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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Domaci kvasac (Homemade yeast)

Sastojci: 200g integralnog brasna, 200ml mlake vode, 1 kasicica meda ili 1 kasicica nerafinisanog maslinovog ulja.

1) U posudi od keramike pomesati brasno, vodu u kojoj je rastvoren med ili ulje i mesati dok masa ne postane lepljiva i glatka.
2) Ostaviti dva dana na provetrenom i toplom mestu (15 do 20 stepeni) i pokriti cistom krpom koja stalno treba da je vlazna da se na masi ne bi stvorila korica.

3) Dodati 4 kasike mlake vode i onoliko brasna koliko je neophodno da dobijete glatko testo. Opet ostaviti dva dana na toplom mestu pokriveno vlaznom krpom.

Napomena: ukoliko planirate da mesite hleb svake nedelje, ne morate uvek da pravite novi kvasac, dovoljno je odvojite kvasac velicine pesnice i cuvate u hermeticki zatvorenoj posudi, na svezem i mracnom mestu. Ukoliko se za nekoliko dana ne upotrebi gubi kvalitet.

Predlog: mozete napraviti Domaci kvasac 2 duza metoda.

Ingredients: 200g wholemeal flour, 200ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon unrefined olive oil.

1) In a bowl made ​​of ceramic, mix the flour, water containing dissolved honey or oil and stir until the mixture becomes sticky and smooth.
2) Leave two days in ventilated and warm place (15 to 20 degrees) and cover with a clean cloth that constantly needs to be moist so not to create a crust.
3) Add 4 tablespoons of water, and as much flour as necessary to get a smooth dough. Again, leave two days in a warm place covered with a damp cloth.

Note: If you plan to bake bread every week, you do not always have to create a new yeast, it is enough to take the yeast-sized fist and kept in a sealed vessel, in fresh and dark place. If  not used in a few days it will lose quality.

Suggestion: you can make Homemade yeast 2 long method.

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