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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Kako pripremiti brokoli (How to prepare broccoli)

Brokoli je bogat vitaminom C, folnom kiselinom i vlaknima.

Na isti nacin mozete pripremiti i karfiol.

Kako pripremiti i ocistiti brokoli

Ako ste kupili brokoli u prodavnici, dobro isprati vodom. Ako imate brokoli iz vase baste, potopite u slanu vodu na 10 minuta, a zatim dobro isperite vodom.

Isecite glavnu drsku brokolija, jer taj deo je tvrdji i nije ukusan. Iseci jestivi deo drski do krune brokolija (koje mozete sitno iseckati i dodati u corbe). Iseci cvetove brokolija na manje ili vece komade, zavisno za sta ih koristite. Za salatu mozete iseci na manje, a umakanje na vece delove.

Kako pripremiti i ocistiti brokoli 2

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tuna pljeskavice sa senfom (Tuna patties with mustard)

Sastojci: 2 konzerve tune u komadu (2x170g), 1 kasika senfa, 1 parce hleba (sredina), 3 kasike prezli + jos ako je potrebno, rendana kora od jednog limuna, 1 kasika soka od svezeg limuna, 2 belanceta, 3-4 masline (opcionalno), 2 kasike mladog luka (sitno seckanog) ili 2 cena belog luka (sitno seckanog), 2 kasike vlasca (sitno seckanog), 2 kasike svezeg persuna (sitno seckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog, so po ukusu, 2+4 kasike maslinovog ulja, 2 kasike margarina.


Napomena: 2 kasike maslinovog ulja koristite samo ako je tuna u vodi. Ako je tuna u ulju, staviti prvo ulje iz tune pa dodati resto ulja do 2 kasike.

1. Tunu ocediti od vode ili ulja (sacuvati). Izgnjeciti viljuskom. Belanca penasto umutiti. Masline sitno iseckati. Skinuti koru sa hleba, a sredinu sitno iscepkati.
2. U ciniji pomesati tunu, senf, hleb, prezle (3 kasike), rendanu koru od limuna, sok od limuna, masline, mladi luk (ili beli luk), vlasac, persun, so, 2 kasike ulja.
3. Dodati umucena belanca i sve dobro promesati. Ostaviti u frizideru 2 sata.
4. Formirati pljeskavice. Ako je potrebno dodati jos malo prezli da se dobije kompaktna smesa. 
5. U tiganj staviti 4 kasike ulja i margarin. Kad se margarin otopi, smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4), i prziti pljeskavice sa svake strane oko 3-4 minuta, zavisno od debljine.
6. Na papirne ubruse redjati pljeskavice da upiju visak ulja.

Predlog: pljeskavice od tune mozete posluziti uz Tartar sos. Mozete napraviti Tuna pljeskavice.

Ingredients: 2 cans of tuna, chunks (2x170g), 1 tablespoon mustard, 1 slice of bread (middle), 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs + more if needed, grated zest of one lemon, 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, 2 egg whites, 3-4 olives (optional) 2 tablespoons green onions (finely chopped) or 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped), 2 tablespoons chives (finely chopped), 2 tablespoons fresh parsley (chopped) or 2 teaspoons of dried, salt to taste, 2+4 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons margarine.


Note: use 2 tablespoons olive oil only if the tuna is in water. If the tuna is in oil, put the first oil from the tuna and add rest of oil to 2 tablespoons.

1. Drain tuna from water or oil (preserve). Squeeze with fork. Whisk egg whites until foamy. Finely chop the olives. Remove the crust from the bread, and break middle into smal pieces.
2. In bowl, combine the tuna, mustard, bread, bread crumbs (3 tbsp) grated lemon peel, lemon juice, olives, green onions (or garlic), chives, parsley, salt, 2 tablespoons oil.
3. Add the beaten egg whites and cmbine well. Leave in the fridge for 2 hours.
4. Form patties. If necessary add a little more bread crumbs to get a compact mixture.
5. In a frying pan put 4 tablespoons oil and margarine. When the butter has melted, reduce to medium temperature (4), and fry patties on each side about 3-4 minutes, depending on thickness.
6. Arrange patties on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Suggestion: tuna patties can be served with Tartar sauce.

Kako ispeci beli luk u rerni (How to roast garlic in the oven)

Sastojci: glavice belog luka, maslinovo ulje, alu folija.


1. Oljustiti i skinuti rep glavice belog luka, ali ostavite ljuske sa cenova.
2. Sa svakog cena belog luka odseci vrh, oko 1 cm.
3. U pleh za mafine (proje) ili obican pleh, staviti glavice belog luka sa isecenom stranom gore. Poprskati sa maslinovim uljem i kasicicom razmazati preko isecenih delova belog luka.
4. Pokriti sa alu folijom i zatvoriti sa svih strana.
5. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 30-40 minuta ili dok beli luk ne omeksa. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
6. Vrhom noza zaseci svaki cen (izmedju ljuske i cena belog luka), pa prstima istisnuti cenove iz ljuski; ili uz pomoc male viljuske izvaditi cenove. 

Ingredients: garlic bulbs, olive oil, tin foil.


1. Peel and remove the tail head of garlic, but leave the garlic shells.
2. From each clove of garlic cut top, about 1 cm.
3. In baking dish for muffins (corn bread) or plain baking sheet, put heads of garlic with the cut side up. Spray with olive oil and with teaspoon smear over the cut pieces of garlic.
4. Cover with tin föil and close on all sides.
5. Bake in the preheated oven at 200 ° C for 30-40 minutes or until garlic is tender. Allow to cool.

6. with a tip of a knife to cut a little (between shells and garlic cloves) every clove of garlic, and squeeze with fingers from shells; or with the help of small fork remove garlic cloves.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Zacinjen krem sir (Seasoned cream cheese)

Sastojci: 250g krem sira (sobne temperature).


1. Pomesati krem sa zeljenom kombinacijom zacina.


Sa biljem: 4 kasike bosiljka (svezeg) ili 4 kasicice suvog, 1 kasika svezeg persuna (sitno iseckanog) ili 1 kasicica suvog, 2 kasike svezeg vlasca (sitno iseckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog.

Sa biljem i belim lukom 1: 1 kasicica origana (suvog), 1/2 kasicice timijana (suvog),  1/2 kasicice belog luka (u prahu).

Sa biljem i belim lukom 2: 1 kasika origana (suvog), 1/2 kasicice timijana (suvog), 1 kasika svezeg persuna (sitno iseckanog) ili 1 kasicica suvog, 1/2 kasicice bosiljka (suvog), 1/2 kasicice mirodjije (suve), 2-3 cena belog luka (sitno seckanog).

Sa sokom od limuna: 2 kasike soka od svezeg limuna, rendana kora od jednog limuna, 2 kasike sveze mirodjije (sitno seckane) ili 2 kasicice suve. 

Sa mladim lukom: 70g mladog luka (sitno seckanog), 2 kasike sargarepe (rendane).

Sa pecenim belim lukom: 1 glavica belog luka (pecenog), 1 kasika svezeg persuna (sitno seckanog) ili 1 kasicica suvog, 2 kasike svezeg vlasca (sitno seckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog.

Sa rotkvicama i biljem: 200g rotkvica (sitno seckanih)+1/4 kasicice soli, 100g feta sira (izgnjecenog), 2 kasike svezeg vlasca (sitno seckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog, 2 kasike svezeg persuna (sitno seckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog, 1 kasika sveze mirodjije (sitno seckane) ili 1 kasicica suve, rendana kora od jednog limuna.

Napomena: rotkvice oprati, oljustiti i iseci na kockice. Posoliti i ostaviti 30 minuta da puste vodu. Ocediti. 


Sa medom i orasima: 4 kasike meda, 100g oraha (50g sitno seckanih, 50g mlevenih), 1 kasicica cimeta, 10g vanilin secera. 

Sa vocem konzervisanim u rumu: 100g voca (izgnjecenog). 

Voce konzervisano u rumu 1
Voce konzervisano u rumu 2
Voce konzervisano u rumu 3
Voce konzervisano u rumu 4

Zacinjen krem sir mozete posluziti uz Kuvane djevreke

Ingredients: 250g of cream cheese (room temperature).


1. Mix the cream with the desired combination of spices.


With herbs: 4 tablespoons of basil (fresh) or 4 teaspoons dry, 1 tbsp fresh parsley (finely chopped) or 1 teaspoon dried, 2 tablespoons fresh chives (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons dried.

With herbs and garlic 1: 1 teaspoon of oregano (dried), 1/2 teaspoon thyme (dried) 1/2 teaspoon garlic (powder).

With herbs and garlic 2: 1 tablespoon of oregano (dried), 1/2 teaspoon thyme (dried), 1 tablespoon fresh parsley (finely chopped) or 1 teaspoon dried, 1/2 teaspoon basil (dried) 1/2 teaspoon dill (dry), 2-3 cloves garlic (finely chopped).

With lemon juice: 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, grated zest of one lemon, 2 tablespoons fresh dill (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons dry.

With green onions: 70g green onions (finely chopped), 2 tablespoons carrots (grated).

With roasted garlic: 1 bulb of garlic (roasted and squeezed), 1 tablespoon fresh parsley (finely chopped) or 1 teaspoon dried, 2 tablespoons fresh chives (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons dried.

With radishes and herbs: 200g radish (cut into cubes)+/4 tsp salt, 100g feta cheese (mashed), 2 tablespoons fresh chives (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons of dried, 2 tablespoons fresh parsley (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons dried, 1 tablespoon fresh dill (finely chopped) or 1 teaspoon dried, grated zest of one lemon.

Note: wash radish, peel and cut into cubes. Add salt and leave for 30 minutes to let the water. Drain.


With honey and walnuts: 4 tablespoons honey, 100g walnuts (50g finely chopped, 50g of ground), 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 10g vanilla sugar.

With fruits preserved in rum: 100g fruit (mashed).

Fruit preserved in rum 1
Fruit preserved in rum 2
Fruit preserved in rum 3
Fruit preserved in rum 4

Spiced cream cheese can be served with Cooked bagels.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Musaka od patlidzana, tikvica i kackavalja (Eggplant, zucchini and yellow cheese moussaka)

Sastojci: 1 patlidzan, 1-2 tikvice, 300g sosa paradajza, 400g svajcarskog sira, 100g parmezana (rendanog na sitno), malo maslinovog ulja.


1. Patlidzan i tikvice oljustiti i iseci na kolutove. Sir iseci na listove. 
2. Vatrostalnu posudu blago premazati maslinovim uljem. Poredjati kolutove patlidzana na dno. Preliti sa 150g sosa od paradajza. Odozgo staviti 200g sira. 
3. Preko sira poredjati kolutove tikvica. Odozgo staviti 200g sira i preliti sa 150g sosa od paradajza. Posuti sa parmezanom.
4. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 20 minuta.

Ingredients: 1 eggplant, 1-2 zucchini, 300g tomato sauce, 400g Swiss cheese 100g Parmesan cheese (grated), a little olive oil.


1. Peel eggplant and zucchini and cut into slices. Cut Swiss cheese into sheets.
2. Ovenproof dish coat mildly with olive oil. Arrange the eggplant slices on the bottom. Pour 150g of tomato sauce. From above put 200g of Swiss cheese.
3. Over the cheese slices place zucchini slices. From above put 200g of Swiss cheese and pour 150g of the tomato sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese on top.
4. Bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for about 20 minutes.

Pljeskavice od brokolija i karfiola (Broccoli and cauliflower patties)

Sastojci: 500g brokolija, 500g karfiola, 180g cedar sira (rendanog), 4-5 belanaca, 4 kasike prezli, 1/4 kasicice muskatnog oraha, 2-3 cena belog luka, 4 kasike persuna (sitno iseckanog), so, maslinovo ulje za przenje.


1. Pripremiti brokoli i karfiol. Brokoli ocistite, iseci na cvetove, drske takodje iseckajte. Karfiol ocistite i odstranite drske. Beli luk oljustite i sitno iseckajte. 
2. U serpu staviti cvetove karfiola, preliti vodom i pustiti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4), poklopiti i kuvati oko 10 minuta; 3-4 minuta pred kraj kuvanja dodati cvetove i drske brokolija.
3. Brokoli i karfiol staviti u cediljku i preliti hladnom tekucom vodom. Ostaviti da se prohladi pa sitno iseckati.
4. Belanca (4 kom.) penasto umutiti.
5. U ciniji pomesati brokoli, karfiol, cedar sir, prezle, muskatni orah, beli luk, persun i so po ukusu. Dodati umucena belanca i sve dobro izmesati. Ako je potrebno umutiti prestalo belance, dodati smesi i jos jednom sve dobro promesati.
6. Rukama oblikovati pljeskavice. U tiganj staviti ulje i pustiti da se zagreje. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu i peci svaku pljeskavicu oko 4 minuta sa svake strane.  

Ingredients: 500g broccoli, 500g cauliflower, 180g cheddar cheese (grated), 4-5 egg whites, 4 tablespoons bread crumbs, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 4 tablespoons parsley (finely chopped), salt, olive oil for frying.


1. Prepare broccoli and cauliflower. Clean broccoli, cut the flowers, trim and cut the stalk in slices. Clean cauliflower and remove the handle. Peel the garlic and finely chop.
2. In pot put cauliflower flowers, pour water and let it boil. Reduce to medium temperature (4), cover and cook for about 10 minutes; 3-4 minutes before end of cooking add the broccoli flowers and stalks.
3. Broccoli and cauliflower put in a strainer and pour cold running water. Allow to cool and finely chop.
4. Whisk egg whites (4 pcs.) until foamy.
5. In the bowl, combine broccoli, cauliflower, cheddar cheese, bread crumbs, nutmeg, garlic, parsley and salt to taste. Add the beaten egg whites and all mix well. If it is necessary, whisk remaining egg white, add to the mixture and once again all mix well.
6. Form patties with hands. In a frying pan, put the oil and let it heat up. Reduce  to medium temperature and bake each patty about 4 minutes on each side.

Belo meso s povrcem (Chicken breast with vegetables)

Za visok krvni pritisak.

Napomena: na jednu porciju mesa (200g) ide 1/4 porcije povrca.

Sastojci: 400g belog mesa (bez kostiju), 1 brokoli, 1 stap celera, 3-4 sargarepe, 3 kasike vegan majoneza, 2 kasike maslinovog ulja, prstohvat soli, 2-3 krompira. 


1. Brokoli iseckajte na cvetice, drske takodje iseckajte. Celer/sargarepu ocistite/oljustite i isecite na kolutove. Krompir oljustite i iseckajte na kocke.
2. Belo meso staviti u serpu, sipati vodu da prekrije meso, poklopiti i kuvati oko 20 minuta na srednje-visokoj temperaturi (5). Ostaviti da se prohladi pa iseci na kocke.
3. U serpu, staviti krompir, sargarepu i celer. Sipati vodu da pokrije povrce i na visokoj tempraturi pustiti da prokljuca.
4. Smanjiti na srednju 
temperaturu (4), poklopiti i kuvati oko 15 minuta; 3 do 4 minuta pred kraj kuvanja dodati cvetove i drske brokolija. Ocediti povrce u cediljki.
5. U ciniju staviti belo meso, brokoli, celer i sargarepu. Preliti maslinovim ulje, posoliti i promesati. Dodati majonez i jos jednom promesati. 
6. Posluziti uz baren krompir (umesto hleba).

For high blood pressure.

Note: on one portion of meat (200g) goes 1/4 servings of vegetables.

Ingredients: 400g chicken breasts (boneless), 1 broccoli, 1 stalk of celery, 3-4 carrots, 3 tbsp vegan mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt, 2-3 potatoes.


1. Cut the broccoli flowers, trim and cut the stalk in slices. Celery/carrot clean/ peel and cut into slices. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
2. Put chicken breasts in the pot, pour water to cover the meat, cover and cook for about 20 minutes at medium-high temperature (5). Allow to cool, and cut into cubes.
3. In the pot, put the potatoes, carrots and celery. Pour water to cover the vegetables and let it boil over the high heat .
4. Reduce to medium temperature (4), cover and cook for about 15 minutes; 3-4 minutes before end of cooking add the broccoli flowers and stalk. Drain vegetables in a colander.
5. In a bowl, put the chicken breasts, broccoli, celery and carrots. Pour olive oil, add salt and stir well. Add mayonnaise and stir again.

6. Serve with boiled potatoes (instead of bread).

Monday, September 19, 2016

Strudla sa visnjama (Strudel with sour cherries)

Sastojci: domace kore 2600g visanja (bez kostica), 250g secera, 150g secera u prahu, 1  ravna kasicica cimeta (opcionalno), za posipanje - 2 kasike secera u prahu i 1/2 kasicice cimeta.


1. Pripremiti domace kore 2.
2. Kad je testo naraslo, visnje ocediti, dodati secer u prahu i promesati. Dodati secer i cimet i ponovo promesati.
3. Razvijene kore (3), filovati sa visnjama, urolati i staviti u pleh namazan margarinom. Pokriti i ostaviti pola sata da nadodje. 
4. Rernu ugrejati na 200 C, staviti par kockica margarina preko strudle i staviti da se pece oko 45 minuta.
5. Izvaditi iz rerne, pokriti krpom i ostaviti da se ohladi. Iseci na kriske.
6. Pomesati secer u prahu i cimet i posuti preko strudli.

Ingredients: homemade phyllo dough 2, 600g sour cherries (pitted), 250g sugar, 150g powdered sugar, 1 flat teaspoon of cinnamon (optional), for sprinkling - 2 tablespoons powdered sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.


1. Prepare homemade phyllo dough 2
2. When the dough has risen, drain sour cherries, add powdered sugar and mix well. Add sugar and cinnamon and mix again.
3. Developed crusts (3), fill with sour cherries, roll up and put it in a baking pan greased with margarine. Cover and leave for half an hour to rise.
4. Heat the oven to 200 C, put a couple of cubes of margarine over strudle and bake for about 45 minutes.
5. Remove from oven, cover with a cloth and leave to cool. Cut into slices.

6. Mix the powdered sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over the strudel.

Kuglice od libijskom krema od susama (Libyan sesame cream balls)

Sastojci: 250g libijskog krema od susama, 250g meda, susam, oko 50g orasastih plodova - zdrobljenih (bademi, brazilski orah, indijski orah, makadamija orah, orasi, kikiriki, pistaci), opcionalno.


1. Napraviti libijski krem od susama.
2. Pomesati libijski krem i med. Dobro sjediniti. Opcionalno dodati orasaste plodove i opet dobro sjediniti masu.

Napomena: ako zelite mozete dodati jednu od vrste orasastih plodova ili miks. Staviti orasaste plodove u samozatvarajucu kesicu, zatvoriti i oklagijom zdrobiti orasaste plodove. 

3. Formirati kuglice i uvaljati u susam. Poredjati na posluzavnik sa papirom za pecenje i ostaviti u frizider da se stegne. Cuvati u frizideru.

Napomena 2: 2-3 kugilce dnevno.

Ingredients: 250g Libyan sesame cream, 250g of honey, sesame seeds, about 50g of nuts - crushed (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios), optional.


1. Make Libyan sesame cream.
2. Mix Libyan cream and honey. Combine well. Optional add nuts and again combine the mixture.

Note: if you want you can add one of the types of nuts or mix. Place the nuts in Ziploc bag, close, and crush nuts with rolling pin.

3. Form balls and roll in sesame seeds. Sort on a tray with baking paper and leave in the fridge to tighten. Store in the refrigerator.

Note 2: 2-3 balls per day.

Crno-beli kolacici sa suvim brusnicama (Black-and-white cookies with dried cranberries)

Sastojci: 200g crne cokolade, 200g bele cokolade, 110+110g margarina, 100g suvih brusnica, 2 kasike arome (ekstrakta) ruma, 100ml ruma, 2 kasike meda, papirne korpice za kolace.


1. U ciniju staviti suve brusnice, preliti rumom i ostaviti 1 sat. Ocediti. Mozete ostaviti nekoliko brusnica sa strane za ukrasavanje.
2. U jednu serpicu, staviti crnu cokoladu izlomljenu na kocke, 110g margarina i 1 kasiku meda i pustiti da se otopi, na srednjoj temperaturi, konstantno mesajuci. Kada se masa sjedinila dodati 1 kasiku arome ruma i promesati.
3. Ponoviti korak 2. sa belom cokoladom. 
4. Puniti papirne korpice sa crnom (ili belom) smesom do pola. Staviti 2-3 suve brusnice, pa dopuniti sa belom (ili crnom) smesom.
5. Svaki kolacic ukrasiti sa po jednom brusnicom (ili vise :) ) i ostaviti u frizider da se stegne.

Ingredients: 200g black chocolate, 200g white chocolate, 110+110g butter (unsalted) or margarine, 100g of dried cranberries, 2 tablespoons of flavoring (extract) rum, 100ml of rum, 2 tablespoons honey, paper baking cups.

1. In a bowl, put the dried cranberries, pour rum and leave for 1 hour. Drain. You can leave a couple of cranberries on the side for decoration.
2. In one saucepan, put black chocolate broken in cubes, 110g butter and 1 tablespoon of honey and let it melt on medium heat, constantly stirring. When the mass combined. add 1 tablespoon of rum flavor and mix well.

3. Repeat step 2. with white chocolate.

4. Fill paper cups with black (or white) mixture up to half. Put 2-3 dry cranberries, then fill it with white (or black) mixture.

5. Each cookie decorate with one (or more :)) cranberry on top and leave in the fridge to tighten.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Salata od boranije sa bademima (Green beans salad with almonds)

Sastojci: 500g sveze boranije, 70ml maslinovog ulja, 100g badema, 1 kasika sirceta, morska ili himalajska so.  


1. Boraniju oprati i ocistiti.
2. U serpu sipati vodu, dodati so po ukusu i pustiti da prokljuca. Dodati boraniju i kuvati oko 8 minuta ako zelite da boranija bude hrskava ili oko 15 minuta ako zelite da bude mekana.

3. Ocediti boraniju i staviti u serpu da hladnom vodom (iz frizidera ili sa kockama leda). Posle 2-3 minuta ocediti.  
4. Bademe u listicima staviti u tiganj i na srednje-niskoj temperaturi prziti dok ne postanu zlatno braon boje. Ili u tiganj staviti cele bademe i prziti na srednje-niskoj temperaturi. Zatim, skloniti sa sporeta i ostaviti da se ohladi, pa iseci na krupno.
5. U ciniji, pomesati ulje i sirce. Dodati boraniju i promesati. Dodati bademe i jos jednom promesati.

Ingredients: 500g fresh green beans, 70ml olive oil, 100g of almonds, 1 tablespoon vinegar, sea or Himalayan salt.


1. Washe and clean grean beans.
2. In pot pour water, add salt to taste and let it boil. Add green beans and cook about 8 minutes if you want it to be crispy or about 15 minutes if you want it to be soft.
3. Drain green beans and place in a pot with cold water (from the refrigerator or with ice cubes). Drain after 2-3 minutes..
4. Almond slices put in the frying pan and over medium-low heat fry until they are golden brown. Or in a frying pan put the whole almonds and fry over medium-low heat. Then, remove from stove and allow to cool, then chop roughly.
5. In a bowl, mix the olive oil and vinegar. Add green beans and stir. Add the almonds and stir again.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Domaci sladoled bez jaja (Homemade ice cream without eggs)

Osnovni recept

Sastojci: 250ml kisele pavlake (iz frizidera), 125ml pola-pola krema (iz frizidera), 100g secera (kristal), 70ml slatke pavlake (iz frizidera), 1 kasicica svezeg soka od limuna, nekoliko kapi vanila ekstrakta ili 1/2 kasicice vanilin secera, prstohvat soli.


1. U dublju ciniju staviti kiselu pavlaku, pola-pola krem, secer, slatku pavlaku, sok od limuna, vanila ekstrakt (ili vanilin secer) i so. Promesati kasikom.
2. Rucnim mikserom mutit dok se sve ne sjedini i postane glatko.
3. Sipati sladoled u hermeticku kutiju i ostaviti u zamrzivac najmanje 7 sati ili preko noci.

Basic recipe

Ingredients: 250ml sour cream (from the refrigerator), 125ml half and half cream (from the refrigerator), 100g of sugar (granulated), 70ml heavy cream (from the refrigerator), 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, a few drops of vanilla extract or 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt.


1. In a deeper bowl, put the sour cream, half and half cream, sugar, heavy cream, lemon juice, vanilla extract (or vanilla sugar) and salt. Stir.
2. With hand mixer whisk until everything is combined and smooth.

3. Pour ice cream in hermetically box and leave in the freezer for at least 7 hours or overnight.

Domaci vanilin secer (Homemade vanilla sugar)

Sastojci: 1 - 300g secera (kristal), 2 stapica vanile.


Nacin 1

1. Stapice vanile, ostrim nozem preseci po duzini. Drskom od kasicice izvaditi semenke vanile. 
2. Staviti secer u seckalicu i dodati semenke vanile. Usitniti.
3. Cuvati vanilin secer u hermeticki zatvorenoj kutiji do 9 meseci.

Nacin 2 

1. Stapice vanile, ostrim nozem preseci po duzini. Drskom od kasicice izvaditi semenke vanile. 
2. U hermeticku kutiju sipati 50g secera. Dodati semenke od jednog stapica vanile. Sipati 100g secera i dodati semenke od drugog stapica vanile. Sipati 150g secera. 
3. Zatvoriti i ostaviti meseca dana pre upotrebe. 
4. Nakon upotrebe mozete dodavati jos semenki stapica vanile i secera, i ponoviti postupak..

Ingredients: 1 - 300g of sugar (granulated), 2 sticks of vanilla.


Method 1

1. With sharp knife cut vanilla sticks lengthwise. With the handle of a teaspoon remove vanilla seeds.
2. Place the sugar in a food processor and add the vanilla seeds. Process until blended..
3. Keep vanilla sugar in a hermetically sealed box to 9 months.

Method 2

1. With sharp knife cut vanilla sticks lengthwise. With the handle of a teaspoon remove vanilla seeds.
2. In the hermetic box pour 50g of sugar. Add seeds from one vanilla stick. Pour 100g of sugar and add the seeds of another vanilla stick. Pour 150g of sugar.
3. Close and leave one month before use.

4. After use, you can add more vanilla seeds and sugar, to repeat the process.

Zamena za pola-pola krem (Substitute for half-and-half cream)

Sastojci: opcija 1 - 380ml mleka (3.2% mlecne masti), 140ml slatke pavlake; opcija 2 - 340ml mleka (0.9% melcne masti), 170ml slatke pavlake.


1. Pomesati mleko sa slatkom pavlakom.

Ingredients: option 1  380ml of milk (3.2% fat), 140ml heavy cream; option 2 - 340ml milk (1% fat), 170ml heavy cream.


1. Mix the milk with heavy cream.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Kuvana boranija bez mesa (Cooked green beans without meat)

Sastojci: 250-300g boranije (sveze ili smrznute), 2 sargarepe, 2 korena persuna, 1 komad korena celera, 2 kasike persunovog lista (sitno seckanog), 1/4 kasicice mirodjije, 1/4 kasicice majcine dusice, prstohvat djumbira (u prahu), so ili vegeta ili 1/2 kocke za supu, 600ml vruce vode.


1. Sveza boranija - oprati i ocistiti. Smrznuta boranija - odmrznuti ili ne. Sargarepu, koren persuna i koren celera oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2. U serpu staviti boraniju, naliti vodom (da prekrije boraniju) i pustiti da prokljuca.
3. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu, dodati sargarepu, koren persuna i celera i kuvati do 1 sata. Za vreme kuvanja ako je potrebno doliti vrucu vodu.
4. 10 minuta pred kraj kuvanja dodati so ili vegetu po ukusu. Ja sam dodala samo pola kocke za supu. Dodati mirodjiju, majcinu dusicu i djumbir. Promesati.
5. 5 minuta pred kraj kuvanja dodati persunov list.

Ingredients: 250-300g green beans (fresh or frozen), 2 carrots, 2 parsley root, 1 piece of celery root, 2 tablespoons parsley leaf (finely chopped), 1/4 tsp dill, 1/4 teaspoon Breckland thyme, a pinch of ginger (powder), salt or vegetable seasoning or 1/2 bouillon cube, 600ml of hot water.


1. Fresh green beans - wash and clean. Frozen green beans - thawed or not. Carrots, parsley root and celery root peel and finely chop.

2. In pot, put the green beans, pour water (to cover the green beans) and let it boil.

3. Reduce to medium temperature, add carrots, parsley and celery root and cook for up to 1 hour. During the cooking if necessary add hot water.

4. 10 minutes before end of cooking add salt or vegetable seasoning to taste. I've added only half a bouillon cube. Add dill, Breckland thyme and ginger. Stir.

5. 5 minutes before end of cooking add the parsley.

Bilje i Zacini (Herbs & Spices)

Sta se slaze sa cime

Avokado - 

Aleva paprikabeli luk, djumbir, piment, kim, kardamom,  mahunarke, origano, persun, ruzmarin, safran, timijan, kurkuma, povrce.

Ananas karamel, kokos, orah (Makadamija), tropsko voce.

Anis - jabuke, cvekla, karamel, sargarepa, cokolada, limun, cimet, kokos, korijander, brusnica, komorac, smokve, riba, beli luk, breskve, nar, bundeva.

Anis (zvezdasti) - 

Articoke -

Bademi - jabuke, kajsije, banana, karamel, tresnje, kafa, smokve, med, pomorandze, breskve, kruske, sljive.

Banana -

Beli luk - bosiljak, korijander, kim, majoran, menta, origano, persun, ruzmarin, paradajz (suseni), timijan, brokoli.

Bobicasto voce (jagode, maline, borovnice, crvene i crne ribizle, kupine, brusnice, dud) - 

Boranija - mirodjija, majcina dusica, djumbir, bademi.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Bilje i zacini za povrce (Herbs and spices to vegetables)

Boranija - majoran, beli luk, sok od limuna, balzamiko sirce, bademi.

Brokoli - origano, kim, mirodjija, sok od limuna.

Bundeva - djumbir, med.

Karfiol kim, mirodjija.

Keleraba - bosiljak, kackavalj, korijander, mirodjija, persun, pimen, ruzmarin, senf, kurkuma. 

Krompir (kuvani) - persunov list, mirodjija, ruzmarin, praziluk, beli luk.

Kupus (crveni, zeleni, kineski) - kim, mirodjija.

Paradajz - origano, majcina dusica, zalfija, praziluk.

Sargarepa - persunov list, mirodjija, menta, muskatni orah.

Green beans - marjoram, garlic, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, almonds.

Broccoli - oregano, cumin, dill, lemon juice.

Pumpkin - ginger, honey.

Cauliflower - cumin, dill.

Kohlrabi -basil, yellow cheese, coriander, dill, parsley, allspice, rosemary, mustard, turmeric. 

Potatoes (boiled) - parsley leaf, dill, rosemary, leeks, garlic.

Cabbage (red, green, Chinese) - cumin, dill.

Tomato - oregano, thyme, sage, leek.

Carrot - parsley leaf, dill, mint, nutmeg.

Priprema bilja i zacina za meso (Preparing herbs and spices for meat)

1. Bilje i zacine za potopiti u maslinovo ulje ili ulje od uljane repice i ostavite 30 minuta.
2. Premazati meso koje trebate da przite, pecete ili dinstate.
3. Ako je potrebno da se meso duze priprema, bilje i zacine dodati 10-15 minuta pred kraj pripreme. 

1. Herbs and spices soak in olive oil or canola oil and leave for 30 minutes.
2. Coat meat that you need to fry, bake or simmer.
3. If you need to prepare meat longer, add herbs and spices 10-15 minutes before the end of the preparation.

Bilje i zacini za meso (Herbs and spices for meat)

Za pilece meso - aleva paprika, persunov list, majcina dusica, zalfija, mirodjija, korijander, ruzmarin, limun.

Za svinjsko meso - beli luk, crveni luk, zalfija, senf.

Za jagnjece meso - menta, kari, ruzmarin, beli luk. 

Za govedje meso - majcina dusica, zalfija, ruzmarin, majoran, beli luk, crveni luk, ren, balzamiko sirce.

Za ribu - majoran, mirodjija, korijander, lovorov list, kari, senf, limun.

For chicken meat - cayenne pepper, parsley, thyme, sage, dill, coriander, rosemary, lemon.

For pork meat - garlic, red onion, sage, mustard.

For lamb meat - mint, curry, rosemary, garlic.

For beef meat - thyme, sage, rosemary, marjoram, garlic, red onion, horseradish, balsamic vinegar.

For fish - marjoram, dill, coriander, bay leaf, curry, mustard, lemon.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sok za jacanje imuniteta (Juice to strengthen immunity)

Sastojci: 7 listova kelja, 1 jabuka, 1 manji limun, 1 komad djumbira (oko 2cm), 2 listica sveze mente, 150ml vode.


1. Listove kelja oprati pod mlazom vode. Jabuku oljustiti, ocistiti i iseci na kriske. Limun oljustiti i izvaditi semenke (ako ima). Djumbir oljustiti i iseci na 3 dela.
2. U blender staviti sve satojke i blendirati dok se sastojci ne sjedine.

Ingredients: 7 sheets of kale, 1 apple, 1 small lemon, 1 piece of ginger (about 2 cm), 2 leaves of fresh mint, 150ml of water.


1. Wash kale under running water. Peel apple, clean from seeds and cut into slices. Peel lemon and remove the seeds (if any). Peel ginger and cut into 3 parts.

2. In a blender put all the ingredients and blend until all ingredients are well combined.

Slane kocke od piletine (Salty chicken squares)

Sastojci: 600g pileceg belog mesa, 100g sunke, 100g suvog vrata, 100g kackavalja (u listicima), za preliv - 100g rendanog kackavalja, 200g kisele pavlake, 100-150ml jogurta, 1/2 kasicice suvog bosiljka, 1/2 kasicice suve majcine dusice, 1/2 kasicice suvog vlasca, 1/2 kasicice suvog persuna. 


1. Belo meso staviti u serpu, naliti vodu i pustiti da se skuva, na srednjoj temperaturi, povremeno skidajuci penu. Ohladiti. Iseckati na kockice i/ili trakice. 
2. U vatrostalnu posudu staviti belo meso, preko poredjati listove sunke, zatim staviti kackavalj u listovima, preko poredjati listove suvog vrata.
3. Za preliv - pomesati kiselu pavlaku sa jogurtom. Dodati bosiljak, majcinu dusicu, vlasac i persun. Zatim dodati rendan kackavalj i sve dobro sjediniti.
4. Preliti preko suvog vrata i ostaviti u frizider da se ohladi. Seci na kocke.

Ingredients: 600g of chicken breasts, 100g of ham, 100g of dried pork neck, 100g yellow cheese (slices), for dressing - 100g grated yellow cheese (for coarse grater), 200g sour cream, 100-150 ml of buttermilk, 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/2 teaspoon dried chives, 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley.


1. Put chicken breasts in the pot, add water and let it cook on medium heat, occasionally removing the foam. Cool down. Dice and/or cut into strips.
2. In a baking dish put the chicken, place the ham slices, then put the cheese slices on top, place the dried pork neck slices. 
3. For the dressing - mix sour cream with buttermilk. Add basil, thyme, chives and parsley. Stir. Then add the grated cheese and combine well.

4. Spread evenly over dried pork neck and leave in the fridge to cool. Cut into cubes.

Nepecen kolac od mlevenog keksa i brusnica (No bake cake with ground biscuits and cranberries)

Sastojci: 900g mlevenog obicnog keksa (bevita, ptiber), 300g margarina (sobne temperature), 120g secera u prahu, 130g suve brusnice, 70g suvog grozdja, 70g zele bombona, 100g lesnika (seckanih) + 50g mlevenih, 70g badema (seckanih), 300-350ml soka od pomorandze.


1. Penasto umutiti margarin sa secerom u prahu. Suvo grozdje potopiti u mlaku vodu i ostaviti 15-20 minuta da nabubri. Ocediti. Zele bombone sitno iseckati
2. Dodati mleveni keks, brusnice, suvo grozdje, zele bombone, lesnike (seckane i mlevene), bademe i sok od pomorandze. Dobro sjediniti.
3. Na tacni formirati zeljeni oblik.
4. Ostaviti u frizideru 3-4 sata. Seci zeljene oblike.

Ingredients: 900g ground plain biscuits, 300g butter (room temperature), 120g powder sugar, 130g dried cranberries, 70g raisins, 70g jelly beans, 100g hazelnuts (chopped) + 50g of ground, 70g almonds (chopped) , 300-350ml orange juice.


1. Whisk butter with powdered sugar until foamy. Soak raisins in warm water and leave for 15-20 minutes to swell. Drain. Jelly beans finely chop.
2. Add ground biscuits, cranberries, raisins, jelly beans, hazelnuts (chopped and ground), almonds and orange juice. Combine well.
3. On the tray form the desired shape.

4. Allow to stand in the fridge for 3-4 hours. Cut desired shapes.