1. Staviti jedan list kore i premazati mesavinom jaja i kisele pavlake.
2. Staviti drugi list kore i opet premazati istim.

3. Staviti trecu koru i premazati da istim. Zatim gore poredjati listove sunke, mortadele, pecenice ili pancete ili suvog vrata. Poredjati do ivica kora.
4. Preko sunke poredjati belo meso (snicle ili cupkano meso). Ostaviti 1.5cm prazno od ivice.
5. Preko izrendati kackavalj (gauda, trapist i sl.).
6. Uviti rolat.
7. Rolat premazati mesavinom kisele pavlake i jaja.
8. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 30 minuta.
6.Rolat izvaditi iz rerne, prekriti krpom i ostaviti da se ohladi.

Slatke pite i rolati

Slatka pita sa visnjama i kremom od griza i pudinga

Sastojci: 12 kora za pitu (tanje kore), 300g višanja (bez kostica), 240ml jogurta, 120ml ulja, krem od griza i pudinga

1. Skuvati krem od griza i pudinga. Ostaviti da se ohladi. 
2. Pomesati jogurt i ulje.
3. Staviti jednu koru i premazati mesavinom ulja i jogurta. Preko staviti drugu koru i isto premazati. Preko staviti trecu koru pa i nju premazati. Staviti cetvrtu koru pa namazati sa trecinom krema i ravnomerno rasporediti. Odozgo staviti 100g visanja.
4. Pazljivo urolati.
5. Ponoviti i sa ostalim korama.
6. Svaki rolat premazati mesavinom jogurta i ulja odozgo i sa strane.
7. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 35 do 40 minuta.
8. Izvaditi iz rerne i ostaviti da se ohladi.

Savory pies and rolls

With eggs, sour cream, deli meats and chicken

Ingredients: 3 sheets of phyllo dough crusts (thick crust), 150g of sour cream, 2 small eggs or 1 larger, a filling of your choice (see steps 3, 4 and 5): dried poŕk neck, panceta, smoked pork tenderloin, chicken meat, yellow cheese.

0. Beat the eggs with a fork.
1. Add sour cream and combine.
1. Put one sheet of phyllo crust and coat it with a mixture of eggs and sour cream.
2. Put another sheet of crust and coat with the same again.
3. Put the third crust and coat with the same. Then arrange the leaves of ham on top. Arrange to the edges of the crust.
4. Arrange the white meat (filets or chopped meat) over the ham. Leave 1.5cm empty on the edges.
5. Grate cheese (gouda, Trappist, etc.) on top.
6. Roll  the phyllo crust.
7. Coat the roll with a mixture of sour cream and eggs.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 30 minutes.
6. Remove the roll from the oven, cover with a kitchen cloth and leave to cool.

Sweet pies and rolls

Sweet pie with cherries and semolina pudding cream

Ingredients: 12 phyllo dough crusts (thin crusts), 300g sour cherries (pitted), 240ml buttermilk, 120ml oil, semolina and pudding cream.

1. Cook semolina and pudding cream. Leave to cool.
2. Mix yogurt and oil.
3. Put one phyllo ďough crust and coat it with a mixture of oil and buttermilk. Place the second phyllo crust on top and spread the same coating. Put the third crust on top and coat it as well. Put the fourth crust and spread it with a third of the cream and distribute it evenly. Put 100g of sour cherries on top.
4. Carefully roll up.
5. Repeat with the other crusts.
6. Coat each roll with a mixture of buttermilk and oil on top and on the sides.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 35 to 40 minutes.
8. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

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