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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Kako napraviti kolačiće sreće (How to make fortune cookies)

Sastojci: 3 belanceta, 1/2 kašičice vanila ekstrakta, 1/2 kašičice badem ekstrakta, 3 kašike ulja, 8 kašika brašna, 1 1/2 kašičice  kukuruznog gustina, 1/4 kašičice soli,  8 kašika šećera, 3 kašike vode, 1/2 kašičice boje za kolače (opciono).


1. Napišite poruke na papirićima dužine 10 i širine 4 cm.
2. Zagrejati rernu na 150 stepeni.
3. U ciniju staviti belanca, dodati ekstrakt vanile i badema i ulje. Blago umutiti mikserom (paziti da ne postane čvrsto).
4. U drugu ciniju, prosejati brašno, kukuruzni skrob. Dodati so, šećer i vodu. Promešati.
5. Dodati mešavinu brašna u smesu od belanaca. Ako hoćete sada možete dodati boju po želji.  Mešati dok ne dobijete glatko testo. Testo ne treba da bude retko, ali treba da lako spada sa kašike.
6. Na pleh za pečenje staviti po kašiku smese. Izmedju praviti veliki razmak. Kašikom razmazati po testu da se dobije prečnik od oko 4 cm.
7. Peći oko 10-15 minuta tj. sve dok ivice (oko 1 cm) ne postanu zlatno smedje boje i da mogu lako da se izvade spatulom.

Napomena: sledeći korak morate raditi brzo, jer ako se kolačić ohladi, raspadaće se.

8. Spatulom izvaditi kolačić i prevnuti ga u ruku tako da donja strana bude gore. Stavite poruku na sredinu i presavijte na pola. Zatim lagano povucite krajeve na dole preko ivice šolje ili čaše. 
9. Staviti kolačić u modlu za projice, da bi zadržao taj oblik dok se hladi.

Savet: počnite sa dva kolačića da pečete, kad udjete u štos povećajte broj, ali ostale kolačiće ostavite u rerni dok jedan pravite.

Ingredients: 3 egg whites, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon almond extract, 3 tablespoons oil, 8 tablespoons flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons of cornstarch, 1/4 teaspoon salt 8 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons water, 1/2 teaspoon color for cake (optional).


1. Write messages on pieces of paper length of 10 and 4 cm wide.
2. Preheat oven to 150 C degrees.
3. In a bowl, put egg whites, add the vanilla and almond extract and oil. Lightly whisk with mixer (be careful not to become firmly).
4. In another bowl, sift the flour, corn starch. Add salt, sugar and water. Stir.
5. Add flour mixture in a mixture of egg whites. If you want you can add color if desired. Mix until you have a smooth dough. The dough should not be rare, but should easily fall off spoon.
6. In the baking tray put the spoon of mixture. Make a big gap between. Press with spoon on top to make diameter of about 4 cm.
7. Bake for approximately 10-15 minutes, ie. until the edges (about 1 cm) become golden brown and that can be easily removed with a spatula.

Note: the next step you need to work fast, because if the cookie cools down it will fall apart 
8. With spatula remove the cookie and turn upside down by the hand so that the bottom side is up. Put a message in the middle and fold in half. Then gently pull the edges down over the edge of the cup or glass. 

9. Place the cookie in the mold for muffins, to maintain form until it cools.

Tip: start with two cookies to bake, when you have practice, increase the number, but leave other cookies in oven while you make one..

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