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Friday, May 17, 2024

Za ekstremne bolove i grceve PMS-a (For PMS extreme pain and cramps)

Kada imate ekstremne - veoma jake bolove u donjem delu stomaka za vreme PMS-a tesko da mozete da probate jednu po jednu stvar da vidite koja ce da vam pomogne. Barem je tako kod mene. Mozda zato sto imam miome pa mi oni dodatno stvaraju bolove cak i kad nisam u PMS-u.

Najbolja stvar za mene su Femisan A kapi.

Ako mozete sebi da priustite mozete piti 2 meseca, napraviti pauzu od 2 nedelje i opet piti 2 meseca. Ovako mozete ponoviti jos dva puta. Znaci 8 meseci sa pauzama od 2 nedelje posle svaka 2 meseca.

Pije se 60 kapi u pola case vode pola sata pre dorucka i isto tako pre vecere.

Bolovi u PMS-u retki i blagi.

Ako ne mozete to sebi da priustite, savet je da se pije 5 dana pre ciklusa, po 30 kapi pola sata pre dorucka i vecere (60 kapi dnevno). A za vreme PMS puna doza, od 60 kapi dva puta dnevno (navedeno gore).

Ako pijete po 120 kapi na dan, bocica od 30ml trajace vam 5 dana.

Cena, sad u ovom trenutku dok pisem, za jednu bocicu od 30ml je 1.137 dinara. 

Ako ste iz Beograda, Srbija, nesto jeftinije mozete naci u apoteci Baofarm koja se nalazi na tri lokacije:

Kod Cvetkove pijace, u Bulevaru Kralja Aleksandra 336,

u Zemunu preko puta doma zdravlja u Rada Koncara (Silerova), Zagorska 3,

Na Crvenom Krstu, Branka Krsmanovica 14.

Ja pijem Femisan A kapi povremeno vec 3 godine.

Drugo sto meni izuzetno pomaze u smanjenju grceva i bolova koji dolaze na svaka 4h a traju po 45 minuta, je caj od nevena, rinfuz, sto se cedi.

Trece sto radim je masaza koju ja zovem “Trougao masaza”. Masirate na levom stopalu unutrasnji deo kod koske. Stavite levu nogu na desnu dok sedite ili dok lezite i od sredine koske pravite zamisljenu liniju na dole do pocetka pete. Zatim idete pravo - duz tabana, do jedne trecine, odatle se vracate do sredine koske.

To je trougao. To su jajnici. Masirati taj deo blago do umereno jako nekoliko minuta. Na desnom stopalu, masirati spoljasnji deo - trougao je isti kao i kod levog stopala.

Link na jutjubu moze vam pomoci u detaljima (na Engleskom je). Refleksologija za PMS bolove.

Skoro, 07.05.2024. godine, sam pocela da pijem Moringa prah. Doduse ne zbog PMS-a vec zbog drugih stvari. Vise o tome u clanku Dobrobiti i nuspojave moringa praha.

Ja sam pocela sa ¼ kasicice u 200ml mlake vode posle dorucka. Tako sam pila 3 dana. Ima ukus i miris zelene trave. Cetiri dana sam pila po ⅓ kasicice posle dorucka, a dane posle toga po ⅓ kasicice posle dorucka i pred spavanje ali posle jela.

Preporuka je da se pije prvih 7 (sedam) dana po 1 kasicica = 5g a posle po 2 kasicice na dan. Pije se najvise 6 meseci. 

Naravno zavisi za sta je koristite. Generalno poboljsanje se moze osetiti  od 3 nedelje do 3 meseca, tako barem kazu.

Ja imam drugacije iskustvo ali to ce biti u onom clanku o moringa prahu.

When you have extreme - very bad pain in your lower abdomen during PMS, it's hard to try one thing at a time to see which one will help. At least that's how it is for me. Maybe because I have fibroids, so they give me extra pain even when I'm not in PMS.

The best thing for me is Femisan A herbal drops for feminine health.

If you can afford it, you can drink for 2 months, take a break of 2 weeks and drink again for 2 months. You can repeat this two more times. That means 8 months with breaks of 2 weeks after every 2 months.

Drink 60 drops in half a glass of water half an hour before breakfast and also before dinner.

PMS pains are rare and mild.

If you cannot afford it, the advice is to drink 5 days before the cycle, 30 drops half an hour before breakfast and dinner (60 drops per day). And during PMS full dose, 60 drops twice a day (mentioned above).

If you drink 120 drops a day, a 30ml bottle will last you 5 days.

The price, at this moment as I write, for one bottle of 30 ml is 1,137 dinars.

If you are from Belgrade, Serbia, you can find something cheaper at the Baofarm pharmacy, which is located in three locations:

Near Cvetkova pijaca, at Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 336,

in Zemun across from the health centre in Rada Koncara (Sillerova), Zagorska 3,

On Crveni Krst (the Red Cross), Branka Krsmanovica 14.

I have been drinking Femisan A drops occasionally for 3 years.

Another thing that helps me tremendously in reducing cramps and pains that come every 4 hours and last for 45 minutes is calendula tea, in bulk, which is strained.

The third thing I do is a massage that I call "Triangle massage". On the left foot, massage the inner part near the bone. Place your left foot on top of your right while sitting or lying down and make an imaginary line from the middle of the bone down to the beginning of the heel. Then you go straight - along the sole, up to one third, from there you return to the middle of the bone.

It's a triangle. It's the ovaries. Massage the area gently to moderately hard for several minutes. On the right foot, massage the outer part - the triangle is the same as for the left foot.

The YouTube link can help you with the details (it's in English). Reflexology for PMS pain.

Almost, from 07.05.2024., I started drinking Moringa powder myself. Not because of PMS, but because of other things. More about this in the article Benefits and side effects of moringa powder.

I started with ¼ teaspoon in 200ml of lukewarm water after breakfast. I drank like that for 3 days. It has the taste and smell of green grass. For four days, I drank ⅓ of a teaspoon after breakfast, and in the days after that ⅓ of a teaspoon after breakfast and before going to bed but after eating.

It is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon = 5g for the first 7 (seven) days and then 2 teaspoons a day. It is drunk for a maximum of 6 months.

Of course, it depends on what you use it for. The general improvement can be felt from 3 weeks to 3 months, or so they say.

I have a different experience, but that will be in the article about moringa powder.

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