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Anina torta (Ana's cake)

Banana hleb sa kokosom i suvim vocem (Banana bread with coconut and dried fruits)
Brzi žele dzem od bresaka i sljiva (Fast peaches and plums jelly jam)
Banini (Cookies with jam)
Biskvit od oraha (Walnuts biscuit)
Brazilski krem od bundeve (Brazilian pumpkin cream)
Brze kocke od urmi (Quick dates squares)
Banana dezert (Banana dessert)
Bele stanglice (White bars)
Banana hleb (Banana bread)
Baklava bez kora (Baklava without phyllo dough)
Brzi kolac sa visnjama (Quick sour cherries cake)
Banana kolac (Banana cake)
Biskvit testo (Biscuit dough)
Bombone sa suvim grozdjem (Candies with raisins)
Bombone (Candies)
Bombice sa visnjama (Cherry balls)
Beli kolac (White cake)
Brza torta (Quick Cake)

Crno-beli kolacici sa suvim brusnicama (Black-and-white cookies with dried cranberries)
Carigradske oblande (Constantinople wafers)

Cokoladni hleb od malina i banana (Chocolate bread with raspberries and bananas)

Cokoladni kolac bez jaja (Chocolate cake without eggs)
Cokoladne oblande (Chocolate wafers)

Domaci puter od badema (Homemade almond butter)
Domaca bonzita (Homemade granola)
Domaci keks (Homemade plain biscuits)
Domaci sladoled bez jaja (Homemade ice cream without eggs)
Domaci vanilin secer (Homemade vanilla sugar)
Domaca cokolada (Homemade chocolate)
Domaci sladoled (Homemade ice cream)
Damen kapric (Hungarian Cake)

Dzem od dunja (Quince jam)
Dzem od visanja (Cherry jam)
Dzem od sljiva iz rerne (Plum jam from the oven)
Dzem od bresaka sa stapicima vanile (Peach jam with vanilla sticks)
Dzem od kajsija (Apricot jam)

Fil za oblande (Filing for the wafers)

Glazura od krem sira (Cream cheese glaze)
Galete (Waffles)

Hleb sa cimetom (Cinnamon bread)

Iracki slatkis od urmi (Iraqi sweet of dates)

Kolac od jabuka (Apple cake)
Kakao kuglof (Cocoa kugelhopf)
Kakao i rum kuglof (Cocoa and rum kugelhopf)
Kolac od urmi i oraha (Dates and walnuts cake)
Kolacici sa urmama i kokosom (Cookies with dates and coconut flakes)
Kolac od kornflejksa sa vocem (Corn flakes cake with fruits)
Kolac od jabuka sa kiselom pavlakom (Apple cake with sour cream)
Kolac od grejpfruta (Grapefruit cake)
Kako napraviti kolačiće sreće (How to make fortune cookies)
Kuglice od kore od pomorandze (Orange peel bomblets)
Kolač s brusnicama (Cranberries cake)
Kompot od suvog voca (Dried fruits compote)
Kajsije u lisnatom testu (Apricots in puff pastry)
Kolac od sira (Cheesecake)
Kolutovi sa orasima i cimetom (Reels with walnuts and cinnamon)
Kivi u cokoladi (Kiwi fruit in chocolate)
Kikiriki kuglice (Peanut balls)
Kokos kuglice (Coconut balls)
Keksi od pudinga (Pudding cookies)
Kolac od pudinga (Pudding cake)
Keks sa dzemom (Biscuits with jam)
Katarinin kolac (Katarina's Cake)
Koh od griza (Semolina koh)
Krem od belog vina (White wine cream)
Kakaolada (Cocoalate)
Kolac od sargarepe s glazurom (Carrot cake topped with glaze)
Kore za pitu (Pie crust)
Kvadratici punjeni orasima (Squares filled with walnuts)
Kolac od anisa (Anise cake)
Krofne od griza (Semolina donuts)
Kolac od breskvi i kajsija (Peaches and apricots cake)
Karamele (Caramels)
Kokos kiflice (Coconut rolls)
Kakao kolac s jogurtom (Cocoa cake with buttermilk)
Keksici sa kikirikijem (Peanut cookies)
Kolac od kajsija (Apricot cake)
Kesten kocke (Chestnut cubes)
Kocke od sargarepe (Carrot Cubes)
Krem bananice (Small cream bananas)
Kolac sa visnjama (Cake with sour cherries)
Kiflice bez jaja 2 (Rolls without eggs 2)
Kolac sa jabukama bez jaja (Apple cake without eggs)
Kolac od oraha (Walnut cake)
Kolac od smokvi i urmi (Fig and date palm cake)
Kiflice bez jaja (Rolls without eggs)

Londonske stanglice (London sticks)
Ledene kocke (Ice cubes)
Luft krofne (Donuts)

Medene kuglice (Honey balls)
Marcipan kuglice (Marzipan balls)
Mrvice od testa (Crumbs from dough)
Medena torta (Honey cake)

Ne pecene kolacici od kokosa i oraha (No bake coconut and walnuts cookies)
Nepecene kuglice od urmi i oraha (No bake dates and walnuts balls)
Neskafe torta (Nescafe cake)
Neobicne puslice (Unusual meringues)


Oblanda od oraha i suvog voca (Walnut and dried fruits wafer)
Ovsene pahuljice sa vocem (Oatmeal with fruits)
Oblande sa alvom (Wafers with halva)

Puter od badema (Almond butter)
Pecene jabuke sa cimetom i medom (Roasted apples with cinnamon and honey)
Pekmez od kajsija (Apricot jam)
Pekmez od krusaka (Pear jam)
Pohovani kolutovi jabuka (Fried apple rings)
Pijani badem kolacici (Drunk almond cookies)
Pirinac sa medom (Rice with honey)
Padobranci (Paratroopers)
Posne vocne stanglice (Lowfat fruit bars)
Piskota torta (Biscuit cake)
Pita sa bademom (Pie with almonds)
Pita od bundeve (Pumpkin Pie)
Punjeni trouglovi (Filled triangles)
Pletenice od ruma i suvog grozdja (Rum and raisins braids)
Podloga za kolacice (Cookie crust)
Przeni rolat (Toasted roll)
Palacinke - osnovni recept (Crepes - basic recipe)
Pita od jabuka (Apple pie)

Reforma torta (Reform cake)
Ruske palacinke od kukuruznog brasna (Russian crepes made of corn flour)
Rum kolacici (Rum cookies)
Rezanci sa orasima (Noodles with walnuts)
Ratluk oblande (Turkish delight wafers)
Rolat od ratluka (Turkish delight roll)
Ratluk (Turkish delight)
Rolat - Kuglice (Roll - Ball cookies)

Strudla sa visnjama (Strudel with sour cherries)
Snezni trouglovi (Snow triangles)
Snenokle (Floating islands)
Snite od oraha (Walnut slices)
Slatko srce (Sweet heart)
Svedska torta sa bademima (Sweden cake with almonds)
Slatka kobasica (Sweet sausage)
Slatki djevreci (Sweet bagels)
Slatkis (Cake)

Trouglovi sa pudingom i bananom (Triangles with pudding and banana)
Torta sa ananasom i bananama (Cake with pineapple and bananas)
Trouglovi od kokosa (Coconut triangles)
Testo sa kvascem (Dough with yeast)
Trouglovi sa bademima (Triangles with almonds)

Vanilin kiflice (Vanilla croissants)
Vocna strudla (Fruit strudel)
Vocni sladoled (Fruit ice cream)
Vocne bombice (Fruit balls)
Vanilice sa orasima (Vanilla circles with walnuts)

Zdrave kuglice (Healthy balls)

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