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Monday, April 8, 2024

Hleb od bademovog brasna i semenki (Almond bread with seeds)

Sastojci: 5 jaja, 180ml jogurta, 150g mlevenih semenki (susam, suncokret, semenke bundeve, chia, semenke konoplje), 100-130g bademovog brasna, 2g sode bikarbone, 1.5g soli, celovite semenke za posipanje.


1.Umutiti jaja.

2. Dodati jogurt, sodu bikarbonu i so.

3. Pomesati sve semenke i brasno od badema i dobro promesati.

4. Suvu smesu postepeno dodavati u mesavinu jaja i jogurta mesajuci posle svakog dodavanja. Masa treba da bude gusta da se jedva moze kasikom okretati tj. mesati. Ako je smesa retka dodati jos semenki ili brasna.

5. U kalup za hleb staviti papir za pecenje. Staviti smesu, posuti semenkama (celovitim) i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180 C 1 sat.

Napomena: posle 45 minuta hleb izbusiti cackalicom kako bi se lepo ispekao iznutra. Posle 1 sata ponovo probusiti cackalicom da proverite da li je skroz peceno.

6. Cuvati hleb u frizideru od 5 do 7 dana.

Ingredients: 5 eggs, 180ml yoghurt, 150g ground seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, chia, hemp seeds), 100-130g almond flour, 2g baking soda, 1.5g salt, whole seeds for sprinkling.


1. Beat the eggs.

2. Add yoghurt, baking soda and salt.

3. Mix all the seeds and almond flour and mix well.

4. Gradually add the dry mixture to the egg and yoghurt mixture, mixing after each addition. The mass should be so thick that it can barely be turned with a spoon, i.e. stirred. If the mixture is thin, add more seeds or almond flour.

5. Place baking paper in the bread pan. Put the mixture, sprinkle with whole seeds and bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 1 hour.

Note: after 45 minutes, pierce the bread with a toothpick so that it is nicely baked from the inside. After 1 hour, pierce it again with a toothpick to check if it is fully baked.

6. Keep the bread in the refrigerator for up to 5 to 7 days.

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