300g lisnatog
testa 1, 300g kajsija iz kompota, 200g dzema od kajsija, 300ml
mleka, kora od jednog limuna, 100g secera, 10g zelatina, 3 zumanca,
400ml+200ml slatke pavlake.
Rastopiti zelatin u hladnoj vodi. Kajsije ocediti i sitno iseckati.
U posudu staviti mleko i koru od limuna i na tihoj temperaturi
pustiti da provri. Skloniti i ostaviti da odstoji 10 minuta.
Dobro umutiti zumanca i secer. Dodati mleko konstatno mesajuci.
Sipati u posudu, dodati zelatin i kuvati dok se ne rastopi. Skloniti
i izvaditi koru od limuna. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
400ml slatke pavlake umutiti. Dodati kremu, promesati i ostaviti u
frizider na 1 sat.
Razviti testo. Pleh podmazati margarinom i posuti secerom i staviti
testo. Napraviti rupe viljuskom, poprskati sa malo vode i posuti sa
malo secera. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 15 minuta.
Ostaviti da se prohladi.
Dodati kajsije u krem i promesati. Sipati preko lisnatog testa i
ukrasiti sa 200ml umucene pavlake.
300g puff
pastry 1 or puff
pastry 2, 300g apricots from compote, 200g apricot jam, 300ml
milk, peel of one lemon, 100g sugar, 10g gelatin, 3 egg yolks, 400ml
+ 200ml heavy cream.
Melt the gelatin in cold water. Drain apricots and finely chop.
In the bowl add milk and lemon peel and a low temperature let it
boil. Remove and let it sit for 10 minutes.
Whisk good egg yolks and sugar. Add milk constantly Stirring. Pour
into a saucepan, add the gelatin and cook until melted. Remove from
stove and remove lemon peel. Allow to cool.
Whisk 400ml heavy cream. Add to the cream, stir and leave in the
refrigerator for 1 hour.
Develop a dough. Grease the baking dish with margarine and sprinkle
with sugar and put the dough. Make holes with fork, sprinkle with a
little water and with a little sugar. Bake in the preheated oven at
180C for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool.
Add the apricots to the cream and stir. Pour over puff pastry and
garnish with beaten 200m heavy cream.
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