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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Brze slane pihtije od povrca (Quick salty vegetable aspic)

Sastojci: 50g zelatina (belog mlevenog), 100 ml vode (hladne), 700ml gustog jogurta, 200 g majoneza, ½ kašičice soli, 250 g kiselih krastavčića, 250 g šunke, 4 sargarepe.


1. Zelatin potopite vodom u činiji. Ostavite da nabubri 15 do 20 minuta.

2. Šargarepu očistite i isecite na komade 3 cm. Kisele krastavcice i sunku iseckati na kockice.

3. Sargarepu preliti vodom i pustiti da prokljuca. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati desetak minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi.

4. Sargarepu iseci na kockice.

5. U serpu sipati jogurt, majonez i so. Zagrevajte ali vodite računa da jogurt da ne prokljuca. 

6. Na srednje niskoj tempetaturi (3) otopiti zelatin.

Ne sme da prokljuca.

6. Dodajte želatin i promešajte da se sjedini. Skloniti sa sporeta.

7. Dodajte kisele krastavčiće, šunku, šargarepe. Promesati.

8. Kalup za kolace ili silikonski kalup obloziti providnom folijom i sipati smesu.

9. Ostaviti da se ohladi.

10. Staviti u frižider da se ohladi i stegne na najmanje 5 sati.


Ako nemate mleveni zelatin probajte sa zelatinom u listicima. 10g mlevenog zelatina je 6 listica.

Ingredients: 50 g of gelatin (white ground), 100 ml of water (cold), 700 ml of thick buttermilk(yoghurt), 200 g of mayonnaise, ½ teaspoon of salt, 250 g of pickles, 250 g of ham, 4 carrots.


1. Soak gelatin in water in a bowl. Let it swell for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Clean the carrots and cut them into 3 cm pieces. Cut the pickles and ham into cubes.

3. Cover the carrots with water and let it boil. Reduce to medium temperature (4) and cook for tenish minutes. Leave to cool.

4. Cut the carrots into cubes.

5. Pour buttermilk (yoghurt), mayonnaise and salt into a saucepan. Heat, but take care that the yoghurt does not boil.

6. On a medium-low temperature (3) dissolve the gelatin.

It must not boil.

6. Add gelatin and stir to combine. Remove from the stove.

7. Add pickles, ham, and carrots. Stir.

8. Line a cake mold or silicone mold with transparent foil and pour the mixture.

9. Leave to cool.

10. Put in the fridge to cool and harden for at least 5 hours.


If you don't have ground gelatin, try using gelatin in sheets. 10g of ground gelatin is 6 leaves.

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