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Friday, March 11, 2016

Sok od borovnice i pomorandže (Cranberry and orange juice)

Sastojci: 100ml kisele vode+1 kašika soka od limuna, 100ml soka od brusnice, sok od jedne pomorandže, 30ml soka od limete, kocke leda, parče pomorandže za ukras.


1. Pomešati kiselu vodu sa sokom od limuna.
2. U šejker staviti kocke leda, pa dodati sok od brusnice, sok od pomorandže i sok od limete.
3. Dodati kiselu vodu sa limunom i promućkati.
4. Sipati u čašu i ukrasiti parčetom pomorandže.

Ingredients: 100ml of carbonated water + 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 100ml of cranberry juice, juice of one orange, 30ml lime juice, ice cubes, orange slice for garnish.


1. Mix carbonated water with lemon juice.
2. In a shaker, put ice cubes, then add cranberry, orange and lime juice.
3. Add the carbonated water with lemon and shake.

4. Pour into a glass and garnish with a piece of orange.

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