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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Kadaif turski rezanci (Kadayif Turkish noodles)

Sastojci: 200g brašna, 160g kukuruznog skroba, 4g morske soli, 2 kašike biljnog ulja, 500ml vode.


1. Pomesati brašno, kukuruzni skrob i morsku so u činiji. Promesati.

2. Dodajte ulje i vodu i umutite dok ne postane glatko.

3. Procedite testo kroz sito da biste bili sigurni da je bez grudvica.

4. Sipajte testo u kesu sa veoma malom rupom na vrhu.

5. Zagrejati tiganj na srednjoj vatri (5) dok se ne bude veoma vruce.

6. Lagano stisnite kesu kako biste raspršili vrlo tanak mlaz testa kružnim pokretima, počevši od sredine tiganja i krećući se ka ivici tiganja.

7. Posle 5 do 10 sekundi, testo će početi da se ljušti od tiganha. Zatim nežno ga pokupite hvataljkama i stavite u posudu.

8. Pokrijte činiju kuhinjskom krpom i nastavite sa ovim procesom dok se ne potroši svo testo.

9. Uzlomite rezance na manje delove pre nego što ih upotrebite u svom receptu.

Napomen: ako primetite da je pecivo smeđe kada ga izvadite iz tiganja, to znači da je temperatura previsoka i da je potrebno podesiti. Rezanci treba da ostanu beli.

Ingredients: 200g all-purpose flour, 160g cornstarch, 4g sea salt, 2 tablespoon vegetable oil, 500ml water.


1. Mix flour, cornstarch, and sea salt in a bowl. Stir.

2. Add oil and water and whisk until smooth.

3. Strain the batter through a sieve to make sure the batter is lump-free.

4. Pour the batter into a squeeze (piping) bag with a very small hole cut into the top.

5. Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat (5) until it's very hot.

6. Gently squeeze the bottle to dispense a very thin stream of batter in a circular motion, starting from the centre of the pan and working towards the edge of the pan.

7. After 5 to 10 seconds, the pastry will begin to peel off of the pan. Once it does, gently pick it up with a spatula and drop it into a bowl.

8. Cover the bowl with a kitchen cloth and continue this process until all the batter is used up.

9. Shred the noodles into smaller sections before using them in your recipe.

Note: if you notice that the pastry is brown when you remove it from the pan it means the heat is too high and needs to be adjusted. The noodles should remain white.

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