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Monday, December 31, 2012

Pita od tune 2 (Tuna pie 2)

Sastojci: lisnato testo, 185g tune (iz konzerve), 1/2 glavice crnog luka, 1-2 cena belog luka, 200ml soka od paradajza (ja sam imala sa origanom i bosiljkom), 1 kasika persunovog lista (sitno iseckanog) ili 1/2 kasicice suvog, 1/2 kasicice origana, 1/2 kasicice bosiljka, 5-7 kiselih krastavcica, so.

1) Ocediti tunu od ulja. Crni luk i beli luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati. Kisele krastavcice sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati tunu, sok od paradajza, crni luk, beli luk i kisele krastavcice. Posoliti po ukusu. Dodati persun i origano i promesati.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keksi od pudinga (Pudding cookies)

Sastojci: 4x125g margarina (omeksao), 4x50g secera u prahu, 4x10g vanilin secera, 4x40g pudinga (vanila, slatka pavlaka, jagoda, cokolada) ili koji god vi volite ili imate, 4x125g mekog brasna, jos malo brasna.

1) U vanglu staviti 125g margarina, 50g secera u prahu, 10g vanilin secera, 125g brasna i 40g pudinga od vanile.
2) Umesiti rukom da se svi sastojci sjedine. Umotati u foliju ili papir za pecenje i ostaviti u frizideru najmanje 2.5 sata.
3) Ponovite korake 1) i 2) za puding od slatke pavlake, jagode i cokolade.
Napomena: ako pravite sa pudingom od jagode, dodati 3-4 kasike vode da se dobije boja jagode, ali dodajte jos 30-40g brasna.
4) Ponovo premesiti sa malo brasna (ako se lepi za ruke). Razviti na debljinu od 0.8 mm, vaditi zeljene oblike modlom. Dok radite sa jednom smesom, drzite ostale u frizideru.
Napomena 2: za kekse u koje niste dodali vodu, treba malo vise brasna prilikom ponovnog premesivanja, osim ako ih ne drzite u frizideru bar 3.5 sata, onda ce vam treba vrlo malo brasna. 
5) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje ili podmazati margarinom, poredjati kekse, praviti 1-1.5 cm razmak i peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 180C 15 do 20 minuta. Keksi trebaju ostati svetli.

Ingredients: 4x125g margarine (softened), 4x50g powdered sugar, 4x10g vanilla sugar, 4x40g pudding powder (vanilla, sweet cream, strawberry, chocolate) or whatever you love or have, 4x125g flour, a little flour.

1) In bowl put 125g margarine (butter), 50g powder sugar, 10g vanilla sugar, 125g flour and 40g of vanilla pudding.
2) Then knead by hand to get all the ingredients mixed well. Wrap in foil or baking paper and leave in the fridgeor at least 2.5 hour.
3) Repeat steps 1) and 2) for a pudding of sweet cream, strawberries and chocolate.
Note: if you make with  strawberries pudding, add 3-4 tablespoons of water to get a strawberry color, but add another 30-40g of flour.
4) Knead again with a little flour (if it sticks to your hands). Develop a thickness of 0.8 mm, remove the desired shapes with cookie cuuter. While you work with one mixture, keep other in fridge.
Note 2: for the cookies, in which you did not add water, you should add more flour when you knead again, unless you keep them in fridge for at least 3.5 hours and you will need very little flour.
5) In a baking pan place baking paper or grease with margarine, align cookies, make 1-1.5 cm spacing and bake in preheated oven at 180C 15-20 minutes. Biscuits should remain light color.

Prva tura: pola svetla, pola braon. First batch of cookies: half light, half brown :)

 Druga tura: pola svetlo, pola prazno. Second batch: half light, half empty ;)

Kolac od pudinga (Pudding cake)

Sastojci: 750g keksa (petit ber), 1 L mleka, 80g pudinga od vanile (u prahu), 80g pudinga od cokolade (u prahu), 8 kasika secera, 250g margarina, 4 kasike secera u prahu, umucen slag, mlako mleko za potapanje keksa.

1) Pomesati puding od vanile sa 2 kasike secera. Dodati 100ml hladnog mleka i dobro izmesati. 2) Otopiti 2 kasike secer sa 400ml mleka, na srednjoj temperaturi (4). Dodati puding i kuvati dok se ne zgusne stalno mesajuci. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
3) Penasto umutiti 125g margarina sa 2 kasike secera u prahu. Zatim postepeno dodavati ohladjen puding i mutiti dok se ne dobije ujednacen krem.

Bozicni keksi (Christmas cookies)

Sastojci: 500g brasna, 250g margarina (putera), 100g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 10g praska za pecivo, narendana kora od jednog limuna, prstohvat soli, 2 kasice rogaca (ili kakaoa) ili 1 kasicica cimeta ili 150g mlevenih oraha ili 150g mlevenih lesnika ili 150g mlevenih badema, za ukrasavanje - glazura od cokolade, bela glazura.

1) Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo i solju.
Napomena: u brasno mozete dodati rogac (ili kakao) ili cimet.
Napomena 2: ako dodajete mlevene orahe ili mlevene lesnike ili mlevene bademe, dodati ih na kraju kad umesite testo. A zatim izjednaciti smesu.

Glazura od cokolade (Chocolate glaze)

Sastojci: 200g cokolade, 100g margarina, malo ulja.

1) Otopiti cokoladu na srednjoj temperaturi sa margarinom, dodati ulja (zavisi koju gustinu glazure zelite).

Sastojci: 200g cokolade, 3 kasike secera, 4 kasike mleka, margarina (velicine oraha).

1) Otopiti secer sa mlekom na srednjoj temperaturi, dodati cokoladu. Kad se cokolada otopi dodati margarin u ujednaciti masu.

200g cokolade, 100ml slatke pavlake.

1) Blago zagrejati slatku pavlaku, pazeci da ne provri. Cokoladu otopiti na pari. Zatim postepeno dodavati slatku pavlake konstantno mesajuci.
Napomena: ako zelite redju glazuru stavite 200g cokolade i 200ml slatke pavlake.

Ingredients: 200g chocolate, 100g butter, a little oil.

1) Dissolve the chocolate and margarine over medium heat, add oil (which depends on the density of the glaze you want).

200g of chocolate, 3 tablespoons sugar, 4 tablespoons milk, margarine (the size of a walnut).

1) Dissolve sugar and milk over medium heat, add the chocolate. When the chocolate has melted add the margarine and mix until well combined.

Ingredients: 200g chocolate and 100ml heavy cream.

1) Heat a slightly heavy cream, being careful not to boil. Melt chocolate over medium heat. Then gradually add heavy cream stirring constantly.
Note: If you want more liquid glaze put 200g chocolate and 200ml heavy cream.

Bela glazura (White glaze)

Sastojci: 150g secera u prahu, 1 belanac, 1 kasika limunovog soka, 1 kasika vruce vode.

1) Penasto umutiti belanac, dodati secer u prahu, limunov sok i vrucu vodu. Dobro izmesati da se dobije gusta smesa.
Napomena: mozete dodati par kapi boje za kolace.

Ingredients: 150g powder sugar, 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon hot water.

1) Whisk egg white until foamy, add the powdered sugar, lemon juice and hot water. Mix well to get a thick mixture.
Note: you can add a few drops of cake color.

Cupavci (Ragged cake)

Sastojci: 3 jaja, 300g secera, 300ml mleka, 150ml ulja, 450g brasna, 10g praska za pecivo, 100g mlevenog keksa, za krem - 250g margarina (omeksao), 200g secera, 200g cokolade, 500ml mleka i kokos.

1) Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo. Margarin iseci na kocke.
2) Dobro umutiti jaja sa secerom. Dodati mleko, ulje, brasno i mleveni keks. Sve dobro izmesati.
3) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje, sipati smesu i peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 30 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi i seci na kocke.
4) Za krem - otopiti cokoladu na srednjoj temperaturi, dodati margarin, secer i mleko. Kuvati oko 10 minuta, stalno mesajuci. Kad se prohladi, umakati kocke prvo u krem a zatim u kokos.

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 300g sugar, 300ml milk, 150ml oil, 450g flour, 10g baking powder, 100g ground biscuits (plain), for cream - 250g butter (softened), 200g sugar, 200g chocolate and 500ml milk and coconut flakes.

1) Mix flour with baking powder. Cut margarine into small cubes.
2) Mix well eggs with the sugar. Add milk, oil, flour and ground biscuits. Mix everything well.

3) In a pan put the baking paper, pour the mixture and bake in preheated oven at 200C for about 30 minutes. Allow to cool and cut cubes.

 For the cream - melt chocolate over medium heat, add butter, sugar and milk. Cook for about 10 minutes, constantly stirring. When it cools, first dip cubes in cream (all sides) and then in coconut.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Padobranci (Paratroopers)

Sastojci: 4 belanceta, prstohvat soli, 200g secera u prahu (prosejanog), 200g mlevenih oraha, za fil - 200g cokolade, 100ml slatke pavlake.

1) Penasto umutiti belanca, dodati so, postepeno dodajuci secer u prahu.  Dodati orahe i dobro promesati.
2) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje, kasicicom staviti smesu, praviti razmak od najmanje 1 cm do 1.5 cm. Zagrejati rernu na 150C, pa smanjiti na 100C i peci oko 10 do 15 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohlade pa skloniti sa papira.
3) Za fil - blago zagrejati slatku pavlaku, pazeci da ne provri. Cokoladu otopiti na pari. Zatim postepeno dodavati slatku pavlake konstantno mesajuci.
4) Spajati padobrance sa kasicicom fila.

Ingredients: 4 egg whites, pinch of salt, 200g powder sugar (sifted), 200g ground walnuts, for filling - 200g chocolate and 100ml heavy cream.

1) Whisk egg whites until foamy, add salt, gradually adding the powdered sugar. Add walnuts and stir well.
2) Place baking sheet into a baking pan, put a scoop of batter, make a space between cookies minimum of 1 cm to 1.5 cm. Preheat oven to 150C, then reduce to 100C and bake for about 10 to 15 minutes. Allow to cool and remove from paper.
3) For the filling - heat a slightly heavy cream, being careful not to boil. Melt chocolate. Then gradually add heavy cream stirring constantly.
4) Fill two cookies with scoop filling.

Kornfleks kolacici (Cornflakes cookies)

Sastojci: 500g kornfleksa, 250g margarina (omeksao), 250g smedjeg secera, 5g praska za pecivo, 3g sode bikarbone, 1/2 kasicice cimeta, 1/4 kasicice muskatnog orascica, prstohvat soli, 3 jaja (umucena), 350g brasna, 200g mlevenih lesnika, 200g brusnica (suvih).
1) Penasto umutiti margarin sa secerom, dodati jaja. Sjediniti. Dodati cimet i muskatni orascic. Promesati.
2) Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo, sodom bikarbonom i solju. Dodati prethodnoj smesi i dobro sjediniti. Dodati kornfleks, lesnike i brusnice i zamesiti.
3) Podeliti testo na 3 dela. Oblikovati cilindar. Zamotati svaki cilindar u foliju i ostaviti u frizider na 3 sata.
4) Seci kolacice debljine 0.8 mm, redjati u pleh podmazan margarinom ili na papir za pecenje, ostaviti veci razmak izmedju kolacica, i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 8 do 10 minuta.
Napomena: ako testo omeksa vratiti nazad u frizider ili zamrzivac.

Ingredients: 500g of cornflakes, 250g butter (softened), 250g brown sugar, 5g baking powder, 3g baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, pinch of salt, 3 eggs (beaten), 350g flour, 200g ground toasted hazelnuts, 200g cranberries (dried).
1) Whisk margarine with sugar until fluffy, add eggs. Combine well. Add cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir.
2) Mix flour with baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add to the previous mix and combine well. Add cornflakes, hazelnuts and cranberries and knead.
3) Divide dough into 3 equal parts. Shape the cylinder. Wrap each cylinder in foil and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
4) Cut cookies thickness of 0.8 mm, place in a baking pan greased with margarine or baking paper and leave extra space between the cookies, and bake in the preheated oven at 180 C for about 8 to 10 minutes.
Note: If the dough softens return to the fridge or freezer.

Stapici sa jogurtom i semenkama (Bars with buttermilk and seeds)

Sastojci: 500g-600g brasna, 250g margarina (omeksali), 250ml jogurta, 40g lana, 100g suncokreta, 100g semenki bundeve, 10g praska za pecivo, so, 1-2 belanceta, susam.

1) Pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo i so. Dodati margarin, jogurt i zamesiti.
2) Zatim dodati lan, suncokret i semenke bundeve. Opet zamesiti.
3) Razviti na 0.8-1 cm debljine, premazati umucenim belacetom, posuti susamom i seci stanglice.
4) Pleh podmazati margarinom ili u pleh staviti papir za pecenje, poredjati stanglice i peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 200C 25 minuta.

Ingredients: 500-600g flour, 250g margarine (softened), 250ml buttermilk, 40g flax seeds, 100g sunflower seeds, 100g pumpkin seeds, 10g baking powder, salt, 1-2 egg whites, sesame seeds.

1) Combine flour, baking powder and salt. Add margarine, yogurt and knead.
2) Then add the flax, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Knead again.
3) Develop on 0,8-1 cm thickness, brush with beaten egg white, sprinkle with sesame seeds and cut bars.
4) Grease the baking pan with margarie or put baking paper, place bars and bake in preheated oven at 200C for 25 minutes.

Od istog testa- sa sirovom slaninom (samo meso), sirovom slaninom, sirovi suncokret (predlazem peceni) i susamom. 

From the same dough, raw bacon (meat only), raw bacon (full fat), raw sunflower seeds (I suggest to use roasted) and sesame seeds.

Crni caj sa zacinima (Black tea with spices)

Sastojci: 600ml vode, 2-3 kasike smedjeg secera (2-3 kasike meda), 4 kesice crnog caja, 30ml soka od limuna (sveze iscedjenog), 1/4 kasicice kardamona, 1/4 kasicice cimeta, 1/4 kasicice djumbira (u prahu), 1/4 kasicice anisa, 1/4 kasicice muskatnog orascica, rendana kora od pomorandze.

1) U vodu sipati secer (med), kardamon, cimet, djumbir, anis, muskatni orascic i koru od pomorandze. Kuvati 10 minuta. Skloniti sa sporeta. Procediti.
2) Dodati kesice crnog caja i ostaviti da odstoji 10 minuta. Izvaditi kesice caja.
3) Vratiti na sporet, dodati sok od limuna i kuvati jos 5 minuta.

Napomena: ja nisam imala kardamom i anis, ali mirise dobro i dobrog je ukusa.

Ingredients: 600ml water, 2-3 tablespoons brown sugar (2-3 tablebspoons honey), 4 bags of black tea, 30ml of lemon juice (freshly squeezed), 1/4 teaspoon cardamom, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon ginger (powder), 1/4 teaspoon anise, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, grated peel of orange.

1) In the water put sugar (honey), cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, anise, nutmeg and orange peel. Cook for 10 minutes. Remove from stove. Drain.
2) Add the black tea bags and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Remove tea bags.
3) Return to the stove, add the lemon juice and cook another 5 minutes.

Note: I didn't have cardamom and anise, but it smells good and it tastes good.

Frape od brusnica i djumbira (Cranberry and ginger smoothie)

Sastojci: 200g brusnica (borovnica), 100ml soka od brusnice (borovnica), 300ml jogurta, 1 kasika meda, 1/2 kasicice djumbira, kockice leda.

1) U blender staviti brusnice (borovnice), sok od brusnice (borovnice), jogurt, med i djumbir. Izmiksati.
2) Sipati u case i dodati kockice leda.

Ingredients: 200g cranberries (blueberry), 300ml of cranberry juice (blueberries), 300ml buttermilk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon ginger, ice cubes.

1) In a blender put cranberries (blueberry), cranberry juice (blueberry juice), buttermilk, honey and ginger. Blend.
2) Pour into glasses and add ice cubes.

Tropski sok (Tropical juice)

Sastojci: 250ml soka od ananasa (iz konzerve), 250ml sok od grejpfruta (sveze iscedjen), 3 kivija, 1 pomorandza, 2 koluta ananasa, kockice leda.

1) Kivi oljustiti i iseckati na kocke. Oljustiti pomorandzu i podeliti na delove. Ananas iseckati na kocke.
2) U blender staviti sok od ananasa, sok od grejpfruta i kivi. Izmiksirati.
3) Sipati u case, staviti led, ukrasiti parcicima pomorandze i kockicama ananasa.

Ingredients: 250ml of pineapple juice (canned), 250ml of grapefruit juice (freshly squashed), 3 kiwis, 1 orange, 2 pineapple rings, ice cubes.

1) Peel kiwis and cut into cubes. Peel orange and separate the parts. Cut pineapple into cubes.
2) In the blender put pineapple juice, grapefruit juice and kiwi. Blend.
3) Pour into glasses, add ice, garnish with orange slices and pineapple cubes.

Banana frape (Banana smoothie)

Banana frape (Banana smoothie)
Sastojci: 4 banane, 1 L jogurta, muskatni orascic, cimet, 3 kasike meda (opciono).

1) Bananu iseckati na 5-6 delova.
2) U blender staviti banane, med i jogurt. Izmiksirati.
3) Sipati u case. Posuti sa muskatnim orascicem i cimetom. Promesati.

Ingredients: 4 bananas, 1 L buttermilk, nutmeg, cinnamon, 3 tablespoons honey (optional).

1) Cut banana into 5-6 parts.
2) In the blender put the bananas, honey and yogurt. Blend.
3) Pour into glasses. Sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon. Stir.

You also might like:

Tropski sok (Tropical juice)
Kremasti sok (Creamy juice)
Sok od jabuka s medom (Apple juice with honey)
Zlatni sok (Golden juice)
Narandzasti sok (Orange juice) 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Posne vocne stanglice (Lowfat fruit bars)

Sastojci: 100g suvih smokvi, 100g suvih sljiva, 100g urmi, 100g suvog grozdja, 100g oraha (iseckanih), 1 kasika secera, sok od jednog limuna, 2 kasike meda, 2 oblande.

1) Potopiti suvo grozdje u mlaku vodu i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti.
2) Smokve, suve sljive, urme iseci na tanke rezance.
3) Pomesati sa orasima, suvim grozdjem i sokom od limuna. Dodati med i secer pa sve umesiti.
4) Masu rasporediti po oblandi, prekriti drugom oblandom i malo pritisnuti. Prekriti celofanom, poredjati par teskih knjiga. Ostaviti da odstoji pa seci stanglice.

100g dried figs, 100g prunes, 100g dates, 100g raisins, 100g walnuts (chopped), 1 tablespoon sugar, the juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons honey, 2 wafer sheets.

1) Soak the raisins in warm water and leave to swell. Drain well.
2) Figs, prunes and dates cut it into thin strips.
3) Mix with walnuts, raisins and lemon juice. Add honey and sugar, and knead everything.
4) Spread mixture on the wafer sheet, cover with the wafer sheet and press a little. Cover with cellophane, place a couple of heavy books. Leave to rest and cut bars.

Minjon torta (Mignon cake)

Sastojci: za koru - 7 jaja, 200g secera, 200g mlevenih oraha, 1 kasika brasna, za fil - 180g secera, 200ml vode, 130g suvog grozdja, 200g mlevenih oraha, 1 kasika ruma, za preliv - 200g cokolade, 2 kasike ulja, 2 kasicice vode, margarin (velicine oraha).

1) Suvo grozdje potopiti u mlaku vodu i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti.
2) Za koru - odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Umutiti belanca uz postepeno dodavanje secera. Dodati umucena zumanca i jos malo mutiti. Zatim dodati mlevene orahe i brasno. Promesati. Pleh podmazati margarinom i posuti brasnom, sipati smesu i peci na 200C. Pustiti da se ohladi i preseci na 2 dela.
3) Za fil - u serpu staviti vodu i secer i pustiti da provri dodati suvo grozdje i kuvati jos malo oko 3 minuta. Zatim dodati mlevene orahe. Promesati i skinuti sa sporeta. Dodati rum. Promesati.
4) Na prvu koru staviti fil i rasporediti ravnomerno. Preklopiti drugom korom i preliti sa prelivom.
5) Za preliv - otopiti cokoladu sa uljem, vodom i margarinom.

Ingredients: for the crust - 7 eggs, 200g sugar, 200g ground walnuts, 1 tablespoon of flour, for filling - 180g sugar, 200ml water, 130g raisins, 200g ground walnuts, 1 tablespoon rum, for topping - 200g chocolate, 2 tablespoons oil, 2 teaspoons water, margarine (walnut size).

1) Soak raisins in warm water and leave to swell. Drain well.
2) For the crust - separate the egg whites from the egg yolk. Whisk the egg whites gradually adding the sugar. Add beaten egg yolks and mix a little. Then add the ground walnuts and flour. Stir. Grease the baking dish with margarine and sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture and bake at 200C. Allow to cool and cut in 2 parts.
3) For the filling - in saucepan, put the water and sugar and let it boil, add the raisins and cook for about 3 minutes. Then add the ground walnuts. Stir and remove from stove. Add rum. Stir.
4) Put first crust and spread filling evenly. Cover with second crust and pour with topping.
5) For the topping - melt chocolate with oil, water and margarine.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Baklava bez kora (Baklava without phyllo dough)

Sastojci: 12 kasika brasna, 12 kasika griza, 12 kasika ulja, 2 jaja (umucena), 10g praska za pecivo, 6 kasika secera, 12 kasika mlevenih oraha, 100g suvog grozdja, za preliv - 500g secera, 500ml vode, sok od jednog limuna, 10g vanilin secera.

1) Potopiti suvo grozdje u mlaku vodu i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti.
2) Pomesati brasno i prasak za pecivo, dodati griz, ulje, jaja, secer, mlevene orahe i suvo grozdje.
3) Pleh podmazati margarinom i posuti brasnom, sipati smesu i peci u zagrejanoj rerni na 200C.
4) Proprziti secer u serpi (dok malo ne pozuti), dodati vodu, vanilin secer i sok od limuna. Pustiti da provri i preliti preko baklave.

Ingredients: 12 tablespoons of flour, 12 tablespoons of semolina, 12 tablespoons of oil, 2 eggs (well beaten), 10g baking powder, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 12 tablespoons ground walnuts, 100g raisins, for topping - 500g sugar, 500ml water, the juice of one lemon, 10g vanilla sugar.

1) Soak the raisins in warm water and leave to swell. Drain well.
2) Combine flour and baking powder, add semolina, oil, eggs, sugar, ground walnuts and raisins.
3) Grease the baking pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture and bake in preheated oven at 200C.
4) Fry sugar in saucepan (until slightly turn yellow), add water, vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Allow to boil and pour over baklava.

Stapici sa sirom i celerom (Cheese and celery sticks)

Sastojci: 300g krompira, 200g ostrog brasna, 200g margarina (omeksao), 200g korena celera, 200g kackavalja (tvrdog), 100g feta sira, 2 jaja+2 zumanceta, so, 2 kasicice kima, 1/4 kasicice slatke aleve paprike, 2 kasicice mleka, margarin za podmazivanje pleha.

1) Krompir obariti, oljustiti, ostaviti da se ohladit, a zatim izrendati. Staviti u dublju posudu.
2) Celer ocistiti i izrendati. Kackavalj izrendati.
3) Dodati brasno, margarin, celer i kackavalj.
4) Pomesati fetu, jaja, so, kim i slatku alevu papriku. Promesati i dodati prethodnoj smesi i sve dobro zamesiti.
5) Razviti testo na debljinu od 3 mm. Iseci stapice i staviti na pleh podmazan margarinom i posut brasnom. Umutiti zumanca sa mlekom, premazati stapice i peci u zagrejanoj rerni dok ne pozute.

300g potatoes, 200g sharp flour, 200g margarine or butter (softened), 200g celery root, 200g yellow cheese (hard), 100g feta cheese, 2 eggs+2 egg yolks, salt, 2 teaspoons cumin, 1/4 teaspoon sweet cayenne pepper, 2 teaspoonful of milk, margarine for greasing the pan.

1) Cook potatoes, peel, leave to cool, then grate. Put it in a deeper pan.
2) Clean and grate the celery root. Grate yellow cheese.
3) Add flour, margarine, celery root and cheese.
4) Combine feta cheese, eggs, salt, cumin and sweet cayenne pepper. Stir and add to the previous mixture and knead all well.
5) Develop the dough to a thickness of 3 mm. Grease baking pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour. Cut sticks and put on a baking pan. Whisk the egg yolks with milk, brush sticks and bake in preheated oven until light golden brown.

Krem corba od spanaca (Cream spinach chowder)

Sastojci: 800g spanaca, 2 sargarepe, 1 koren persuna, 1 koren celera, 1 glavica crnog luka, ulje, 1 jaje, malo mleka, besamel sos.

1) Crni luk, sargarepu, koren persuna i koren celera oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Na ulju proprziti crni luk, dodati sargarepu, koren celera i koren persuna, pa sve dinstati sa malo vode u poklopljenoj posudi.
3) Spanac ocistiti, oprati u prokuvati u vrijucoj slanoj vodi, oko 5 minuta. Ocediti, a vodu ostaviti sa strane.
4) Ispasirati mesavinu povrca i spanac.
5) Pomesati besamel sos sa pireom od povrca, razblaziti sa vodom u kojoj se kuvao spanac i kuvati oko 15 minuta.
Napomena: ako je corba gusta dodati jos malo vode u kojoj se kuvao spanac, pustiti da prokljuca, pa skinuti sa sporeta.
6) Umutiti jaje, sipatu u corbu pa dodati mleko.

Ingredients: 800g spinach, 2 carrots, 1 parsley root, 1 celery root, 1 onion, oil, 1 egg, a little milk, bechamel sauce.

1) Peel onion, carrots, parsley root and celery root and finely chop.
2) In oil fry onions, add the carrots, celery root and parsley root, and cook all with a little water in a covered pot.
3) Clean the spinach, wash and cook in boiled salty water for about 5 minutes. Drain well and leave water aside.
4) Blend mixed vegetables and spinach.
5) Combine bechamel sauce with pureed vegetables, dilute with water ( from cooked spinach), and cook for about 15 minutes.
Note: If the chowder is thick, add a little water (from cooked spinach) let it boil, then remove from the stove.
6) Whisk the egg, pour in the chowder and add milk.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Keks sa dzemom (Biscuits with jam)

Sastojci: 700g brasna, 250g secera u prahu, 250g margarina, 3 jaja, 20g vanilin secera, izrendana kora od jednog limuna, dzem.

1) Pomesati brasno, secer, vanilin secer, koru od limuna i margarin, zatim dodati jaja. Zamesiti testo.
2) Razviti na 0.5 mm debljine, modlom vaditi keksice. Prstom napraviti udubljenje, staviti dzem.
3) Poredjati u pleh i peci na 200 C dok ne porumene.

Savet: mozete pogledati kako se priprema dzem za mekano voce ili kako se priprema dzem za cvrsto voce.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Keksici sa dzemom i zacinima.

700g flour, 250g powdered sugar, 250g margarine, 3 eggs, 20g vanilla sugar, grated rind of one lemon, jam.

1) Combine flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon peel and butter, then add eggs. Knead dough.
2) Develop a dough 0.5 mm thickness, with cookie cutter make circles. Use your finger to make a dent, put jam.
3) Place cookies on the baking pan and bake at 200 C until golden brown.

Tip: You can look at how to prepare jam for soft fruit or how to prepare jam for sold fruit.

Suggestion: you can make Biscuits with jam and spices.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cufte od karfiola u sosu od mesa (Cauliflower balls in meat sauce)

Sastojci: 1 glavica karfiola, 1-2 jaja, 1 kasika masti, 1 kasika prezli, za sos - 300g mlevenog mesa, 1 glavica crnog luka, 200ml soka od paradajza, 1 kasika brasna, 1 kasika persunovog lista, so po ukusu.

1) Karfiol skuvati, ocediti (vodu ostaviti sa strane) i sitno iseckati.
2) Belance odvojiti od zumanceta. Umutiti belance. Umutiti zumance sa mascu. Posoliti, dodati prezle i belanca. Dodati karfiol i praviti cufte i prziti u ulju. Staviti na papir da upije visak ulja.

Cupava salata (Fluff salad)

Sastojci: 3 krompira, 4 kuvana jaja, 300g sunke (u komadu), 100g majoneza, 200ml kisele pavlake, so po ukusu.

1) Obariti krompir, oljustiti, i izrendati. Jaja iseckati na kockice, a sunku izrendati.
2) Pomesati kiselu pavlaku i majonez.
3) Pomesati krompir, jaja i sunku. Dodati mesavinu pavlake i majoneza. Posoliti po ukusu. Promesati. Staviti u frizider.

3 potatoes, 4 boiled eggs, 300g of ham (in one piece), 100g mayonnaise, 200ml sour cream, salt to taste.

1) Cook potatoes peel and grate. Cut eggs into cubes and grate ham.
2) Mix the sour cream and mayonnaise.
3) Combine potatoes, eggs and ham. Add mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise. Add salt to taste. Stir. Put in refrigerator.

Urnebes salata (Spicy salad)

Sastojci: 300g feta sira (izmrvljenog), 100g kajmaka, 10 pecenih paprika, 1 kasicica aleve paprike, 1 kasicica ljute aleve paprike, 3 cena belog luka.

1) Papriku iscekati na kockice. Beli luk ocistiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati sir i kajmak. Dodati papriku, alevu papriku i ljutu alevu papriku i beli luk. Sve dobro izmesati. Ostaviti u frizider 3 sata.

300g feta cheese (crumbled), 100g quick cheese spread, 10 roasted peppers, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon hot pepper, 3 cloves of garlic.

1) Cut peppers into cubes. Clean and finely chop garlic.
2) Combine feta and quick cheese spread. Add peppers, cayenne pepper and hot red pepper and garlic. Mix well everything. Leave in refrigerator 3 hours.

Sirup za zimske dane (Syrup for winter days)

Sastojci: 100g sargarepe, 100g korena celera, 100g rena, 100g cvekle, 1 cen belog luka, 200g meda.

1) Sargarepu, koren celera, ren oljustiti i izrendati. Beli luk sitno iseckati.
2) Cveklu obariti, oljustiti i izrendati.
3) Pomesati izrendano povrce, dodati med i promesati. Sipati u teglu.
4) Uzimati sirup ujutro na prazan stomak po jednu kasiku.

Ingredients: 100g carrots 100g celery root, 100g horseradish, 100g beetroot, 1 clove of garlic, 200g of honey.


1) Peel carrots, celery root, horseradish and grate. Finely chop the garlic.
2) Cook beetroot, peel and grate.
3) Mix grated vegetables, add honey and stir. Pour into a jar.
4) Take syrup in the morning on an empty stomach one spoonful.

Domaci vocni sok (Homemade fruit juice)

Sastojci: 1 kg dunja, 1 kg jabuka, 1 kg krusaka, 1 kg sargarepe, 1,3 kg secera, 30g limuntusa, 10 L vode.

1) Dunje, jabuke i kruske oljustiti i iseci na kocke, a sargarepu na kolutove.
2) Dunje, jabuke i kruske kuvati u dubljoj serpi (preliti vodom da prekrije voce), dok ne omeksa. Sargarepu posebno kuvati. Ocediti.
3) Voce ispasirati, vratiti u serpu, dodati vodu, secer i limuntus i prokuvati.
Napomena: ako zelite gusci sok, doliti vode do 10 L ukupno.
4) Sok sipati u tople flase, uviti u krpe i ostaviti da se ohladi. Staviti celofan i zatvoriti poklopcem.

Ingredients: 1 kg quince, 1 kg of apples, 1 kg pears, 1 kg carrot, 1.3 kg of sugar, 30g citric acid, 10 L of water.

1) Peel quince, apple and pear and cut into cubes, cut carrots into slices.
2) Cook quince, apples and pears together (pour water to cover the fruit), in a deep pot, until soften. Cooked carrots separately. Drain.
3) Blend fruits, return to pot, add water, sugar and citrci acid and bring to boil.
Note: if you want denser juice, add water to 10 L total.
4) Pour the juice in warm bottles, coat in the cloth and leave to cool. Put cellophane and close lid.

Snenokle (Floating islands)

Sastojci: 4 jaja, 1 L mleka + 50ml mlakog mleka, 4+3 kasike secera, 3 kasike brasna, 20g vanilin secera.

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca.
2) Penasto umutiti belanca sa 3 kasike secera. Mleko staviti da provri. Vaditi kasikom belanca i kuvati u mleku sa obe strane, na srednjoj temperaturi. Vaditi rupicastom kasikom i stavljati u dublju ciniju. Mleko ostaviti sa strane.
3) Umutiti zumanca sa 4 kasike secera i vanilin secerom. Dodati brasno i 50ml mleka. Sipati u mleko i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi, stalno mesajuci. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
4) Krem preliti preko snenokli.

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 1 L of milk + 50 ml of lukewarm milk, 4+3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons flour, 20g vanilla sugar.

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.
2) Whisk egg whites with 3 tablespoons of sugar, until foamy. Bring milk to boil. Scoop egg whites with tablespoon and cook in the milk on both sides over medium heat. Remove egg whites ("islands") with perforated spoon and place in a deeper bowl. Set milk aside.
3) Whisk the egg yolks with 4 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla sugar. Add flour and 50ml of lukewarm milk. Pour in the milk and cook on medium heat, stirring constantly. Allow to cool.
4) Pour cream over "islands".


Sastojci: 5 jaja, 150g+300g secera, 250ml mleka, 125ml ulja, 375g ostrog brasna, 10g praska za pecivo, 2 kasike kakaoa, 2-3 kapi limunovog soka, za preliv - 200g cokolade, 2 kasike ulja, 3 kasike mleka i malo margarina.

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo i kakaoom.
2) Umutiti zumanca sa 150g secera. Dodati mesavinu od brasna, ulje i mleko i sve dobro promesati.
3) Pleh podmazati margarinom, posuti brasno, sipati smesu i peci na 200 stepeni oko 15-20 minuta.
4) Penasto umutit belanca sa 300g secera i sokom od limuna.
5) Pecenu koru preliti sa umucenim belancima i staviti u rernu  da se susi 15-20 minuta na 50 stepeni. Izvaditi iz rerne.
6) Cokoladu izlomiti na kocke, dodati ulje, mleko i malo margarina. Otopiti na srednjoj teperaturi i preliti preko belanaca.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, 150g +300g sugar, 250ml milk, 125ml oil, 375g sharp flour, 10g baking powder, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 2-3 drops of lemon juice for the topping - 200g chocolate, 2 tablespoons oil, 3 tablespoons of milk little margarine.

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Mix flour with baking powder and cocoa.
2) Whisk the egg yolks with 150g sugar. Add mixture of flour, oil and milk and stir well.
3) Grease the baking pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture and bake at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
4) Whisk the egg whites with a 300g of sugar and lemon juice
until foamy.
5) Pour over baked crust well beaten egg whites and place in the oven to dry for 15-20 minutes at 50 degrees. Remove from oven.
6) Break chocolate into squares, add oil, milk and a little margarine. Melt at medium temperature and pour it over the egg whites.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Katarinin kolac (Katarina's Cake)

Sastojci: 6 jaja, 2 zumanceta, 280g secera, 180g lesnika (oljustenih i iseckanih), sok od pola limuna, 50g prezli.

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca.
2) Umutiti zumanca sa secerom. Dodati sok od limuna, dobro umucena belanca, lesnike i prezle. Dobro izmesati.
3) Masu peci u duguljastom plehu na 150 C.

6 eggs, 2 egg yolks, 280g sugar, 180g hazelnuts (peeled and chopped), the juice of half a lemon, 50g breadcrumbs.


1) Separate egg whites from egg yolks.
2) Whisk egg yolks with sugar. Add lemon juice, well beaten egg whites, hazelnuts and breadcrumbs. Mix well.
3) Pour mass in oblong baking pan and bake in oven at 150 C.

Koh od griza (Semolina koh)

Sastojci: 1 L mleka, 140g griza, 4 kasike secera, 6 jaja, margarin i brasno za podmazivanje pleha, krem od belog vina.

1) Odvojiti zumanca od belanaca.
2) U serpu sipati mleko i griz i kuvati uz konstantno mesanje. Skinuti sa vatre i ostaviti da se ohladi.
3) Zatim dodati secer i zumanca i dobro umucena belanca. Dobro izmesati.
4) Pleh podmazati margarinom, posuti brasnom, sipati smesu i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C dok ne porumeni.
4) Preliti sa kremom od vina.

Ingredients: 1 L of milk, 140g semolina, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 6 eggs, margarine and flour for greasing the pan, white wine cream.

1) Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.
2) In saucepan add milk and semolina and cook with constant stirring. Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
3) Then add the sugar, egg yolks and well beaten egg whites. Mix well.
4) Grease the baking pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour, pour the mixture and bake in the preheated oven at 200 C until golden.
4) Pour with white wine cream.

Krem od belog vina (White wine cream)

Sastojci: 6 zumanaca, 6 kasike secera, 250ml belog vina.

1) U serpu staviti zumanca, secer i belo vino i kuvati uz stalno mesanje dok masa ne pocne da se zgusnjava.
2) Zatim sud staviti u hladnu vodu i mesati dok se ne ohladi.

Savet: ovim kremom mozete preliti koh ili palacinke.

Ingredients: 6 egg yolks, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 250ml white wine.

1) In saucepan put egg yolks, sugar and white wine and cook with constant mixing until the mass thickens.
2) Then place saucepan in cold water and stir until it cools down.

Tip: You can pour this cream over koh or crepes.

Snite od oraha (Walnut slices)

Sastojci: 250g secera, 1 jaje, 250g mlevenih oraha, za belu glazuru - 4 kasike secera u prahu, 1 sok od jednog limuna.

1) Odvojiti zumance od belanceta.
2) Umutiti secer sa zumancetom. Zatim dodati orahe i dobro umuceno belance. Dobro izmesati.
3) Masu razvuci u plehu u koru sirine 3 prsta i debljine 1 prst. Preliti glazurom, iseci snite, i susiti u zagrejanoj rerni.
4) Bela glazura - umutiti secer u prahu sa sokom od limuna dok ne postane kremasto.

Ingredients: 250g sugar, 1 egg, 250 g ground walnuta, white glaze - 4 tablespoons powdered sugar, juice of one lemon.

1) Separate the egg yolk from the egg white.
2) Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. Then add the walnuts and well beaten egg white. Mix well.
3) Develop mass in the pan into crust 3 finger width and thickness of 1 finger. Pour glaze, then cut slices and dry in the preheated oven.
4) White glaze - whisk powdered sugar with lemon juice until creamy.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Brzi kolac sa visnjama (Quick sour cherries cake)

Sastojci: 150g margarina (sobne temperature), 150g secera, 3 jaja, 150g brasna, izrendana kora od pola limuna, visnje (sveze ili iz kompota).

1) Odvojiti zumanca od belanaca.
2) Umutiti margarin sa secerom i zumancima. Dodati brasno, umucena belanca i koru od limuna. Izmesati dobro.
3) Sipati u margainom podmazan i brasnom posut pleh, poredjati visnje odozgo i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C.

150g margarine (butter) room temperature, 150g sugar, 3 eggs, 150g flour, grated rind of half a lemon, sour cherries (fresh or canned).

1) Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.
2) Whisk the butter with sugar and egg yolks. Add flour, beaten egg whites and lemon rind. Mix well.
3) Grease baking pan with margarine and sprinkle flour, align sour cherries on top and bake in the preheated oven at 200 C.

Kakaolada (Cocoalate)

Sastojci: 900g secera, 125g margarina, 100ml ulja, 200ml mleka, 500g brasna, 100g kakaoa, opciono - 3 kasike nes kafe (u prahu), 200g mlevenih oraha, 200g mlevenih lesnika.

Napomena: ako ste jedna od onih osoba koje vole da smanjuju kolicinu secera u receptu, ovo nije jedan od njih.

1) U dublju serpu staviti secer, margarin, ulje i mleko i na tihoj vatri (ako imate sporet od 1 do 6, staviti na 2 ili kasnije na 1) kuvati dok se secer sasvim ne otopi (da bude bez grudvica, i da secer ne zagori), uz stalno mesanje.
2) Kad se secer otopio, skloniti sa vatre i dodati brasno i kakao. Dobro izmesati.
3) Masu mozete podeliti na 2, 3 ili 4 dela. Jedan deo ostaviti kakav jeste, u drugi deo dodati nes kafu, u treci, orahe, a u cetvrti deo lesnike.
4) Mase staviti na tacne, izravnati na debljinu 1.5 cm i ostaviti da se ohladi i stegne. Zatim seci na zeljene oblike.

Ingredients: 900g sugar, 125g margarine, 100ml oil, 200ml milk, 500g flour, 100g of cocoa, optional - 3 tablespoons nescafe (powder), 200g ground walnuts, 200g ground toasted hazelnuts.

Note: If you are one of those people who like to reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe, this is not one of them.

1) In deeper saucepan, put sugar, margarine, oil, milk and cook on low heat (if you have stove from 1 to 6, place on two and later at 1) until the sugar is completely dissolved (free of lumps, and sugar must not burn), with constant stirring.
2) When the sugar is melted, remove from heat and add flour and cocoa. Mix well.
3) Mass can be divided in two, three or four parts. One part left as it is, to second part add nescafe, in the third, the walnuts, and in the fourth part add hazelnuts.
4) Place masses on the tray, straighten to thickness of 1.5 cm and leave to cool and tightens. Then cut in desired shapes.

Trouglovi sa pudingom i bananom (Triangles with pudding and banana)

Sastojci: lisnato testo (odmrznuto), 2x40g pudinga u prahu, 6 kasika secera, 700+100ml vode (hladne), 1 banana.

1) U serpu staviti 700ml vode i 3 kasike secera, dok se secer ne otopi. Bananu iseckati na krugove.
2) Pomesati puding u prahu sa 3 kasike secera i 100ml vode. Dobro promesati. Zatim dodati u vodu sa secerom uz stalno mesanje i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi dok se ne zgusne oko 5 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
3) Razviti lisnato testo na debljinu 0,5-0,8 mm i iseci na kvadrate.
4) Na jedan kraj (ugao) staviti puding, staviti 3-4 krugova banane, prekriti sa drugim krajem (uglom) da bi formirali trougao. Pritisnuti ivice da se slepe (ako nece da se zalepe ili prste posuti brasnom ili premazati vodom).
5) Pleh namazati margarinom, poredjati trouglove i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 220 stepeni 15 minuta, zatim smanjiti na 200 i peci jos 10-15 minuta.

puff pastry 1 (defrosted), 2x40g pudding (powder), 6 tablespoons of sugar, 700 +100 ml of water (cold), 1 banana.

1) In saucepan put 700ml of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar, until the sugar is dissolved. Cut banana into circles.
2) Mix pudding powder with 3 tablespoons of sugar and 100ml water. Stir well. Then add to the water and sugar with constant stirring and cook over medium heat until it thickens, about 5 minutes. Allow to cool.
3) Develop the puff pastry to a thickness 0.5 to 0.8 mm, and cut into squares.
4) At one end (corner) put the pudding, put 3-4 circles of banana, cover with the other end (corner) to form a triangle. Press the edges of the dough (if sticks to fingers, sprinkle fingers with flour or brush the dough with water).
5) Grease baking pan with margarine, put triangles and bake in the preheated oven at 220 C degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce to 200 C and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Rolat od sunke (Ham roll)

Sastojci: rolat kora-osnovni recept, 200g sunke, 200g feta sira, 100g kiselih krastavcica, 200ml kisele pavlake, sargarepa (sitno izrendana).

1) Spremiti rolat koru.
2) Sunku i kisele krastavcice iseckati na kockice. Zatim dodati fetu i promesati.
3) Koru premazati ovim filom i ponovo zamotati.
4) Premazati kiselom pavlakom i posuti sargarepom.

Ingredients: roll crust-basic recipe, 200g ham, 200g feta cheese, 100g pickles, 200ml sour cream, carrots (finely grated).

1) Prepare roll crust.
2) Cut ham and pickles into cubes. Then add feta cheese and stir.
3) Spread filling over crust and wrap in roll again.
4) Coat with sour cream and sprinkle with carrots.

Rolat kora-osnovni recept (Roll crust-basic recipe)

Sastojci: 5 jaja, 200ml kisele pavlake, 6 kasika brasna (ravnih), 10g praska za pecivo.

1) Odvojiti belanca od zumanaca. Pomesati brasno sa praskom za pecivo. Umutiti belanca.
2) Posebno umutiti zumanca. Dodati kiselu pavlaku i brasno. Zatim dodati umucena belanca. Promesati.
3) U pleh staviti papir za pecenje, sipati smesu i peci na 200 stepeni 15 minuta.
4) Peceno urolati zajedno sa papirom i ostaviti da se ohladi.

Savet: ako nemate papir za pecenje, pleh podmazati margarinom i posuti brasnom. Pecenu koru staviti na vlaznu kuhinjsku krpu i umotati. Ostaviti da se ohladi.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, 200ml sour cream, 6 tablespoons flour (flat), 10g baking powder.

1) Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Mix flour with baking powder. Whisk egg whites.
2) Whisk the egg yolks. Add the sour cream and flour. Add beaten egg whites. Stir.
3) In a pan put the baking paper, pour the mixture and bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
4) Baked crust roll with baking paper and leave to cool.

Tip: If you don't have baking paper, baking pan grease with margarine and sprinkle with flour. Baked crust put on a wet kitchen towel and wrap in roll. Leave to cool.