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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Istanbulska torta (Istanbul cake)

Sastojci: za kore - 50g brašna, 12 jaja, 200g mlevenih oraha, 140g šećera, 20g vanilin secera, za fil - 500ml mleka, 250g margarina, 60g brašna, 30g vanilin secera, 100g šećera u prahu, 300g mlevenih oraha, umucen slag i orasi mleveni ili seckani za dekoraciju.



1. Pazljivo odvojiti belanca od žumanaca.

2. Umutiti šest belanaca u čvrst sneg uz postepeno dodavanje 70g šećera i 10g vanilin secera.

3. Dodati 25g brašna i 100g i mlevenih oraha i dobro promešati. 

4. Sipati u pleh obložen papirom za pecenhe ili podmazati margarinom i posuti sa malo brasna.

5. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C 15 do 20 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi pa isecena pola po sirini.

6. Ponoviti korake od 1 do 5 za drugu koru.

7. Za fil - pomesati 50g secera u prahu, brasno i vanilin secer sa 100ml mleka

8. Staviti 400ml mleka da prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta i smanjiti temperaturu na srednju (4) i dodati mesavinu brasna i secera i kuvati desetak minuta mesajuci.

9. Ostaviti da se ohladi povremeno mesajuci da se ne stvori korica na povrsini.

10. Umutiti margarin i 50g šećera u prahu. 

11. Dodavati jedno po jedno žumance sve vreme muteći. 

12. Dodati ohlađeni fil od mleka i uz mešanje. Zatim dodati orahe i sve dobro sjediniti. Podeliti na 3 dela.

13. Kora, fil, kora, fil, kora, fil i kora.

14. Prezati slagom i posuti ili mlevenim ili seckanim orasima.

Ingredients: for the crusts - 50g flour, 12 eggs, 200g ground walnuts, 140g sugar, 20g vanilla sugar, for the filling - 500ml milk, 250g margarine, 60g flour, 30g vanilla sugar, 100g powdered sugar, 300g ground walnuts, whipped cream and walnuts ground or chopped for decoration.



1. Carefully separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.

2. Beat six egg whites into stiff peaks while gradually adding 70g of sugar and 10g of vanilla sugar.

3. Add 25g of flour and 100g of ground walnuts and mix well.

4. Pour into a baking tray lined with parchment paper or grease with margarine and sprinkle with a little flour.

5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 15 to 20 minutes. Leave to cool, then cut the biscuit in half.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the second crust.

7. For the filling - mix 50g of powdered sugar, flour and vanilla sugar with 100ml of milk

8. Put 400ml of milk to boil. Remove from the stove and reduce the temperature to medium (4) and add the mixture of flour and sugar and cook for ten minutes while stirring.

9. Leave to cool, stirring occasionally to prevent a crust from forming on the surface.

10. Beat margarine and 50g of powdered sugar.

11. Add the egg yolks one by one, whisking after each addition.

12. Add the cooled milk filling and mix. Then add walnuts and combine everything well. Divide into 3 parts.

13. Crust, filling, crust, filling, crust, filling and crust.

14. Cover the cake with whipped cream and sprinkle with either ground or chopped walnuts.

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