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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Domaci senf 1 (Homemade mustard 1)

Sastojci: 130g zutog semena slacice, 400ml prokuvane vode, 60ml jabukovog sirceta, 3g himalajske soli, 0.8g kurkume (u prahu), 0.5g crvene paprike (mlevene), 0.4g belog luka (u prahu), 0.3g crnog luka (u prahu), 0.3g cimeta (u prahu), 20g meda.

Pribor: staklo, keramika i drvo.


0) U vrelu vodu staviti sav pribor za pravljenje senfa da kljuca nekoliko minuta.

1) U mlinu za zacine isitniti semenke slacice.

2) Pomesati seme slacice sa himalajskom solju, kukrkumom, crvenom paprikom, belim lukom, crnim lukom i cimetom.

3) U serpicu sipati vodu i dodati zacine.

4) Kuvati na niskoj temperaturi (2) oko 45 minuta, povremeno mesajuci.

5) Dodati jabukovo sirce i krckati jos 10 minuta, povremeno mesajuci.

6) Sipati u teglu i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi. Teglu dobro zatvoriti plasticnim poklopcem.

7) Drzati u frizideru 30h.

8) Cuvati u frizideru do 45 dana.


Ako volite krupniji senf a ne gladak, mozete koristiti i avan i tucak.

Ako zelite blazi ukus koristite zute semenke slacice, ako zelite jaci, vise ljut ili gorak ukus koristite crne semenke slacice.

Sirce i so se koriste za cuvanje tj. konzerviranje senfa.

Senf se marinira za 30h, a nekad i duze, da bi se izvukla gorcina i da bi bilo prijatnog ukusa.

Ingredients: 130g yellow mustard seeds, 400ml boiled water, 60ml apple cider vinegar, 3g himalayan salt, 0.8g turmeric (powder), 0.5g red pepper (powder), 0.4g garlic (powder), 0.3g onion (powder), 0.3g cinnamon (powder), 20g honey.

Accessories: glass, ceramics and wood.


0) Put all the mustard making utensils in boiling water to boil for a few minutes.

1) In a spice mill, chop the mustard seeds.

2) Mix mustard seeds with himalayan salt, turmeric, red pepper, garlic, onion and cinnamon.

3) Pour water into a bowl and add spices.

4) Cook on low heat (2) for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5) Add apple cider vinegar and simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

6) Pour into a jar and leave to cool completely. Close the jar tightly with a plastic lid.

7) Keep in the refrigerator for 30 hours.

8) Store in the refrigerator for up to 45 days.


If you prefer coarse mustard rather than smooth, you can use mortar and pestle.

If you want a milder taste, use yellow mustard seeds, if you want a stronger, more spicy or bitter taste, use black mustard seeds.

Vinegar and salt are used for storage and preserving mustard.

Mustard is marinated for 30 hours, and sometimes longer, to extract the bitterness and to have a pleasant taste.

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