Sastojci: 1 L mleka, 9 kasika secera (108g), 20g vanilin šećera, 80g pudinga od vanile, 40 g gustina, 180 g margarina (sobne temperature), 150 g mlevenog keksa, 100 g čokolade, 1 kasicica cimeta, 100 g kokosovog brasna, 40 g slaga (u prahu), 100-125g mleka (hladnog) ili vode (hladne), za posipanje - kokosovo brasno.
1. U 250ml mleka dodati vanila puding, gustin i 3 kasike secera. Promesati da se sjedini i bude bez grudvica.
2. Ostatak mleka sipati u šerpu, dodati preostao šećer, vanilin secer i staviti da provri.
3. Kada provri sipati prethodnu mesavinu i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi (4) od 5 do 7 minuta konstantno mesajuci.
4. Poklopiti i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi. Povremeno promesati da se ne stvori korica.
5. Margarin umutiti mikserom.
6. Dodati u puding i ponovo umutiti.
7. Smesu podeliti na tri dela.
8. U prvi deo dodati mleveni keks. Promesati da se sjedini. Staviti na dno kalupa od 22cm.
9. U drugi deo dodati otopljenu čokoladu sa cimetom i promesati da se sjedini. Premazati preko sloja sa keksom.
10. U treći deo dodati kokos i promesati da se sjedini. Namazati preko čokoladnog sloja.
11. Odmeriti 100ml hladnog mleka ili hladne vode (iz frižidera), sipati u dublju posudu i dodati sadržaj kesice. Mutiti mikserom najmanjom brzinom oko pola minuta, a potom najvećom brzinom oko 3 minuta, dok se ne dobije čvrsta pena. Ako je potrebno dodati i preostalih 25ml mleka ili vode.
Šlag penu možete koristiti odmah ili možete čuvati u frižideru 24 h.
12. Premazati preko torte.
13. Posuti kokosovim brasnom.
Ako zelite cvrst slag dodati 10g kremfiksa pre nego sto pocnete da mutite.
Ingredients: 1 L of milk, 9 tablespoons of sugar (108g), 20g of vanilla sugar, 80g of vanilla pudding, 40g of corn starch, 180g of margarine (room temperature), 150g of ground biscuits, 100g of chocolate, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 100g of coconut flour, 40 g whipped cream (powder), 100-125ml milk (cold) or water (cold), for sprinkling - coconut flour.
1. In 250 ml of milk, add vanilla pudding, corn starch and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Stir until combined and lump-free.
2. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan, add the remaining sugar, vanilla sugar and bring to a boil.
3. When it boils, pour the previous mixture and cook at medium temperature (4) for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring constantly.
4. Cover and leave to cool completely. Stir occasionally to prevent a crust from forming.
5. Beat the margarine with a mixer.
6. Add to pudding and beat again.
7. Divide the mixture into three parts.
8. Add ground biscuit to the first part. Stir to combine. Place on the bottom of a 22cm mold.
9. Add the melted chocolate with cinnamon to the second part and stir to combine. Spread over the biscuit layer.
10. In the third part, add coconut flour and stir to combine. Spread over the chocolate layer.
11. Measure out 100ml of cold milk or cold water (from the fridge), pour into a deep bowl and add the whipped cream powder. Beat with a mixer at the lowest speed for about half a minute, and then at the highest speed for about 3 minutes, until a solid foam is obtained. If necessary, add the remaining 25 ml of milk or water.
You can use the whipped cream immediately or store it in the fridge for 24 hours.
12. Spread over the cake.
13. Sprinkle it with coconut flour.
If you want a stiff whipped cream add 10g of kremfix before you start whipping.
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