Priprema: 1) Odmrznuti testo. Razviti testo oklagijom na velicinu pleha.
2) Sir izgnjeciti a jaja umutiti.
3) Pomesati sir, jaja, pesto i kiselu pavlaki. Dobro umutiti.
4) Pleh namazati margarinom, posuti brasnom pa staviti testo. Sipati preko fil i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 45 minuta.
Mozete probati Pomoravkin pesto sos od persuna.
Ingredients: 1 block of puff pastry or puff pastry 2, 200g pesto sauce, 3 eggs, 250g of farmer cheese/queso fresco, 200ml of sour cream.
1) Defrost the dough. Develop the dough on the size of the baking pan.
2) Squeeze farmer cheese and beat eggs.
3) Mix the cheese, eggs, pesto sauce and the sour cream. Combine well.
4) Spread the baking pan with margarine and sprinkle with flour. Place the developed dough and pour the filling. Bake in preheated oven at 180 C for about 45 minutes.
You can try Pomoravka's parsley pesto sauce,
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