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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Kako napraviti kolačiće sreće (How to make fortune cookies)

Sastojci: 3 belanceta, 1/2 kašičice vanila ekstrakta, 1/2 kašičice badem ekstrakta, 3 kašike ulja, 8 kašika brašna, 1 1/2 kašičice  kukuruznog gustina, 1/4 kašičice soli,  8 kašika šećera, 3 kašike vode, 1/2 kašičice boje za kolače (opciono).


1. Napišite poruke na papirićima dužine 10 i širine 4 cm.
2. Zagrejati rernu na 150 stepeni.
3. U ciniju staviti belanca, dodati ekstrakt vanile i badema i ulje. Blago umutiti mikserom (paziti da ne postane čvrsto).
4. U drugu ciniju, prosejati brašno, kukuruzni skrob. Dodati so, šećer i vodu. Promešati.
5. Dodati mešavinu brašna u smesu od belanaca. Ako hoćete sada možete dodati boju po želji.  Mešati dok ne dobijete glatko testo. Testo ne treba da bude retko, ali treba da lako spada sa kašike.
6. Na pleh za pečenje staviti po kašiku smese. Izmedju praviti veliki razmak. Kašikom razmazati po testu da se dobije prečnik od oko 4 cm.
7. Peći oko 10-15 minuta tj. sve dok ivice (oko 1 cm) ne postanu zlatno smedje boje i da mogu lako da se izvade spatulom.

Napomena: sledeći korak morate raditi brzo, jer ako se kolačić ohladi, raspadaće se.

8. Spatulom izvaditi kolačić i prevnuti ga u ruku tako da donja strana bude gore. Stavite poruku na sredinu i presavijte na pola. Zatim lagano povucite krajeve na dole preko ivice šolje ili čaše. 
9. Staviti kolačić u modlu za projice, da bi zadržao taj oblik dok se hladi.

Savet: počnite sa dva kolačića da pečete, kad udjete u štos povećajte broj, ali ostale kolačiće ostavite u rerni dok jedan pravite.

Ingredients: 3 egg whites, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon almond extract, 3 tablespoons oil, 8 tablespoons flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons of cornstarch, 1/4 teaspoon salt 8 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons water, 1/2 teaspoon color for cake (optional).


1. Write messages on pieces of paper length of 10 and 4 cm wide.
2. Preheat oven to 150 C degrees.
3. In a bowl, put egg whites, add the vanilla and almond extract and oil. Lightly whisk with mixer (be careful not to become firmly).
4. In another bowl, sift the flour, corn starch. Add salt, sugar and water. Stir.
5. Add flour mixture in a mixture of egg whites. If you want you can add color if desired. Mix until you have a smooth dough. The dough should not be rare, but should easily fall off spoon.
6. In the baking tray put the spoon of mixture. Make a big gap between. Press with spoon on top to make diameter of about 4 cm.
7. Bake for approximately 10-15 minutes, ie. until the edges (about 1 cm) become golden brown and that can be easily removed with a spatula.

Note: the next step you need to work fast, because if the cookie cools down it will fall apart 
8. With spatula remove the cookie and turn upside down by the hand so that the bottom side is up. Put a message in the middle and fold in half. Then gently pull the edges down over the edge of the cup or glass. 

9. Place the cookie in the mold for muffins, to maintain form until it cools.

Tip: start with two cookies to bake, when you have practice, increase the number, but leave other cookies in oven while you make one..

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Salata od celera protiv visokog krvnog pritiska (Celery salad for high blood pressure)

Sastojci: 1 srednji koren celera, 1 sargarepa, pola kisele jabuke, 1 kasika maslinovog ulja, sok od jednog limuna, 1-2 kasike persunovog lista (sitno sekcanog).


1) Oljustiti koren celera, sargarepu i jabuku.
2) Izrendati koren celera, sargarepu i jabuku. Pomesati.
3) Preliti maslinovim uljem, sokom od limuna i posuti persunovim listom. Promesati i sluziti.

Ingredients: 1 medium celery root, 1 carrot, half sour apple, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, juice of one lemon, 1-2 tablespoons parsley leaf (finely chopped).


1) Peel the root of celery, carrot and apple.
2) Grate the root of celery, carrot and apple. Mix.

3) Pour the olive oil, lemon juice and sprinkle with parsley. Stir and serve.

Borovnice sa medom protiv upale besike (Blueberries with honey against bladder inflammation)

Sastojci: 600g meda, 300g borovnica.


1) U staklenu teglu staviti borovnice i preliti medom. Promesati.
2) Ostaviti u frizideru 24 sata.
3) Uzimati tri puta na dan, pola sata pre jela.

Ingredients: 600g of honey, 300 g of blueberries.


1) In the glass jar put blueberries and pour honey. Mix well.
2) Leave in the fridge for 24 hours.

3) Take three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Espreso sa sirupom od pomorandze i vanile (Espresso with orange and vanilla syrup)

Sastojci: 2 espresa, 250ml vrelog mleka, 2 kasike sirupa od pomorandze, 1 kasika sirupa od vanile.


1) Pomesati mleko, sirup od pomorande i vanile.
2) Sipati u solju i dodati espreso. Promesati. 

Ingredients: 2 espressos, 250ml of hot milk, 2 tablespoons of orange syrup, 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup.


1) Mix the milk, orange and vanilla syrup.
2) Pour in a cup (mug) and add the espresso. Mix well.

Sok od pomorandze sa zalfijom i sirupom od badema (Orange juice with sage and almond syrup)

Sastojci: 1 solja kockica leda, 5 listova zalfije, 100ml soka od pomorandze (sveze iscedjenog), 3 kasike sirupa od badema, 50ml kisele vode.


1. U teglu staviti listove zalfije i dodati sirup od badema.
2. Jedan kraj oklagije stavite preko listica i okrenite nekoliko puta. Kad osetite miris zalfije dodajte sok od pomorandze i kockice leda.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Suvo voce i orasasti plodovi u medu (Dried fruits and nuts in honey)

Sastojci: med, brusnice, suve kajsije, suve sljive, smokve, suvi ananas, suvo grozdje, urme, suva papaja, suvi mango, orasi, bademi, lesnici, indijski i brazilski orasi.


1. Vocu izvaditi kostice.
2. U prazun teglu staviti suvo voce i orasate plodove koje zelite.
3. Preliti medom kojim zelite. 

Ingredients: honey, cranberries, dried apricots, prunes, figs, dried pineapple, raisins, dates, dried papaya, dried mango, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashew and Brazil nuts.


1. Remove pits from fruits.
2. In empty jar put dry fruits and nuts that you want.
3. Pour with honey that you want.

Corba od povrca protiv upale besike (Vegetable chowder against bladder inflammation)

Sastojci: 1 koren celera, 2 sargarepe, 1 veci krompir, 1 manja glavica crnog luka, 2 kasike persuna (sitno seckanog), 2 kasike celerovog lista (sitno seckanog), so i biber po ukusu. 


1. Celer, sargarepu, krompir i crni luk oljustiti. Celer i crni luk sitno iseckati. Krompir iseci na kocke, a sargarepu na kolutove.
2. U serpu staviti povrce, sipati vodu i kuvati na srednje-visokoj temparaturi (5) dok povrce ne omeksa. Procediti. Sacuvati vodu.
3. Povrce ispasirati pa vratiti u vodu u kojoj se kuvalo. Posoliti i pobiberiti po ukusu.
4. Kuvati 5 minuta. Iskljuciti ringlu pa dodati persunovo i celerovo lisce. Ostaviti da se krcka dok se ringla ne ohladi.

Ingredients: 1 celery root, 2 carrots, 1 bigger potatoe, 1 small onion, 2 tablespoons parsley (finely chopped), 2 tablespoons celery leaf (finely chopped), salt and pepper to taste.


1. Peel celery, carrots, potatoes and onionl. Celery and onion finely chop. Cut potatoe into cubes and carrots into slices.
2. In pot, put the vegetables, pour water and cook over medium-high temperature (5) until vegetables are tender. Strain. Save water.
3. Mash vegetable and return to the water in which was cooked. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Cook 5 minutes. Turn off the stove and add the parsley and celery leaves. Let it simmer until stove cools down.

Zeleni cedjeni sok (Green squeezed juice)

Sastojci: 7 listova kelja, 2 zelene jabuke, 1 krastavac, 2 stabljike celera, pola limuna.


1. Listove kelja i stabljike celera oprati i iseci na manje komade. Jabuke i krastavac oljustiti i iseci na manje komade. Limunu skinuti koru i iseci na pola. 
2. U sokovniku iscediti sve sastojke. Sipati u casu.

Ingredients: 7 sheets of kale, 2 green apples, 1 cucumber, 2 stalks of celery, half a lemon.


1. Wash kale leaves and stalks of celery and cut into smaller pieces. Peel apple and cucumber and cut into smaller pieces. Remove lemon peel and cut in half.

2. In the juicer, squeeze all the ingredients. Pour into a glass.

Letnji frape (Summer smoothie)

Sastojci: 6-7 breskvi, 2 sake spanaca, 250ml vode.


1. Breskve oljustiti, izvaditi kostice i iseci na kocke. Spanac oprati.
2. U blender staviti breskve, spanac i vodu i blendati dok ne postane glatko.

Ingredients: 6-7 peaches, 2 hands of spinach, 250ml of water.


1. Peel peaches, remove the pips and cut into cubes. Wash spinach.

2. In a blender put peaches, spinach and water and blend until smooth.

Saveti za pripremu sokova (Tips for preparing juices)

Saveti za pripremu cedjenih i kasastih sokova:

  • ne pravite vise sokova nego sto mozete popiti u jednom danu, zato sto voce i povrce pocinje gubiti nutritivnu vrednost nakon sto se oljuste.
  • odstranite kostice iz jabuka, breskvi, kajsija, sljiva i ostalog voca.
  • ako voce i povrce nije organsko ili domace proizvedeno, treba ga oljustiti zbog stetnih materija koje se nalaze u kori. Izuzetak je narandza koja u kori ima etericna ulja koja nisu svarljiva. 
  • koristite bobicasto voce (maline, kupine, borovnice, jagode) jer sadrze mnogo antioksidansa, koji usporavaju proces starenja tela.
  • da napravite dobar sok, pre stavljanja u sokovnik, voce i povrce podelite na 4 ili vise delova. 
  • kod kelja mozete izvaditi jezgro, radi lepseg ukusa, ali mozete i ostaviti zbog korisnih stvari koje daje organizmu.

Tips for preparation squeezed juices and smoothies:

  • do not make more juice than you can drink in a day, because fruits and vegetables begin to lose nutritional value after the peel.
  • remove pits from apples, peaches, apricots, plums and other fruits.
  • if fruits and vegetables are not organic or home-produced, you should peel them due to harmful substances that are in peel. The exception is orange, because orange has essential oils that are not digestible.
  • use berry fruits (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries) because they contain a lot of antioxidants, which slow down the aging process of the body.
  • to make good juice, before putting in the juicer, cut fruits and vegetables on 4 or more parts.
  • you can remove the core from kale, in order to make taste more beautiful, but you can leave for useful things that gives to organism.

Ledena kafa sa sirupom od badema (Ice coffee with almond syrup)

Sastojci: 60ml espresa. 120ml hladnog mleka, 2 kasike sirupa od badema, 1 veca solja (300ml) kockica leda.


1. Napraviti espreso i ostaviti da se ohladi. 
2. U blender staviti kockice leda, espreso, mleko i sirup od badema i blendati dok ne postane glatko. 

Ingredients: 60ml of espresso. 120ml of cold milk, 2 tablespoons almond syrup, 1 bigger cup (300 ml) ice cubes.


1. Make espresso and allow to cool.
2. In a blender put ice cubes, espresso, milk and almond syrup and blend until smooth.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sok od borovnice i pomorandže (Cranberry and orange juice)

Sastojci: 100ml kisele vode+1 kašika soka od limuna, 100ml soka od brusnice, sok od jedne pomorandže, 30ml soka od limete, kocke leda, parče pomorandže za ukras.


1. Pomešati kiselu vodu sa sokom od limuna.
2. U šejker staviti kocke leda, pa dodati sok od brusnice, sok od pomorandže i sok od limete.
3. Dodati kiselu vodu sa limunom i promućkati.
4. Sipati u čašu i ukrasiti parčetom pomorandže.

Ingredients: 100ml of carbonated water + 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 100ml of cranberry juice, juice of one orange, 30ml lime juice, ice cubes, orange slice for garnish.


1. Mix carbonated water with lemon juice.
2. In a shaker, put ice cubes, then add cranberry, orange and lime juice.
3. Add the carbonated water with lemon and shake.

4. Pour into a glass and garnish with a piece of orange.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ledeni čaj od hibiskusa sa đumbirom (Hibiscus iced tea with ginger)

Sastojci: 2.5 L vode, 1 koren djumbira (duzine oko 1.2 cm), 12 kesica caja od hibiskusa, 330g secera, 2 kasike soka od limuna, kockice leda.


1. Djumbir oguliti i sitno izrendati.
2. U serpu sipati vodu, dodati djumbir i pustiti da prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta.
3. Dodati secer i mesati dok se ne otopi.
4. Staviti kesice caja. Poklopiti i ostaviti 10 minuta.
5. Izvaditi kesice caja i dodati sok od limuna. Promesati i ostaviti da se ohladi.
6. U casu ili solju dodati kockice leda i sipati caj.

Ingredients: 2.5 liters of water, 1 ginger root (length about 1.2 cm), 12 bags of hibiscus tea, 330g sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, ice cubes.


1. Peel ginger and finely grate.
2. In pot, pour water, add ginger and let it boil. Remove from stove.
3. Add sugar and stir until dissolved.
4. Place tea bags in pot. Cover and leave for 10 minutes.
5. Remove the tea bags and add lemon juice. Mix well and leave to cool.
6. In glass or mug add ice cubes and pour tea.

Pecen krompir sa kremom od mirodjije (Baked potatoes with dill cream)

Sastojci: krem od mirodjije, 800g crvenog krompira, 60ml ulja, 1 kasicica soli, 1 kasika suvog ruzmarina.


1. Zagrejati rernu na 200 stepeni.
2. Krompir staviti u serpu. Naliti vodu i ostaviti pola sata. Zatim dobro oprati krompir.
3. Ako koristite male krompire isecite na polovine, a ako koristite vece, isecite na kolutove.

Mojito koktel bez alkohola (Mojito cocktail without alcohol)

Sastojci: 2 kasike obicnog sirupa, 2 listica mente + 1 manja grancica, 2 kasike soka od limete + 1 parce limete, malo secera, kisela voda ili Sprite, kockice leda.


1. Sa parcetom limete pokvasite rub case. Umocite rub case u secer.
2. Listice mente stavite u casu, jedan kraj oklagije stavite preko listica i okrenite nekoliko puta. Kad osetite miris mente dodajte sirup i sok od limete.
Napomena: kad usitnjavate listice mente oklagijom, pazite da ne slomite casu ako je tanka ili uzmite deblju casu.
3. Staviti kockice leda i preliti sa kiselom vodom ili Sprite-om.
4. Ukrasiti sa manjom grancicom mente.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of simple syrup, 2 mint leaves + 1 small sprig, 2 tablespoons lime juice + 1 slice of lime, a little sugar, carbonted (sparkling) water or Sprite, ice cubes.


1. With a piece of lime wet edge of glass. Dip the rim of the glass in sugar.
2. Put mint leaves in the glass, then put one end of the rolling pin on leaves and turn several times. When you smell the mint, add syrup and lime juice.
Note: when squeezing mint leaves with rolling pin, be careful not to break the glass if it is thin or take a thicker glass.
3. Place the ice cubes and pour the sparkling water or Sprite.
4. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

Slani krekeri sa sirom i kremom od spanaca (Salted crackers with cheese and spinach cream)

Sastojci: krem od spanaca, 250g brasna, 60g putera (iz frizidera, iseckanog na kockice), 250g ementaler sira (izrendanog na krupno), 4 kasike vode, 1/8 – 1/4 kasicice soli.


1. U ciniju staviti brasno i puter. Umestiti rukama.
2. Dodati sir i dobro sjediniti.
3. Dodati vodu i promesati kasikom.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Kafa sa kakao sosom i sirupom od badema (Coffee with cocoa sauce and almond syrup)

Sastojci: 2 espresa, 250ml vrelog mleka, 2 kasike kakao sosa, 1 kasika sirupa od badema.


1) Pomesati mleko, kakao sos i sirup od badema.
2) Sipati u solju i dodati espreso. Promesati. 

Ingredients: 2 espressos, 250ml of hot milk, 2 tablespoons cocoa sauce, 1 tablespoon almond syrup.

1) Mix the milk, cocoa sauce and almond syrup.
2) Pour in a mug and add the espresso. Mix well.

Espreso sa sirupom od badema (Espresso with almond syrup)

Sastojci: 2 espresa, 160ml vrelog mleka, 1 kasika sirupa od badema.


1) Pomesati mleko i sirup od badema.
2) Sipati u solju i dodati espreso. Promesati.

Ingredients: 2 espressos, 160ml of hot milk, 1 tablespoon almond syrup.


1) Mix the milk and almond syrup. 

2) Pour in a mug and add the espresso. Mix well
