Sastojci: za zutu koru - 1 batat (slatki krompir), 60g mlevenih badema ili oraha, 1 kasika monk fruit secera, 1 kasika kokosovog ulja (otopljenog), za crnu koru - 15 urmi, 100g mlevenih lešnika, 50g kokosovog brasna, 1 kasika monk fruit secera, 3 kasike kakaoa (u prahu), 1 kasika kokosovog ulja (otopljenog).
1. Oljustiti batat i iseci na kocke oko 2 cm.
2. Staviti u serpu, preliti hladnom vodom i pustiti da prokljuca na visokoj temperaturi (6). Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati 20 minuta.
Batat je kuvan kada zabodete viljusku a on je mekan.
3. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
4. Urme potopiti u vrucu ali ne prokljucalu vodu na 2 sata.
Ako im je kora tvrda, oljustite urme. Izvadite kostice.
5. U blenderu pomesati batat, bademe, monk fruit secer, kokosovo brasno i kokosovo ulje.
6. Smesu staviti na papir za pecenje. Prekriti drugim papirom za pecenje, pa oklagijom razvaljati u pravougaonik debljine oko 0.8 cm.
7. U blenderu pomesati urme, lesnike, kokosovo brasno, monk fruit secer i kokosovo ulje.
8. Smesu staviti na papir za pecenje. Prekriti drugim papirom za pecenje, pa oklagijom razvaljati u pravougaonik debljine oko 0.8 cm.
9. Sa papirom za pecenje obe smese staviti u frizider na 30 minuta.
10. Zutu smesu odvojite od papira ali ostavite na papiru. Drugu tamnu smesu skinite sa papira i stavite preko zute smese.
11. Uz pomoc papira uviti u rolat.
12. Staviti i frizider nekoliko sati da se stegne.
Ingredients: for the yellow crust - 1 sweet potato, 60g of ground almonds or walnuts, 1 tablespoon of monk fruit sugar, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (melted), for the brown crust - 15 dates, 100g of ground hazelnuts, 50g of coconut flour, 1 tablespoon monk fruit sugar, 3 tablespoons of cocoa (powder), 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (melted).
1. Peel the sweet potato and cut it into cubes of about 2 cm.
2. Place in a pot, cover with cold water and let it boil at a high temperature (6). Reduce to medium temperature (4) and cook for 20 minutes.
The sweet potato is cooked when you stick a fork in it and it is soft.
3. Leave to cool.
4. Soak the dates in hot but not boiling water for 2 hours.
If the skin is hard, peel the dates. Remove the bones.
5. Mix sweet potato, almonds, monk fruit sugar, coconut flour and coconut oil in a blender.
6. Put the mixture on baking paper. Cover with another baking paper, then roll out with a rolling pin into a rectangle about 0.8 cm thick.
7. Mix dates, hazelnuts, coconut flour, monk fruit sugar and coconut oil in a blender.
8. Put the mixture on baking paper. Cover with another baking paper, then roll out with a rolling pin into a rectangle about 0.8 cm thick.
9. With baking paper, put both mixtures in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
10. Separate the yellow mixture from the paper but leave it on the paper. Remove the second dark mixture from the paper and place it over the yellow mixture.
11. Using paper, roll into a log.
12. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours to firm up.
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