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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Kolac sa krem sirom, kikiriki puterom i pomorandzom (Cake with cream cheese, peanut butter and orange)

Sastojci: 350g cajnih kolacica ili domacice, ili keksa, 5 kasika secera, 100g margarina (otopljenog), 4 jaja, 800g krem sira, 200ml slatke pavlake, 250g putera od kikirikija, 200g zutog secera, 2 kasicice vanila ekstrata, 2 pomorandze, za glazuru: 200g cokolade, 200ml slatke pavlake.


1. Keks samleti. Iscediti sok od jedne pomorandze. Penasto umutiti margarin sa 5 kasika secera.

2. Okrugao kalup precnika 23cm obloziti alu folijom s dva sloja. Staviti keks i utisnuti prstima. Ostaviti u frizider.

3. Mikserom umutiti krem sir i slatku pavlaku. Dodati margarin, jaja i vanila ekstrakt i umutiti mikserom. 

4. Dodavati jedno po jedno jaje i mutiti. Podeliti na dva dela - 700g i 300g.

5. U manji deo dodati sok od pomorandze i promesati.

6. Sipati preko keksa prvi fil.

7. Staviti u frizider da se stegne,

8. Sipati drugi fil. 

9. U veliki pleh sipati vrelu vodu do 2/3 dubine. Kalup sa smesom staviti u veci pleh i peci u prethodno zagrejanoh rerni na 160bstepeni oko 1 sat. Ugasiti rernu i ostaviti da se ohladi.

10. Otopiti cokoladu sa slatkom pavlakom na umerenoj temperaturi (4). Preliti preko kolaca.

11. Ukrasiti kriskama pomorandze.

Ingredients: 350g of tea cookies or homemade cookies, 5 tablespoons of sugar, 100g of margarine (melted), 4 eggs, 800g of cream cheese, 200ml of heavy cream, 250g of peanut butter, 200g of yellow sugar, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, 2 oranges, for the glaze: 200g chocolate, 200ml heavy cream.


1. Grind the biscuit. Squeeze the juice from one orange. Beat margarine with 5 tablespoons of sugar until foamy.

2. Line a round mold with a diameter of 23 cm with two layers of aluminum foil. Place the biscuit and press with your fingers. Leave in the fridge.

3. Beat the cream cheese and heavy cream with a mixer. Add margarine, eggs and vanilla extract and beat with a mixer.

4. Add one egg at a time and beat. Divide into two parts - 700g and 300g.

5. Add orange juice to a smaller portion and stir.

6. Pour the first filling over the biscuits.

7. Put in the refrigerator to set.

8. Pour the second filling.

9. Pour hot water into a large pan up to 2/3 of the depth. Place the mold with the mixture in a larger tray and bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for about 1 hour. Turn off the oven and let it cool down.

10. Melt the chocolate with the heavy cream at a moderate temperature (4). Pour over the cake.

11. Decorate with orange slices.

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