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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Zelene heljdine knedle punjene mocarelom (Green buckwheat dumpling filled with mozzarella)

Sastojci: 1 kg heljdinog brašna (grubog), 200g starog crnog hleba, 50ml mleka (hladnog), 1 jaje, 20ml ulja, 50g spanaća (kuvanog), ½ glavice kupusa, 1/2 praziluka, 3 kašike vlasca, so, hladna voda po potrebi, za punjenje - mocarela, pršuta.


1. Stari crni hleb iseći na kockice i potopiti u mleko preko noći. Cuvati u frizideru.

2. Spanać, kupus, praziluk i vlasac iseći i pomesati sa hlebom.

3. Dodati heljdino brašno, ulje, jaje i so i promešati.

4. Nakon mešanja testa postepeno dodavati hladnu vodu. Mesite dok se ne formira glatko testo.

5. Pokrijte posudu s testom i ostavite da odstoji sat vremena.

6. Mokrim rukama oblikovati loptice.

7. U sredinu stavite parče mocarele i formirajte lopticu. Možete ga puniti pršutom umesto mocarele.

8. U posoljenoj ključaloj vodi kuvati 20 minuta ili dok ne bude gotovo u zavisnosti od veličine knedle.

9. Poslužite sa hrskavim prženim lukom ili salatom od kiselog kupusa.

Ingredients: 1 kg buckwheat flour (coarse), 200g stale brown bread, 50ml milk (cold), 1 egg, 20ml oil, 50g spinach (cooked), 1/2 head of cabbage, 1/2 leek, 3 tbsp chives, salt, cold water as needed, for stuffing - mozzarella, prosciutto.


1. Cut the stale brown bread in cubes and soak in milk overnight. Keep in the fridge.

2. Cut the spinach, cabbage, leek and chives and add them to the bread.

3. Add buckwheat flour, oil, egg and salt and mix.

4. Add cold water gradually after kneading the dough. Knead until a smooth dough is formed.

5. Cover the bowl with dough and allow it to rest for an hour.

6. With wet hands shape into balls.

7. In the middle put a piece of mozzarella and form a ball. You can stuff it with prosciutto instead of mozzarella.

8. In salted boiling water simmer for 20 minutes or until done depending on the size of dumpling.

9. Serve with crispy fried onions or sour cabbage salad.

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