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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Djulbastije pljeskavice od juneceg mesa i krompira (Djulbastije patties made of beef and potatoes)

Sastojci: 500g mlevenog juneceg mesa, 3 krompira, 2 do 3 glavice crnog luka, 3 cena belog luka, 1 jaje, 3 korice hleba, so, biber, besamel sos, kackavalj ili mocarela sir (isecen na tanke snite), za przenje - ulje.


1. Korice hleba potopiti u mlaku vodu. To prvo uraditi posle spremati drugo.

2. Pripremiti besamel sos.

3. Crni luk, beli luk i krompir oljustiti. Crni i beli luk sitno iseckati u secku. Krompir izrendati na krupno. Jaje umutiti viljuskom.

4. Pomesati mleveno meso i crni i beli luk i mesiti rukom da se sjedini, oko 10 minuta.

5. Dodati krompir, jaje, so i biber i jos malo mesiti da se sjedini.

6. Ocediti korice i dodati mesavini mesa i krompira. Sve jos jednom premesiti da se masa ujednaci.

7. Rukama blago nauljenim praviti loptice i pritisnuti dlanom da se spljoste.

8. Blago posuti sa brasnom svaku pljeskavicu i prziti sa obe strane nekoliko minuta, dok meso promeni boju i uhvati se korica.

9. Redjati u pleh ili vatrostalnu posudu u jedan red.

10. Preliti besamel sosom.

11. Preko svake pljeskavice - djulbastije, staviti parce kackavalja ili mocarele. Pokriti alu folijom.

12. Peci djulbastije u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C 35 minuta. Skinuti foliju i peci jos 15 minuta.

Ingredients: 500g of ground beef, 3 potatoes, 2 to 3 heads of onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 egg, 3 crusts of bread, salt, pepper, bechamel sauce, yellow cheese or mozzarella cheese (cut into thin slices), for frying - oil.


1. Soak the crust of bread in lukewarm water. Do that first, then prepare the rest.

2. Prepare the bechamel sauce.

3. Peel the onion, garlic and potatoes. Finely chop the onion and garlic in food processor. Grate the potatoes coarsely. Beat the egg with a fork.

4. Mix the minced meat and onion and garlic and knead by hand to combine, about 10 minutes.

5. Add potatoes, egg, salt and pepper and knead a little more to combine.

6. Drain the bread crust and add to the meat and potato mixture. Stir everything once more to make the mass even.

7. Make balls with slightly oiled hands and press them with the palm of your hand to flatten them.

8. Lightly dust each patty with flour and fry on both sides for a few minutes, until the meat changes colour and the crust is browned.

9. Arrange on a baking sheet or oven proof  dish in one row.

10. Pour bechamel sauce over it.

11. On top of each patty - djulbastije, put pieces of cheese or mozzarella. Cover with aluminium foil.

12. Bake the patties - djulbastije in a preheated oven at 200 C for 35 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 15 minutes.

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