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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Biskvit testo (Biscuit dough)

Sastojci: (za tri kore za tortu) - 6 jaja, na vrh noza soli, 150g secera, 20g vanilin secera, 100g brasna, 100g gustina, 5g praska za pecivo (opciono)

1) Pazljivo odvojiti belanca od zumanaca i staviti ih u dve posude. Prvo umutiti belanca.
2) Zatim umutiti zumanca i dodati 4 kasike tople vode.
Napomena: zumanca ce te lakse umutiti ako to radite nad parom vruce vode. Polako dodajte secer pomesan sa vanilin secerom i solju. masa treba da bude belicasta i gusta.
3) Pomesajte umucena belanca i zumanca.
4) Na sve to prosejte brasno i dodajte gustin; eventualno dodati prasak za pecivo. Pazljivo izmesati.
Napomena: ne mesajte mnogo i ne istiskujte mehurice vazduha iz mase.
5) Pleh uvek oblozite masnim papirom, ako ga nemate premazite masnocom, ali samo dno, nikako stranice, jer ce se biskvit ionako skupiti prilikom pecenja.
Napomena: za vreme pecenja ne otvarati vrata rerne.
6) Peci na umerenoj temperaturi. Duzina pecenja zavisi od toga da li pecete svo testo odjednom pa delite na 3 kore ili pecete svaku koru posebno, a i od vase rerne.
7) Kad se ispece ostaviti da se hladi oko 20 minuta, a zatim pazljivo izvaditi iz pleha.

Savet 1: ako ste koristili masan papir koji ne mozete lako da skinete, premazite ceo papir vodom i sacekati 5 minuta.

Savet 2: ako ste testo uradili deblje, sacekajte do sledeceg dana sa secenjem, da se testo potpuno ohladi.

Savet 3: da bi ste isekli ravnu povrsinu, nozem zasecite na zeljenu visinu, a zatim u prorez uvucite konac kojim obavijete ceo krug, na drugom kraju ukrstite konac i zategnite kao da pravite cvor.

Savet 4: biskvit treba peci jedan dan pre planiranog posluzenja.

Ingredients: (for three crusts for the cake) - 6 eggs, at the top of the knife salt, 150g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 100g flour, 100g cornstarch, 5g baking powder (optional)

1) Carefully separate the egg whites from the egg yolks and put them in two bowls. First, whisk the egg whites.
2) Next, whisk the egg yolks and add 4 tablespoons of warm water.
Note: you will whisk egg yolks easier if you do it over the steam of hot water. Slowly add sugar mixed with vanilla sugar and salt. Mass should be whitish and thick.
3) Mix the whipped egg whites and yolks.
4) Sift flour over and add the cornstarch; possibly add baking powder. Gently mix.
Note: Do not stir much and  do not wring out air bubbles from the mass.
5) Always place greaseproof paper, if you do not have, grease with oil or margarine, but only the bottom, not the sides, biscuit will shrink anyway during baking.
Note: Do not open the oven door while baking.
6) Bake at medium heat. Baking time depends on whether you bake all the dough at once (you want to divide biscuit in 3 crusts)  or you bake every crust separately, and on your oven.
7) When it's done, leave to cool for about 20 minutes, then carefully remove from pan.

Tip 1: if you used a greasy paper that you can not easily take off, brush the entire paper with water and wait for 5 minutes.

Tip 2: if you baked all at once, wait till the next day with the cutting, when dough is cool completely.

Tip 3: to cut the flat surface, mark with knife to the desired height, and then insert the thread into the marks, which envelops the whole circle, at the other end intersect the thread and tighten as if you were making knot.

Tip 4: bake biscuit one day before the planned serving.

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