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Monday, December 7, 2020

Kakao sos (Cocoa sauce)

Sastojci: 70-120g kakaoa, 30g putera, 80ml kafe (skuvane i procedjene), 150g zutog secera, 1/8 kasicice soli, 1 kasicica vanila ekstrakta.


1. U serpicu staviti kafu i secer, i na srednjoj temperaturi, kuvati dok se secer ne rastopi, konstantno mesajuci.

2. Dodati 70g kakaoa i so i mesati dok ne postane glatko. Ako zelite jaci sos postepeno dodavati jos kakaoa.

Napomena: ako koristite slan puter izostavite dodavanje soli. Ako vam je sos nije dovoljno sladak dodajte jos malo secera. Vratite na sporet da se secer rastopi.

3. Dodati puter i vanila ekstrakt. Mesati dok se puter ne rastopi. Ostaviti da se ohladi.

4. Sipati u hermeticki zatvorenu kutiju i drzati u frizideru do nedelju dana.

Ingredients: 70-120g cocoa powder 30g buuter, 80ml of decaf coffee (cooked), 150g brown sugar, 1/8 tsp salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


1. In saucepan put coffee and sugar, and over medium heat, cook until the sugar has dissolved, constantly stirring.

2. Add 70g cocoa and salt and mix until smooth. If you want stronger sauce gradually add more cocoa.

Note: if you use salted butter omit adding salt. If the sauce is not sweet enough, add a little more sugar. Return to the stove to melt the sugar.

3. Add the butter and vanilla extract. Stir until butter melts. Allow to cool.

4. Pour in a hermetically sealed container and refrigerate up to one week.

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