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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Cokoladna srca sa marcipanom (Chocolate hearts with marzipan)

Sastojci: 100g crne čokolade, 120g bele cokolade, 120g marcipana od badem, za ukrasavanje - bela cokolada, crna cokolada, malo slatke pavlake (opciono).


1. Otopiti cokoladu izlomljenu na kocke na pari.

2. Otopiti belu cokoladu izlomljenu na kocke na pari.

Smesa se meša brzo dok se ne dobije glatka i lepljiva smesa.

3. Skloniti sa sporeta i dodati malo crvene boje. Promesati da se izjednaci.

4. U silikonski kalup u obliku srca se stavlja čokolada na dno i ivice u tanjem sloju. Ostaviti da se stegne. 

5. Postupak ponoviti jos jednom i ostaviti da se stegne na hladnom mestu.

6. Puniti srca marcipanom od badema.

 7. Preko njega se zatvori crvenom čokoladom.

8. Coko srca se ostave na hladnom da se stegnu.

9. Izvaditi iz kalupa.

10. Mozete ukrasiti samo otopljenom cokoladom ili otopiti cokoladu sa slatkom pavlakom u odnosu 2:1. Dva dela cokolade i jedan deo slatke pavlake.

Ingredients: 100g dark chocolate, 120g white chocolate, 120g almond marzipan, for decoration - white chocolate, dark chocolate, a little heavy cream (optional). 


1. Melt the chocolate broken into cubes over steam. 

2. Melt the white chocolate broken into cubes over steam. The mixture is mixed quickly until a smooth and sticky mixture is obtained. 

3. Remove from heat and add a little red color. Stir to combine well. 

4. Chocolate is placed in a thin layer on the bottom and edges of a heart-shaped silicone mold. Leave to set. 5. Repeat the process once more and leave it to harden in a cool place. 

6. Fill hearts with almond marzipan.

7. Cover it with red chocolate. 

8. Leave the hearts in the cold to harden. 

9. Remove from the mold. 

10. You can decorate only with melted chocolate or melt chocolate with heavy cream in a ratio of 2:1. Two parts of chocolate and one part of sweet cream.

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