Sastojci: biskvit od oraha, za fil od slatke pavlake - 300ml slatke pavlake, 250g šećera u prahu, 1 kasika mleka, 2 kasike vode, za fil od nes kafe - 300g margarina (omeksalog), 280g secera u prahu, 20g vanilin secera, 2 kasika mleka, 1 kasika instant kafe, 2 kasike vode, za dekoraciju - 100g oraha, 100g cokolade.
1) za fil od slatke pavlake - umtiti slatku pavlaku sa secerom u prahu, mlekom i vodom.
2) za fil od nes kafe - mikserom umutiti margarin sa secerom u prahu. Rastopiti nes kafu sa mlekom i vodom. Dodati margarinu i mutiti mikserom.
3) Na prvi deo biskvita od oraha staviti krem od slatke pavlake. Ravnomersno premazati. Staviti drugi deo biskvita i pritisnuti prstima. Tortu premazati neskafe filom.
4) Ukrasiti mlevenim orasima i/ili rendanom cokoladom. Staviti u frizider na nekoliko sati pa onda seci.
Ingredients: walnuts biscuit, for the heavy cream filling - 300ml heavy cream, 250g powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon milk, 2 tablespoons water, for nescafe filling - 300g margarine (softened), 280g powdered sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon nescafe (instant coffee), 2 tablespoons water, for decoration - 100g walnuts (ground), 100g chocolate (grated).
1) For heavy cream filling - with hand mixer beat heavy cream with powdered sugar, milk and water.
2) For nescafe filling - with hand mixer beat margarine with powdered sugar. Melt nescafe with milk and water. Add it to margarine mixture and mix well.
3) On the first part of buscuit spread heavy cream filling. On top place second part of biscuit and press with fingers. Coat cake with nescafe filling.
4) Decorate with ground walnuts and/or grated chocolate. Put it in the fridge for a few hours and then cut.
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Saturday, July 20, 2019
Hleb sa cimetom (Cinnamon bread)
Sastojci: 500g brasna, 8g praska za pecivo, 450g zuti secera, 30g vanilin secera, 10g burbon vanilin secera, 3 kasicice cimeta, 2 kasicice muskatnog oraha, prstohvat djumbira u prahu, 500ml mleka.
1) Pomesati brasno i prasak za pecivo. Dodati cimet, muskatni orah i djumbir.
2) U serpu sipati mleko i dodati secer. Kad se secer istopiti kuvati jos oko 10 minuta. Dodati u brasno i mutiti mikserom.
3) Pleh za hleb namazati otopljenim margarinom. Staviti papir za pecenje. Sipati smesu i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 1 sat i 15 minuta.
Ingredients: 500g flour, 8g baking powder, 450g brown sugar, 30g vanilla sugar, 10g bourbon vanilla sugar, 3 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons of nutmeg, a pinch of ground ginger, 500ml milk.
1) Mix flour and baking powder. Add cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger.
2) In the pot put milk and sugar. When sugar melts cook for about 10 minutes. Add it to the flour and mix with hand mixer until well combined.
3) Baking pan spread with melted margarine. Also spread margarine on sides. Put baking paper. Pour the mixture and bake in preheated oven at 180 C for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
1) Pomesati brasno i prasak za pecivo. Dodati cimet, muskatni orah i djumbir.
2) U serpu sipati mleko i dodati secer. Kad se secer istopiti kuvati jos oko 10 minuta. Dodati u brasno i mutiti mikserom.
3) Pleh za hleb namazati otopljenim margarinom. Staviti papir za pecenje. Sipati smesu i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 1 sat i 15 minuta.
Ingredients: 500g flour, 8g baking powder, 450g brown sugar, 30g vanilla sugar, 10g bourbon vanilla sugar, 3 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons of nutmeg, a pinch of ground ginger, 500ml milk.
1) Mix flour and baking powder. Add cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger.
2) In the pot put milk and sugar. When sugar melts cook for about 10 minutes. Add it to the flour and mix with hand mixer until well combined.
3) Baking pan spread with melted margarine. Also spread margarine on sides. Put baking paper. Pour the mixture and bake in preheated oven at 180 C for about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Biskvit od oraha (Walnuts biscuit)
Sastojci: 6 jaja, 230g secera, 150g brasna, 2 kasike ulja, 200g oraha (seckanih), 20g vanilin secera, 20g burbon vanilin secera.
1) Umutiti jaja sa secerom da budu penasta. Dodati brasno i ulje. Dobro sjediniti. Zatim dodati orahe i promesati.
2) Kalup za pecenje namazati rastopljenim margarinom. Takodje namazati i stranice. Staviti papir za pecenje. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 15 minuta. Kada se biskvit ohladi preseci ga na dva dela.
Ingredients: 6 eggs, 230g sugar, 150g flour, 2 tablespoons oil, 200g walnuts coarsley chopped, 20g vanilla sugar, 20g bourbon vanilla sugar.
1) With hand mixer beat the eggs with sugar until creamy. Add flour and oil and stir well. Then add walnuts and stir again.
2) Spread margarine in baking pan. Also spread it to sides. Place baking paper. Bake in preheated oven at 200 C for about 15 minutes. When the biscuit cools cut it into two parts.
1) Umutiti jaja sa secerom da budu penasta. Dodati brasno i ulje. Dobro sjediniti. Zatim dodati orahe i promesati.
2) Kalup za pecenje namazati rastopljenim margarinom. Takodje namazati i stranice. Staviti papir za pecenje. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 15 minuta. Kada se biskvit ohladi preseci ga na dva dela.
Ingredients: 6 eggs, 230g sugar, 150g flour, 2 tablespoons oil, 200g walnuts coarsley chopped, 20g vanilla sugar, 20g bourbon vanilla sugar.
1) With hand mixer beat the eggs with sugar until creamy. Add flour and oil and stir well. Then add walnuts and stir again.
2) Spread margarine in baking pan. Also spread it to sides. Place baking paper. Bake in preheated oven at 200 C for about 15 minutes. When the biscuit cools cut it into two parts.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Karamelizovana pileca prsa (Caramelized chicken breast)
Sastojci: 500g pilecih prsa, 100g secera, 300ml pilece supe, 100g susama, so, ulje.
1) Pileca prsa iseci na filete. Posoliti.
2) U tiganj staviti ulje I proprziti snicle sa obe strane. Smanjiti temperaturu na srednju (4), dodati pilecu supu I kuvati oko 30 minuta. Kad supa ispari dodavati secer I okretati snicle da se karamelizuju.
Ingredients: 500g chicken breast, 100g sugar, 300ml chicken soup, 100g sesame seeds, salt, oil.
1) Chicken breast cut on filet. Add salt to taste.
2) In the frying pan in oil fry chicken on both sides. Reduce the temperature to medium (4), add the soup and cook for about 30 minutes. When the soup evaporate add the sugar and turn the chicken to caramelize.
1) Pileca prsa iseci na filete. Posoliti.
2) U tiganj staviti ulje I proprziti snicle sa obe strane. Smanjiti temperaturu na srednju (4), dodati pilecu supu I kuvati oko 30 minuta. Kad supa ispari dodavati secer I okretati snicle da se karamelizuju.
Ingredients: 500g chicken breast, 100g sugar, 300ml chicken soup, 100g sesame seeds, salt, oil.
1) Chicken breast cut on filet. Add salt to taste.
2) In the frying pan in oil fry chicken on both sides. Reduce the temperature to medium (4), add the soup and cook for about 30 minutes. When the soup evaporate add the sugar and turn the chicken to caramelize.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Italijanski zacin (Italian seasoning)
Sastojci: 1 1/2 kasicice suvog origana, 1 kasicica suvog majorana, 1 kasicica suvog timijana, 1/2 kasicice suvog bosiljka, 1/2 kasicice suvog ruzmarina, 1/2 kasicice suve zalfije.
1) Pomesati sve sastojke.
Cuvati u hermeticki zatvorenoj posudi.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano, 1 teaspoon dried marjoram, 1 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, 1/2 teaspoon dried sage.
1) Mix all the ingredients.
Store in a hermetically sealed container.
1) Pomesati sve sastojke.
Cuvati u hermeticki zatvorenoj posudi.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano, 1 teaspoon dried marjoram, 1 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/2 teaspoon dried basil, 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, 1/2 teaspoon dried sage.
1) Mix all the ingredients.
Store in a hermetically sealed container.
Belo meso na Grcki nacin (Chicken breasts in Greek way)
Sastojci: 400g belog mesa, 300g grckog jogurta, 2 cena belog luka, 1 veza persuna, 1 kasika origana, korica I sok od jednog limuna, prstohvat soli, maslinovo ulje.
1) Belo meso iseci na vece kocke. Beli luk oljustiti I sitno iseckati. Persun sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati jogurt, beli luk, persun, origano, koricu I sok od limuna, so I ulje. Dodati belo meso. Pokriti folijom I ostaviti da prenoci u frizideru.
3) U pleh poredjati belo meso, preliti marinadom I peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C. Posle pola sata promesati meso da se ispece I sa druge strane.
Predlog: mozete posluziti uz Pire od graska i krompira, Krompir salatu sa zacinima, Nepalsku salatu od pirinca i graska.
Ingredients: 400g of chicken breasts, 300g of Greek yogurt, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley leaves, 1 tablespoon of oregano, zest and juice of one lemon, pinch of salt, olive oil.
1) Cut chicken breats in big cubes. Clean garlic and finely chop. Finely chop parsley leaves.
2) Mix yogurt, garlic, parsley, oregano, zest and lemon juice and oil. Add chicken breasts. Cover with the foil and leave it in the fridge.
3) In baking pan place chicken breasts, pour the marinade and in the preheated oven bake at 180 C. After half an hour stir the meat to bake on the other side.
Suggestion: you can serve with Mashed green peas and potatoes, Potatoe salad with spices, Nepalese salad with rice and peas.
1) Belo meso iseci na vece kocke. Beli luk oljustiti I sitno iseckati. Persun sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati jogurt, beli luk, persun, origano, koricu I sok od limuna, so I ulje. Dodati belo meso. Pokriti folijom I ostaviti da prenoci u frizideru.
3) U pleh poredjati belo meso, preliti marinadom I peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C. Posle pola sata promesati meso da se ispece I sa druge strane.
Predlog: mozete posluziti uz Pire od graska i krompira, Krompir salatu sa zacinima, Nepalsku salatu od pirinca i graska.
Ingredients: 400g of chicken breasts, 300g of Greek yogurt, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bunch of parsley leaves, 1 tablespoon of oregano, zest and juice of one lemon, pinch of salt, olive oil.
1) Cut chicken breats in big cubes. Clean garlic and finely chop. Finely chop parsley leaves.
2) Mix yogurt, garlic, parsley, oregano, zest and lemon juice and oil. Add chicken breasts. Cover with the foil and leave it in the fridge.
3) In baking pan place chicken breasts, pour the marinade and in the preheated oven bake at 180 C. After half an hour stir the meat to bake on the other side.
Suggestion: you can serve with Mashed green peas and potatoes, Potatoe salad with spices, Nepalese salad with rice and peas.
Sojine snicle sa povrcem (Soy schnitzel with vegetables)
Sastojci: 8 sojinih snicli, 2 zute paprike, 2 crvene paprike, 1 glavica crnog luka, 3 cena belog luka, 1 struk praziluka, 1 paradajz, 300ml soka od paradajza, 2 kasike lista celera svezeg (sitno iseckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog, 2 kasike lista persuna svezeg (sitno iseckanog) ili 2 kasicice suvog, 1 kasika origana, ulje.
1) U serpu sipati vodu, dodati pola kasicice soli I staviti sojine snicle da se obare. Ocediti. Zute I crvene paprike ocistiti od semenki I iseckati na kockice. Crni I beli luk oljustiti I sitno iseckati. Praziluk oljustiti I iseckati na kockice. Paradajz oljustiti I iseci na kocke.
2) U tiganju na ulju prziti crni luk, beli luk I praziluk. Dodati papriku I celer. Prziti jos 5 minuta. Smanjiti temperauru na srednju dodati sojine snicle I sok od paradajza I kuvati dok paprika ne omeksa. Dodati paradajz I kuvati jos 15 minuta. Dodati origano I persun I kuvati jos 5 minuta.
Ingredients: 8 soy schnitzels, 2 yellow peppers, 2 red peppers, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 leek, 1 tomato, 300ml tomato juice, 2 tablespoon of fresh celery leaves (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons of dried celery leaves, 2 tablespoon of fresh parsley leaves (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons of dried parsley leaves, 1 tablespoon oregano, oil.
1) Pour the water into the pot, add half of teaspoon salt and put the soy schnitzels to cook. Drain. Remove the seeds from yellow and red peppers and cut in cubes. Clean onion and garlic and finely chop. Clean leek and tomato and cut into cubes.
2) In frying pan on oil fry onion, garlic and leek on medium heat (4). Add peppers and celery and fry for another 5 minutes. Add soy schnitzels, tomato juice and peppers and until peppers become soft. Add tomatoe and cook for 15 minutes more. Add the oregano and parsley and cook for 5 minutes.
1) U serpu sipati vodu, dodati pola kasicice soli I staviti sojine snicle da se obare. Ocediti. Zute I crvene paprike ocistiti od semenki I iseckati na kockice. Crni I beli luk oljustiti I sitno iseckati. Praziluk oljustiti I iseckati na kockice. Paradajz oljustiti I iseci na kocke.
2) U tiganju na ulju prziti crni luk, beli luk I praziluk. Dodati papriku I celer. Prziti jos 5 minuta. Smanjiti temperauru na srednju dodati sojine snicle I sok od paradajza I kuvati dok paprika ne omeksa. Dodati paradajz I kuvati jos 15 minuta. Dodati origano I persun I kuvati jos 5 minuta.
Ingredients: 8 soy schnitzels, 2 yellow peppers, 2 red peppers, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 leek, 1 tomato, 300ml tomato juice, 2 tablespoon of fresh celery leaves (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons of dried celery leaves, 2 tablespoon of fresh parsley leaves (finely chopped) or 2 teaspoons of dried parsley leaves, 1 tablespoon oregano, oil.
1) Pour the water into the pot, add half of teaspoon salt and put the soy schnitzels to cook. Drain. Remove the seeds from yellow and red peppers and cut in cubes. Clean onion and garlic and finely chop. Clean leek and tomato and cut into cubes.
2) In frying pan on oil fry onion, garlic and leek on medium heat (4). Add peppers and celery and fry for another 5 minutes. Add soy schnitzels, tomato juice and peppers and until peppers become soft. Add tomatoe and cook for 15 minutes more. Add the oregano and parsley and cook for 5 minutes.
Piletina u sosu od belog vina I ruzmarina (Chicken in a sauce of white wine and rosemary)
Sastojci: 600g pilecih prsa, 250g suvog vrata, za sos: 200ml pavlake za kuvanje, 1 kasicica ruzmarina suvog, 30ml belog vina, so.
1) Pileca prsa iseci na snicle. Pa sa kuhinjskim cekicem izlupati meso. Suvi vrat iseci na snite.
2) U tiganju ugrejati ulje I prziti piletinu. Kad je gotova, dodati snite suvog vrata I malo proprziti sa obe strane.
3) Za sos – u tiganj sipati pavlaku za kuvanje I pustiti da prokljuca. Dodati ruzmarin I belo vino I so po ukusu. Promesati I kuvati oko 5 minuta.
4) Preliti piletinu sosom I posluziti uz bareni krompir, makarone ili pirinac.
Ingredients: 600g chicken breasts, 250g dried pork neck, for sauce: 200ml cooking cream, 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary, 30ml white wine, salt.
1) Chicken breast cut in fillets. With a kitchen hammer beat the fillets. The dried pork neck cut in slices.
2) In frying pan in oil fry the chicken. When it's done, add the pork neck and fry a little on both sides.
3) For the sauce - in frying pan add cooking cream and let it boil. Add rosemary and white wine and salt to taste. Stir and cook for about 5 minutes.
4) Pour chicken with sauce and serve with cooked potatoes, macaroni or rice.
1) Pileca prsa iseci na snicle. Pa sa kuhinjskim cekicem izlupati meso. Suvi vrat iseci na snite.
2) U tiganju ugrejati ulje I prziti piletinu. Kad je gotova, dodati snite suvog vrata I malo proprziti sa obe strane.
3) Za sos – u tiganj sipati pavlaku za kuvanje I pustiti da prokljuca. Dodati ruzmarin I belo vino I so po ukusu. Promesati I kuvati oko 5 minuta.
4) Preliti piletinu sosom I posluziti uz bareni krompir, makarone ili pirinac.
Ingredients: 600g chicken breasts, 250g dried pork neck, for sauce: 200ml cooking cream, 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary, 30ml white wine, salt.
1) Chicken breast cut in fillets. With a kitchen hammer beat the fillets. The dried pork neck cut in slices.
2) In frying pan in oil fry the chicken. When it's done, add the pork neck and fry a little on both sides.
3) For the sauce - in frying pan add cooking cream and let it boil. Add rosemary and white wine and salt to taste. Stir and cook for about 5 minutes.
4) Pour chicken with sauce and serve with cooked potatoes, macaroni or rice.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Domaci puter od badema (Homemade almond butter)
Sastojci: 150g indijskog oraha, 150g przenih badema, 150g oraha (ili pekan oraha), prstohvat soli, 1/4 kasicice mlevenog cimeta, 1/2 kasicice ekstrakta vanile, 2 kasike meda.
1) Pomesati indijske orahe, bademe i orahe (ili pekan orahe) u blenderu ili procesoru za hranu. Blendirati dok ne postane kremasta, zaustavljajuxc se da bi ostrugali sa stranica.
2) Nakon sto postane vrlo glatko i kremasto dodati so, cimet, vanila ekstrakt i med i ponovno blendirajte dok ne postane glatko i kremasto.
3) Pustite da se puter od badema ohladi na sobnu temperaturu, a zatim smesu sipajte u teglu sa hermetickim zatvaracem.
4) Cuvati u frizideru do 10 dana ili dok ne vidite ili osetite bilo kakav znak kvarenja.
Ingredients: 150g raw cahsews, 150g toasted almonds, 150g walnuts (or pecans), a pinch of salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons honey.
1) Blend cashews, almonds and walnuts (or pecans) to a high-speed in blender or food processor. Blend until creamy, pausing to scrape down the sides as necessary.
2) Once the almond butter is very smooth and creamy add salt, cinnamon, vanilla and honey and blend again until smooth and creamy.
3) Let the almond butter cool to room temperature, then transfer the mixture to an a airtight jar.
4) Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days or until you see or smell any signs of spoilage.
1) Pomesati indijske orahe, bademe i orahe (ili pekan orahe) u blenderu ili procesoru za hranu. Blendirati dok ne postane kremasta, zaustavljajuxc se da bi ostrugali sa stranica.
2) Nakon sto postane vrlo glatko i kremasto dodati so, cimet, vanila ekstrakt i med i ponovno blendirajte dok ne postane glatko i kremasto.
3) Pustite da se puter od badema ohladi na sobnu temperaturu, a zatim smesu sipajte u teglu sa hermetickim zatvaracem.
4) Cuvati u frizideru do 10 dana ili dok ne vidite ili osetite bilo kakav znak kvarenja.
Ingredients: 150g raw cahsews, 150g toasted almonds, 150g walnuts (or pecans), a pinch of salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons honey.
1) Blend cashews, almonds and walnuts (or pecans) to a high-speed in blender or food processor. Blend until creamy, pausing to scrape down the sides as necessary.
2) Once the almond butter is very smooth and creamy add salt, cinnamon, vanilla and honey and blend again until smooth and creamy.
3) Let the almond butter cool to room temperature, then transfer the mixture to an a airtight jar.
4) Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days or until you see or smell any signs of spoilage.
Domaca bonzita (Homemade granola)
Sastojci: 800g ovsenih pahuljica, 125g badema, 125g indijskog oraha, 2 kasicice mlevenog cimeta, 1/4 kasicice morske soli, 125ml kokosovog ulja (otopljenog), 80g meda, 2 kasicice ekstrakta vanile, 160g kokosovog brasna, 60g suvog grozdja, 60g suvih brusnica ili suvih borovnica, 100g cokolade za kuvanje (ne slatke crne cokolade) izlomljenje u kocke.
1) U velikoj ciniji pomesati ovsene pahuljice, badem, indijski orah, cimet i so dok se ne spoje ravnomerno.
2) U drugoj ciniji zajedno pomesati ostopljeno kokosovo ulje, med i ekstrakt vanile dok se ne ujednace. Smesu kokosovog ulja uliti u smesu ovsenih pahuljica i promesati dok se ne ujednaci.
3) Zagrejte rernu na 180 C. Stavite papir za pecenje u pleh. Granolu rasporedite ravnomerno na pripremljeni papir za pecenje. Pecite 20 minuta na pola dobro promesati. Zatim izvaditi iz rerne dodati kokos i dobro promesati smesu. Peci jos 5 minuta ili dok granola ne postane svetla i zlatna.
4) Izvadite iz rerne i pustite da se ohladi. Zatim umesati suvo voce i cokoladu na kocke.
Napomena: cuvati u hermeticki zatvorenoj posudi na sobnoj temperaturi do 2 nedelje.
Ingredients: 800g oat flakes, 125g slivered almonds, 125g cashews, 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, 125ml coconut oil (melted), 80g honey, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 160g coconut flakes, 60g raisins, 60g dried cranberries or dried blueberries, 100g cooking chocolate (not sweet black chocolate) broken in squares.
1) In a large mixing bowl stir together oats, almonds, cashews, cinnamon and salt until evenly combined.
2) In a separate mixing bowl stir together the melted coconut oil, honey and vanilla extract until combined. Pour the coconut oil mixture into the oats mixture, and stir until evenly combined.
3) Heat oven to 180 C. Place baking paper in baking pan. Spread the granola out evenly on the prepared baking paper. Bake for 20 minutes stirring once halfway through. Then remove from the oven, add the coconut, and stir well the mixture. Bake for 5 more minutes or until the granola is lightly toasted and golden.
4) Remove from the oven and let it cool down. Then stir in the dried fruit and chocolate squares.
Note: store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
1) U velikoj ciniji pomesati ovsene pahuljice, badem, indijski orah, cimet i so dok se ne spoje ravnomerno.
2) U drugoj ciniji zajedno pomesati ostopljeno kokosovo ulje, med i ekstrakt vanile dok se ne ujednace. Smesu kokosovog ulja uliti u smesu ovsenih pahuljica i promesati dok se ne ujednaci.
3) Zagrejte rernu na 180 C. Stavite papir za pecenje u pleh. Granolu rasporedite ravnomerno na pripremljeni papir za pecenje. Pecite 20 minuta na pola dobro promesati. Zatim izvaditi iz rerne dodati kokos i dobro promesati smesu. Peci jos 5 minuta ili dok granola ne postane svetla i zlatna.
4) Izvadite iz rerne i pustite da se ohladi. Zatim umesati suvo voce i cokoladu na kocke.
Napomena: cuvati u hermeticki zatvorenoj posudi na sobnoj temperaturi do 2 nedelje.
Ingredients: 800g oat flakes, 125g slivered almonds, 125g cashews, 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, 125ml coconut oil (melted), 80g honey, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 160g coconut flakes, 60g raisins, 60g dried cranberries or dried blueberries, 100g cooking chocolate (not sweet black chocolate) broken in squares.
1) In a large mixing bowl stir together oats, almonds, cashews, cinnamon and salt until evenly combined.
2) In a separate mixing bowl stir together the melted coconut oil, honey and vanilla extract until combined. Pour the coconut oil mixture into the oats mixture, and stir until evenly combined.
3) Heat oven to 180 C. Place baking paper in baking pan. Spread the granola out evenly on the prepared baking paper. Bake for 20 minutes stirring once halfway through. Then remove from the oven, add the coconut, and stir well the mixture. Bake for 5 more minutes or until the granola is lightly toasted and golden.
4) Remove from the oven and let it cool down. Then stir in the dried fruit and chocolate squares.
Note: store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Engleski mini hlepcici (English mini breads)
Sastojci: 250ml mleka, 1 kasika margarina, 1 kasika secera, 10g suvog kvasca, prstohvat soli, 375g brasna, 60g griza.
1) Zagrejte mleko i margarin i kuvajte dok se ne otopi. Dodajte secer i kvasac. Dobro promesajte i ostavite da kvasac naraste oko 5 minuta dok ne zapeni.
2) Dodajte brasno i so. Dobro izmesati. Umesiti testo. Nemojte dodavati jos brasna. Testo ce biti vrlo mekano i rastegljivo.
3) Pokriti plasticnom folijom i pustite da se podigne oko 2 sata.
4) Izrucite testo na pobrasnjenu povrsinu i lagano odmotajte i podelite na osam jednakih delova.
5) Stavite malo griz u ciniju. Lagano formirati testo u loptice od 5-6 cm i lagano poravnajte i oblozite grizom. Ostavite da se odmori 30 minuta.
6) U medjuvremenu, zagrejte rernu na 200 C. Stavite pleh u rernu. Kada se zagreje izvaditi pleh. Staviti mini hleb na pleh i posuti s jos malo griza.
7) Pecite 10 minuta. Okrenite mini hleb. Peci jos oko 8 minuta. Staviti pleh na zicu i ostaviti da se ohladi najmanje 5 minuta pre posluzivanja.
Napomena: pokvari ce se za nekoliko dana zato ih mozete zamrznuti.
Ingredients: 250ml milk, 1 tablespoon margarine, 1 tablespoon sugar, 10g dried yeast, pinch of salt, 375g flour, 60g semolina.
1) Warm milk and margarine and cook until melted. Add sugar and yeast. Mix well and allow the yeast to rise for about 5 minutes until starting to foam a little.
2) Add flour and salt. Mix well. Knead the dough. Don't add more flour. The dough will be very soft and strechy.
3) Cover with plastic wrap and allow it to rise for about 2h.
4) Turn the dough onto a floured surfaces and gentle roll up and then cut into eight equal pieces.
5) Place some semolina in a bowl. Gently form the dough into ba5-6cm balls and gently flatten. Coat with the semolina. Allow to rest 30 minutes.
6) In meantime, preheat oven to 200 C. Place baking pan inside. When heated remove the pan. Move the mini breads on the pan and dust with a little more semolina.
8) Bake for 10 minutes. Flip the mini breads. Bake another 8 minutes or so. Move to a cooling rack. Allow to cook at least 5 minutes before serving.
Note: they will spoil in a few days so you can freeze them.
1) Zagrejte mleko i margarin i kuvajte dok se ne otopi. Dodajte secer i kvasac. Dobro promesajte i ostavite da kvasac naraste oko 5 minuta dok ne zapeni.
2) Dodajte brasno i so. Dobro izmesati. Umesiti testo. Nemojte dodavati jos brasna. Testo ce biti vrlo mekano i rastegljivo.
3) Pokriti plasticnom folijom i pustite da se podigne oko 2 sata.
4) Izrucite testo na pobrasnjenu povrsinu i lagano odmotajte i podelite na osam jednakih delova.
5) Stavite malo griz u ciniju. Lagano formirati testo u loptice od 5-6 cm i lagano poravnajte i oblozite grizom. Ostavite da se odmori 30 minuta.
6) U medjuvremenu, zagrejte rernu na 200 C. Stavite pleh u rernu. Kada se zagreje izvaditi pleh. Staviti mini hleb na pleh i posuti s jos malo griza.
7) Pecite 10 minuta. Okrenite mini hleb. Peci jos oko 8 minuta. Staviti pleh na zicu i ostaviti da se ohladi najmanje 5 minuta pre posluzivanja.
Napomena: pokvari ce se za nekoliko dana zato ih mozete zamrznuti.
Ingredients: 250ml milk, 1 tablespoon margarine, 1 tablespoon sugar, 10g dried yeast, pinch of salt, 375g flour, 60g semolina.
1) Warm milk and margarine and cook until melted. Add sugar and yeast. Mix well and allow the yeast to rise for about 5 minutes until starting to foam a little.
2) Add flour and salt. Mix well. Knead the dough. Don't add more flour. The dough will be very soft and strechy.
3) Cover with plastic wrap and allow it to rise for about 2h.
4) Turn the dough onto a floured surfaces and gentle roll up and then cut into eight equal pieces.
5) Place some semolina in a bowl. Gently form the dough into ba5-6cm balls and gently flatten. Coat with the semolina. Allow to rest 30 minutes.
6) In meantime, preheat oven to 200 C. Place baking pan inside. When heated remove the pan. Move the mini breads on the pan and dust with a little more semolina.
8) Bake for 10 minutes. Flip the mini breads. Bake another 8 minutes or so. Move to a cooling rack. Allow to cook at least 5 minutes before serving.
Note: they will spoil in a few days so you can freeze them.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Domaci keks (Homemade plain biscuits)
Sastojci: 250g secera, 400g margarina, 250ml vode, 1/4 kasicice soli, 1kg brasna, 28g praska za pecivo
1) U serpu stavite secer, margarin, vodu i so, dok se secer i margarin ne rastope. Ostaviti da se prohladi oko 20 minuta povremeno mesajuci.
2) U velikoj posudi pomesati brasno i prasak za pecivo, pa dodajte rashladjenu mesavinu margarina i secera. Promesate varjacom, pa umesite rukama dok testo ne postane ujednaceno.
3) Testo podelite na 6 jednakih jufki i svaku stavite na list papira za pecenje. Oklagijom rastanjite testo preko papira do debljine od 2mm. Prebaciti papir na pleh za pecenje. Prekriti pleh providnom folijom i ostaviti da odstoji u frižideru 4 sata.
4) Zagrejati rernu na 180C. Zatim izvaditi testo iz frizidera. Vaditi kekse modlom ili ga isecite na kvadrate koje cete izbockati cackalicom. Peci kekse 10-12 minuta tj. dok spoljne ivice ne postanu zlatno braonkaste.
Ingredients: 250g of sugar, 400g of margarine, 250ml of water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 kg of flour, 28g of baking powder
1) Place the sugar, margarine, water and salt in the pot and cook until the sugar and the margarine melts. Allow to cool for about 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
2) In a large bowl, mix flour and baking powder, add cooled margarine and sugar mixture. Stir with wooden spoon, and knead the dough with your hands until becomes even.
3) Divide the dough into 6 equal balls and put each on the piece of baking paper. Spread the dough over the paper at a thickness of 2mm. Transfer the paper to the baking pan. Cover the dough with a transparent foil and leave it in the fridge for 4 hours.
4) Heat the oven at 180C. Then remove the dough from the fridge. Take out the biscuits with the cookie mold or cut it on the squares. Make holes with toothpick. Bake biscuits for 10-12 minutes, until the outer edges do not become golden brown.
1) U serpu stavite secer, margarin, vodu i so, dok se secer i margarin ne rastope. Ostaviti da se prohladi oko 20 minuta povremeno mesajuci.
2) U velikoj posudi pomesati brasno i prasak za pecivo, pa dodajte rashladjenu mesavinu margarina i secera. Promesate varjacom, pa umesite rukama dok testo ne postane ujednaceno.
3) Testo podelite na 6 jednakih jufki i svaku stavite na list papira za pecenje. Oklagijom rastanjite testo preko papira do debljine od 2mm. Prebaciti papir na pleh za pecenje. Prekriti pleh providnom folijom i ostaviti da odstoji u frižideru 4 sata.
4) Zagrejati rernu na 180C. Zatim izvaditi testo iz frizidera. Vaditi kekse modlom ili ga isecite na kvadrate koje cete izbockati cackalicom. Peci kekse 10-12 minuta tj. dok spoljne ivice ne postanu zlatno braonkaste.
Ingredients: 250g of sugar, 400g of margarine, 250ml of water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 kg of flour, 28g of baking powder
1) Place the sugar, margarine, water and salt in the pot and cook until the sugar and the margarine melts. Allow to cool for about 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
2) In a large bowl, mix flour and baking powder, add cooled margarine and sugar mixture. Stir with wooden spoon, and knead the dough with your hands until becomes even.
3) Divide the dough into 6 equal balls and put each on the piece of baking paper. Spread the dough over the paper at a thickness of 2mm. Transfer the paper to the baking pan. Cover the dough with a transparent foil and leave it in the fridge for 4 hours.
4) Heat the oven at 180C. Then remove the dough from the fridge. Take out the biscuits with the cookie mold or cut it on the squares. Make holes with toothpick. Bake biscuits for 10-12 minutes, until the outer edges do not become golden brown.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Pohovana pileca prsa (Fried chicken breasts)
Sastojci: 450g pilecih grudi (fileti), 250ml mleka, 1 kasika belog sirceta ili 1 kasika jogurta, 250g brasna, prstohvat soli, 2-3 jaja, 250g prezli sa zacinima, 4 kasike svezeg ruzmarina seckanog, 60g semenki suncokreta, ulje.
1) Mleko pomesati sa sircetom ili mleko sa jogurtom. Stavite pileca prsa u ovu mesavinu 30 minuta.
2) U ciniji, pomesajte brasno i so. U ciniji umutite jaja. U drugoj ciniji pomesajte prezle, ruzmarin i semenke suncokreta.
3) Zagrijte ulje u tiganju na srednje visokoj temperaturi (5). Izvadite piletinu iz smese mleka i osusite papirnim ubrusom. Stavite piletinu u brasno, zatim u jaja, pa u mesavinu prezli.
4) Svaku sniclu przite 3 do 5 minuta sa svake strane. Ostavite na papirnatom ubrusu da apsorbira visak ulja.
Ingredients: 450g chcicken breasts (fillets), 250ml milk, 1 tablespoon white vinegar or 1 tablespoon buttermilk, 250g flour, pinch of salt, 2-3 eggs, 250g breadcrumbs with spices, 4 tablespoons fresh rosemary chopped, 60g sunflower seeds, oil.
1) Mix milk with vinegar or milk with buttermilk. Place chicken breasts in this mixture for 30 minutes.
2) In a bowl, combine flour and salt. In a bowl whisj eggs with a fork. In another bowl combine breadcrumbs, rosemary and sunflower seeds.
3) Heat oil in skillet over medium high heat (5). Remove chicken from milk mixture and dry with a paper towel. Place chicken in flour, then in eggs, breadcrumbs mixture.
4) Fry each chicken 3 to 5 minutes on each side. Leave on paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
1) Mleko pomesati sa sircetom ili mleko sa jogurtom. Stavite pileca prsa u ovu mesavinu 30 minuta.
2) U ciniji, pomesajte brasno i so. U ciniji umutite jaja. U drugoj ciniji pomesajte prezle, ruzmarin i semenke suncokreta.
3) Zagrijte ulje u tiganju na srednje visokoj temperaturi (5). Izvadite piletinu iz smese mleka i osusite papirnim ubrusom. Stavite piletinu u brasno, zatim u jaja, pa u mesavinu prezli.
4) Svaku sniclu przite 3 do 5 minuta sa svake strane. Ostavite na papirnatom ubrusu da apsorbira visak ulja.
Ingredients: 450g chcicken breasts (fillets), 250ml milk, 1 tablespoon white vinegar or 1 tablespoon buttermilk, 250g flour, pinch of salt, 2-3 eggs, 250g breadcrumbs with spices, 4 tablespoons fresh rosemary chopped, 60g sunflower seeds, oil.
1) Mix milk with vinegar or milk with buttermilk. Place chicken breasts in this mixture for 30 minutes.
2) In a bowl, combine flour and salt. In a bowl whisj eggs with a fork. In another bowl combine breadcrumbs, rosemary and sunflower seeds.
3) Heat oil in skillet over medium high heat (5). Remove chicken from milk mixture and dry with a paper towel. Place chicken in flour, then in eggs, breadcrumbs mixture.
4) Fry each chicken 3 to 5 minutes on each side. Leave on paper towel to absorb the excess oil.
Pljeskavice sa tikvicama i biljem (Patties with zucchini and herbs)
Sastojci: 2 tikvice, 100g parmezana, 120g prezli, 1 glavica crnog luka, 1 cen belog luka, prstohvat soli, 1/2 kasicice praska za pecivo, 1 kasika svezeg iseckanog persuna ili 1 kasicica suvog, 1 kasika svezeg iseckanog timijana ili 1 kasicica suvog, 2 jaja.
2) Tikvice, crni i beli luk oljustite. Tikvice izrendati. Posolite i ostavite pola sata da stoje da puste vodu. Ocediti. Crni i beli luk sitno iseckati. Jaja umutiti viljuskom.
3) U ciniji pomesati sve sastojke. Oblikovati pljeskavice.
4) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 10 do 15 minuta.
Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 100g parmesan, 120g breadcrumbs, 1 onion, 1 garlic, pinch of salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley or 1 teaspoon dried, 1 tablespoon freshly chopped thyme or 1 teaspoon dried, 2 eggs.
2) Peel zucchini, black onion and garlic. Shred zucchini. Add salt and let it stand for half an hour to release water. Drain. Finely chop black onion and garlic. Whisk eggs with fork.
3) Combine all the ingredients. form patties.
4) Bake in preheated oven at 180 C for about 10 to 15 minutes.
2) Tikvice, crni i beli luk oljustite. Tikvice izrendati. Posolite i ostavite pola sata da stoje da puste vodu. Ocediti. Crni i beli luk sitno iseckati. Jaja umutiti viljuskom.
3) U ciniji pomesati sve sastojke. Oblikovati pljeskavice.
4) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C oko 10 do 15 minuta.
Ingredients: 2 zucchini, 100g parmesan, 120g breadcrumbs, 1 onion, 1 garlic, pinch of salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon freshly chopped parsley or 1 teaspoon dried, 1 tablespoon freshly chopped thyme or 1 teaspoon dried, 2 eggs.
2) Peel zucchini, black onion and garlic. Shred zucchini. Add salt and let it stand for half an hour to release water. Drain. Finely chop black onion and garlic. Whisk eggs with fork.
3) Combine all the ingredients. form patties.
4) Bake in preheated oven at 180 C for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Testenine sa brokolijem i karfiolom (Pasta with broccoli and cauliflower)
Sastojci: 600g paste, 800g brokolija, 400g karfiola, 200ml supe, 2 kasike margarina, 2 cena belog luka ili 1 kasicica belog luka u prahu, 2 kasike maslinovog ulja.
1) Beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Brokoli ocistiti i iscepkati na cvetove. Karfiol takodje ocistiti i iscepkati na cvetove.
2) Na srednjoj temperaturi (3), na ulju proprziti beli luk oko 3 minuta. Dodati brokoli i karfiol i prziti oko 3 minuta povremeno mesajuci. Dodati supu i margarin i kuvat jos oko 5 minuta.
3) Obariti pastu. Preliti hladnom vodom. Ocediti. Dodati pastu u brokolu i karfiol i promesati.
Posluziti uz neki sos za makarone.
Ingredients: 600g paste, 800g broccoli, 400g cauliflower, 200ml soup, 2 tablespoons margarine, 2 cloves of garlic or 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
1) Peel garlic and finely chop. Prepare broccoli and cut in the florets. Cauliflower also prepare and cut in the florets.
2) At medium temperature (3), fry the garlic on the oil for about 3 minutes. Add broccoli and cauliflower and fry for about 3 minutes occasionally stirring. Add soup and margarine and cook for about 5 minutes.
3) Cook the paste. Cool with cold water. Drain. Add the broccoli and cauliflower and mix well.
Serve with some pasta sauce.
1) Beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Brokoli ocistiti i iscepkati na cvetove. Karfiol takodje ocistiti i iscepkati na cvetove.
2) Na srednjoj temperaturi (3), na ulju proprziti beli luk oko 3 minuta. Dodati brokoli i karfiol i prziti oko 3 minuta povremeno mesajuci. Dodati supu i margarin i kuvat jos oko 5 minuta.
3) Obariti pastu. Preliti hladnom vodom. Ocediti. Dodati pastu u brokolu i karfiol i promesati.
Posluziti uz neki sos za makarone.
Ingredients: 600g paste, 800g broccoli, 400g cauliflower, 200ml soup, 2 tablespoons margarine, 2 cloves of garlic or 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
1) Peel garlic and finely chop. Prepare broccoli and cut in the florets. Cauliflower also prepare and cut in the florets.
2) At medium temperature (3), fry the garlic on the oil for about 3 minutes. Add broccoli and cauliflower and fry for about 3 minutes occasionally stirring. Add soup and margarine and cook for about 5 minutes.
3) Cook the paste. Cool with cold water. Drain. Add the broccoli and cauliflower and mix well.
Serve with some pasta sauce.
Sosevi za makarone (Sauces for pasta)
Sos za makarone 1
Sastojci: 200ml kisele pavlake, 100g trapista (rendanog), origano.
1) U tiganj staviti kiselu pavlaku, trapist i origano i kuvati dok se kackavalj ne otopi.
Sos za makarone 2
Sastojci: 200ml kisele pavlake, 200g trapista (rendanog), 150g pecenice, parmezan.
1) Pecenicu iseckati na kockice.
2) Pomesati sve sastojke.
3) Pomesati makarone i sos i posuti parmezanom.
Sos za makarone 3
Sastojci: 200g cedar kackavalja (rendanog). 200ml kisele pavlake, 200g sunke, 200g mladog sira.
1) Sunku iseckati na kockice. Mladi sir izgnjeciti viljuskom.
2) Pomesati 150g cedar kackavalja, kiselu pavlaku, mladi sir i sunku.
3) Preliti preko makarona i zapeci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 15 minuta.
4) Posuti sa ostatkom cedar kackavalja.
Sastojci: 200ml kisele pavlake, 100g trapista (rendanog), origano.
1) U tiganj staviti kiselu pavlaku, trapist i origano i kuvati dok se kackavalj ne otopi.
Sos za makarone 2
Sastojci: 200ml kisele pavlake, 200g trapista (rendanog), 150g pecenice, parmezan.
1) Pecenicu iseckati na kockice.
2) Pomesati sve sastojke.
3) Pomesati makarone i sos i posuti parmezanom.
Sos za makarone 3
Sastojci: 200g cedar kackavalja (rendanog). 200ml kisele pavlake, 200g sunke, 200g mladog sira.
1) Sunku iseckati na kockice. Mladi sir izgnjeciti viljuskom.
2) Pomesati 150g cedar kackavalja, kiselu pavlaku, mladi sir i sunku.
3) Preliti preko makarona i zapeci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 15 minuta.
4) Posuti sa ostatkom cedar kackavalja.
Pasta Sauce 1
Ingredients: 200 ml of sour cream, 100g trappista (grated), oregano.
1) In a frying pan put sour cream, trappista and oregano and cook until cheese melts.
Pasta sauce 2
Ingredients: 200ml sour cream, 200g trappista, 150g sirloin, parmesan.
1) Cut sirloin in cubes.
2) Mix all theuce ingredients.
3) Mix pasta and sauce and sprinkle with parmesan.
Pasta sauce 3
Ingredients: 200g cheddar cheese (shredded). 200ml of sour cream, 200g ham, 200g of farmer cheese/queso fresco.
1) Cut ham in cubes. Squeeze farmer cheese with fork.
2) Miz 150g of cheddar cheese, sour cream, farmer cheese and ham.
3) Pour over pasta and bake in the preheated oven at 200 C for about 15 minutes.
4) Put the remaining cheddar cheese.
Brzi sos za umakanje za povrce (Quick dip for vegetables)
Sastojci: 80g gauda sira (ili cedar), 250g kisele pavlake, 150g majoneza, 1/2 kasicice vegete.
1) Sir izrendati. Dodati kiselu pavlaku i majonez. Dodati vegetu i dobro promesati.
Ingredients: 80g gouda cheese (or cheddar), 250g sour cream, 150g mayonnaise, 1/2 teaspoons vegetable seasoning.
1) Shredd the cheese. Add sour cream and mayonnaise. Add vegetable seasoning and combine well.
1) Sir izrendati. Dodati kiselu pavlaku i majonez. Dodati vegetu i dobro promesati.
Ingredients: 80g gouda cheese (or cheddar), 250g sour cream, 150g mayonnaise, 1/2 teaspoons vegetable seasoning.
1) Shredd the cheese. Add sour cream and mayonnaise. Add vegetable seasoning and combine well.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Bela pileca corba (White chicken chowder)
Sastojci: 400g pileceg mesa, 2 sargarepe, 1 koren persuna, 1 koren persuna, 1 krompir, 1 komad korena celera, 150g kisele pavlake, vegeta, 2 kasike sitno seckanog lista persuna, 1 kasika soka od limuna.
3) Dodati ocedjen krompir i sipati oko 250ml vode i krckati jos oko pola sata. Dodati persun i jos 200ml vode. Pojacati temperaturu i ostaviti da prokljuca.
4) Dodati kiselu pavlaku i promesati.
Ingredients: 400g chicken white meat or chicken breasts, 2 carrots, 1 parsnip root, 1 parsley root, 1 potato, 1 piece of celery root, 150g sour cream, vegetable seasoning, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
1) Peel potatoes, carrots, parsnip, parsley and celery roots. Dice potato. carrots, parsnip and parsley roots cut in small cubes. Chcicken meat cut also in cubes. Leave celery in a piece. Leave potatoes in cold water.
2) Add the vegetable seasoning to taste and add 300ml of water and leave to boil, then lower to medium temperature (4). Add carrots, parsnip, parsley and celery roots and chicken and add water to cover the ingredients. Simmer for about half an hour.
3) Add drained potatoes and pour about 250ml of water and simmer for about half an hour. Add parsley leaves and 200ml of water. Put the temperature on high and let it boil.
4) Add sour cream and combine well.
3) Dodati ocedjen krompir i sipati oko 250ml vode i krckati jos oko pola sata. Dodati persun i jos 200ml vode. Pojacati temperaturu i ostaviti da prokljuca.
4) Dodati kiselu pavlaku i promesati.
Ingredients: 400g chicken white meat or chicken breasts, 2 carrots, 1 parsnip root, 1 parsley root, 1 potato, 1 piece of celery root, 150g sour cream, vegetable seasoning, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
1) Peel potatoes, carrots, parsnip, parsley and celery roots. Dice potato. carrots, parsnip and parsley roots cut in small cubes. Chcicken meat cut also in cubes. Leave celery in a piece. Leave potatoes in cold water.
2) Add the vegetable seasoning to taste and add 300ml of water and leave to boil, then lower to medium temperature (4). Add carrots, parsnip, parsley and celery roots and chicken and add water to cover the ingredients. Simmer for about half an hour.
3) Add drained potatoes and pour about 250ml of water and simmer for about half an hour. Add parsley leaves and 200ml of water. Put the temperature on high and let it boil.
4) Add sour cream and combine well.
Slani kolac sa pesto sosom (Salty cake with pesto sauce)
Sastojci: 1 blok lisnatog testa, 200g pesto sosa, 3 jaja, 250g mladog sira, 200ml kisele pavlake.
Priprema: 1) Odmrznuti testo. Razviti testo oklagijom na velicinu pleha.
2) Sir izgnjeciti a jaja umutiti.
Priprema: 1) Odmrznuti testo. Razviti testo oklagijom na velicinu pleha.
2) Sir izgnjeciti a jaja umutiti.
Pirinac sa tunom i zacinima (Rice with tuna and spices)
Sastojci: 1 solja pirinca, 1 konzerva tune, 2 sargarepe (rendane), 1 kasika margarina, 1/2 kasicice mlevenog djumbira, 1 kasicica mlevenog cimeta, 2 kasike sitno seckanog persuna, vegeta ili 1 kasicica supe iz kesice, 100g mlevenog kikirikija (opciono).
1) Pirinac oprati i staviti u serpu. Sipati 4 solje vode i na srednjoj temperaturi (3) ili (4) kuvati pirinac oko 20 minuta ili dok voda ne ispari.
2) U drugoj serpi na nisku temperaturu staviti da se otopi margarin. Dodati djumbir i cimet i promesati. Kad zacini zamirisu i malo potamne, dodati sargarepu. Promesati poklopiti i pustiti da se dinsta oko 2 minuta. Zatim promesati ponovo i opet pustiti da se dinsta jos 2 minuta. Skolniti sa sporeta.
3) Pomesati pirinac i sargarepu. Po zelji dodati kikiriki i sve dobro sjediniti.
Ingredients: 1 cup of rice, 1 canned tuna, 2 carrots (shredded), 1 tablespoon of margarine, 1/2 teaspoon of grinded ginger, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, vegetable seasoning or 1 teaspoon of dried soup, 100g of ground peanuts (optional).
1) Wash rice and put in a pot. Pour 4 cups of water and cook at medium temperature (3) or (4) for about 20 minutes or until the water evaporates.
2) In another pot put margarine at low temperature (2) to melt. Add ginger and cinnamon. When ginger and cinnamon let the smell out and get a little dark color, add the carrots. Stir and cover and let it run for about 2 minutes. Then stir again and let it run for another 2 minutes. Remove from the stove.
3) Mix rice and carrots. If you want you can add peanuts. Mix everything well.
1) Pirinac oprati i staviti u serpu. Sipati 4 solje vode i na srednjoj temperaturi (3) ili (4) kuvati pirinac oko 20 minuta ili dok voda ne ispari.
2) U drugoj serpi na nisku temperaturu staviti da se otopi margarin. Dodati djumbir i cimet i promesati. Kad zacini zamirisu i malo potamne, dodati sargarepu. Promesati poklopiti i pustiti da se dinsta oko 2 minuta. Zatim promesati ponovo i opet pustiti da se dinsta jos 2 minuta. Skolniti sa sporeta.
3) Pomesati pirinac i sargarepu. Po zelji dodati kikiriki i sve dobro sjediniti.
Ingredients: 1 cup of rice, 1 canned tuna, 2 carrots (shredded), 1 tablespoon of margarine, 1/2 teaspoon of grinded ginger, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, vegetable seasoning or 1 teaspoon of dried soup, 100g of ground peanuts (optional).
1) Wash rice and put in a pot. Pour 4 cups of water and cook at medium temperature (3) or (4) for about 20 minutes or until the water evaporates.
2) In another pot put margarine at low temperature (2) to melt. Add ginger and cinnamon. When ginger and cinnamon let the smell out and get a little dark color, add the carrots. Stir and cover and let it run for about 2 minutes. Then stir again and let it run for another 2 minutes. Remove from the stove.
3) Mix rice and carrots. If you want you can add peanuts. Mix everything well.
Za jacanje imuniteta i kostiju (To strengthen immunity and bones)
Sastojci: 500g meda, 500g makedonskog tana, 100g lana, 100g suncokreta (sirovog), 100g badema (sirovog), 100g golice (sirove, 100g leblebija (sirove), sok od jednog limuna.
1) Staviti leblebije u serpu naliti vodom i ostaviti preko noci. a moze i 12 sati. Ocediti. Staviti u serpu, naliti novu vodu i ostaviti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na 2 i krckati 20 minuta. Ocediti ponovo.
2) Suncokret, bademe, golicu i leblebije samleti.
3) Pomesati suncokret, bademe, golicu, leblebije i lan.
4) Dodati med, tan i sok od limuna i sve dobro sjediniti.
Uzimati jednu kasicicu ujutro pre dorucka i kafe.
Ingredients: 500g of honey, 500g of Macedonian tahini, 100g of flax seeds, 100g of sunflower seeds (raw), 100g of almonds (raw), 100g of pumpkin seeds (raw), 100g chickpeas (raw), juice from one lemon.
1) Put the chickpeas in the pot with water and leave it overnight. or for 12 hours. Drain. Put it in a pot, add new water and let it boil. Reduce to low heat (2) and simmer for 20 minutes. Drain again.
2) Finely chop sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds and chickpeas.
3) Mix sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas and flax seeds.
4) Add honey, tahini and lemon juice and combine well.
Take one teaspoon in the morning before breakfast and coffee. Keep it in the fridge.
1) Staviti leblebije u serpu naliti vodom i ostaviti preko noci. a moze i 12 sati. Ocediti. Staviti u serpu, naliti novu vodu i ostaviti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na 2 i krckati 20 minuta. Ocediti ponovo.
2) Suncokret, bademe, golicu i leblebije samleti.
3) Pomesati suncokret, bademe, golicu, leblebije i lan.
4) Dodati med, tan i sok od limuna i sve dobro sjediniti.
Uzimati jednu kasicicu ujutro pre dorucka i kafe.
Ingredients: 500g of honey, 500g of Macedonian tahini, 100g of flax seeds, 100g of sunflower seeds (raw), 100g of almonds (raw), 100g of pumpkin seeds (raw), 100g chickpeas (raw), juice from one lemon.
1) Put the chickpeas in the pot with water and leave it overnight. or for 12 hours. Drain. Put it in a pot, add new water and let it boil. Reduce to low heat (2) and simmer for 20 minutes. Drain again.
2) Finely chop sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds and chickpeas.
3) Mix sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas and flax seeds.
4) Add honey, tahini and lemon juice and combine well.
Take one teaspoon in the morning before breakfast and coffee. Keep it in the fridge.
Slani krekeri sa susamom (Salty sesame crackers)
Sastojci: 500g brasna, 200g susama, 150g semenki suncokreta, 200ml ulja, 200ml vode, 10g praska za pecivo, 1/2 kasicice soli.
1) Pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo, so, susam i semenke suncokreta.
2) Dodati vodu i ulje i zamesiti testo.
3) Ostaviti u frizider na pola sata.
4) Razviti na pola cm debljine pa casom ili modlom za kolace vaditi krekere.
5) Pleh pbloziti papirom za pecenje ili namazati margarinom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 220 C oko 15 minuta ili dok ne dobiju svetlo braon boju.
Ingredients: 500g flour, 200g sesame seeds, 150g sunflower seeds, 200ml oil, 200ml water, 10g baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
1) Mix flour, baking powder, salt, sesame and sunflower seeds.
2) Add water and oil and make the dough.
3) Leave in the fridge for half an hour.
4) Develop in half a cm thick, then use a glass or a mold for cookies to remove the crackers.
5) Place a baking paper in baking pan or smear with margarine and bake in a preheated oven at 220 C for about 15 minutes or until it gets light brown color.
1) Pomesati brasno, prasak za pecivo, so, susam i semenke suncokreta.
2) Dodati vodu i ulje i zamesiti testo.
3) Ostaviti u frizider na pola sata.
4) Razviti na pola cm debljine pa casom ili modlom za kolace vaditi krekere.
5) Pleh pbloziti papirom za pecenje ili namazati margarinom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 220 C oko 15 minuta ili dok ne dobiju svetlo braon boju.
Ingredients: 500g flour, 200g sesame seeds, 150g sunflower seeds, 200ml oil, 200ml water, 10g baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
1) Mix flour, baking powder, salt, sesame and sunflower seeds.
2) Add water and oil and make the dough.
3) Leave in the fridge for half an hour.
4) Develop in half a cm thick, then use a glass or a mold for cookies to remove the crackers.
5) Place a baking paper in baking pan or smear with margarine and bake in a preheated oven at 220 C for about 15 minutes or until it gets light brown color.
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