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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Makarone u mleku sa belim mesom i povrcem (Macaroni in milk with white meat and vegetables)

Sastojci: 120g cipkastih rezanaca, 1 L mleka, 200g kackavalja, 450g smrznutog povrca (brokoli, karfiol i sargarepa), 400g belog mesa, prstohvat muskat oraha (opciono).


0) Ako koristite sveze povrce, pripremiti brokoli i karfiol. Sargarepu oprati, oljustiti i iseci na kolutove ili kocke. Kackavalj izrendati na krupno.

1) Skuvati mleko. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i staviti rezance. Kuvati 15 minuta.  

2) Dodati kackavalj i kuvati dok se ne otopi kackavalj, povremeno mesajuci. Dodati muskat orah, promesati i kuvati jos minut-dva.

3) U drugu serpu, staviti belo meso i preliti vodom. Smanjiti na srednje-visoku temperaturu (5) i kuvati oko 20 minuta. Ocediti. Ostaviti da se ohladi, Iscepkati na trakice.

4) U serpu staviti smrznuto (ili sveze) povrce, preliti vodom i kuvati oko 10 minuta. Ocediti. Preliti hladnom vodom. Ocediti.

5) U serpu sa rezancima, dodati povrce i belo meso. Promesati.

Ingredients: 120g lace noodles (wide), 1 L milk, 200g yellow cheese, 450g frozen vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots), 400g chicken breasts, a pinch of nutmeg (optional).


0) If you use fresh vegetables, prepare broccoli and cauliflower. Wash the carrots, peel it and cut it into rings or cubes. Grate the cheese coarsely.

1) Boil milk. Reduce to medium heat (4) and add noodles. Cook for 15 minutes.

2) Add the yellow cheese and cook until the cheese melts, stirring occasionally. Add nutmeg, stir and cook for another minute or two.

3) In another pot, put chicken breasts and pour water. Reduce to medium-high heat (5) and cook for about 20 minutes. Drain. Leave to cool. Cut into strips.

4) Put frozen (or fresh) vegetables in a bowl, pour water over them and cook for about 10 minutes. Drain. Pour over cold water. Drain.

5) In a bowl with noodles add vegetables and chcicken breasts. Stir.

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