Sastojci: 600 g ćurećeg belog mesa, za marinadu - 10 kašika maslinovog ulja, 3 kašike meda, 1 kasicica mlevenog djumbira, 2 kašike kore pomorandže (rendana), 80ml soka od pomorandže (sveze cedjenog), 4 kašike jabukovog sirćeta, 4 čena belog luka, 1 kasicice timijana (suvog), 1 kasicica ruzmarina (suvog), 1 kasicica bosiljka (suvog), za pire - 8 krompira, 1 koren celera, 2 kašike gi putera, 125ml bademovog mleka.
1. Pomesati sastojke za marinadu. Stàviti curece meso i lepo ga obloziti sa svih strana marinadom.
2. Staviti u frizider na 4 sata a moze i preko noci.
3. Pleh obloziti papirom za pecenje, poredjati curece meso i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 30 minuta. U toku pečenja prelivati marinadom.
4. Ostavite meso da se malo ohladi; zatim seci.
5. Krompir i koren celera oprati, oljustiti i oprati. Iseci na kocke.
6. Staviti u serpu, preliti vodom i kad prokljuca smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati 20 do 30 minuta zavisno od velicine kocki.
Kad probodete viljuskom treba da spadne krompir.
7. Dodajte bademovo mleko i gi puter i sve zajedno izgnječite.
Ingredients: 600 g of turkey white meat, for the marinade - 10 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger, 2 tablespoons of orange peel (grated), 80 ml of orange juice (freshly squeezed), 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon thyme (dry), 1 teaspoon rosemary (dry), 1 teaspoon of basil (dry), for puree - 8 potatoes, 1 celery root, 2 tablespoons of ghee butter, 125 ml of almond milk.
1. Mix the ingredients for the marinade. Put the turkey meat and cover it nicely on all sides with the marinade.
2. Put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight.
3. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, arrange the turkey meat and bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 30 minutes. Pour the marinade over the meat during baking.
4. Let the meat cool slightly; then cut.
5. Wash the potatoes and celery root, peel and wash. Cut into cubes.
6. Place in a saucepan, cover with water and when it boils, reduce to medium heat (4) and cook for 20 to 30 minutes depending on the size of the cubes.
When pierced with a fork, the potatoes should fall off.
7. Add the almond milk and butter and mash everything together.
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