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Friday, May 17, 2024

Za spoljasnje hemoroide (For external hemorrhoids)

Pre 2013. godine sam imala tvrde stolice koje su tesko izlazile. Nakon toga (nakon smrti oca) pojavili su mi se hemoroidi. Posle toga cak iako imam meksu stolicu ja imam spoljasnje hemoroide.

Jednom, pre 2 mesec dana mi je pukao ali mi se krv pojavila samo tad posle stolice na toalet papiru.

Drugi put, pre mesec dana je bas krvarilo - 2 dana.

Kada mi se desilo prvi put na jutjubu sam nasla da pomaze svinjska mast. Sutra dan sam otisla u prodavnicu i kupila 500g svinjske masti.

Tako da sam uzela svinjsku mast i namazala na mesto gde je bio hemoroid, stavila ulozak. Tako sam radila posle svakog odlaska u wc s tim sto sam prvo sa toalet papirom sam samo blago pokupila nakupljenu krv, a zatim se obrisala sa vlaznim maramicama. Takodje, pre spavanja sam namazala svinjsku mast. To je delotvornije jer ne idete cesto u wc.

Moja svinjska mast je bila veoma mekana. A vi ako imate u cvrstom stanju malo je omeksajte pre stavljanja.

Pored toga tj. naizmenicno sam stavljala komad kokosovog ulja. Kokosovo ulje izvadite iz frizidera par sati pre stavljanja da malo omeksa jer se ono vrlo brzo otopi kad se maze.

Posle dva dana krvarenje je prestalo.

Za vreme krvarenja hemoroida izbegavajte sedenje i lezanje na ledjima. Lezite na stranu.

Nisam imala para za kreme, tako da ne znam koje su dobre.

Before 2013, I had hard stools that were difficult to pass. After that (after my father's death) hemorrhoids appeared. After that, even though I have soft stools, I have external hemorrhoids.

Once, 2 months ago, it broke, but the blood appeared only then after a stool on the toilet paper.

The second time, a month ago, it really bled - for 2 days.

When it happened to me for the first time, I found on YouTube that pork lard helps. The next day I went to the store and bought 500g of pork lard.

So I took pork lard and spread it on the place where the hemorrhoid was, and put a pad on it. That's what I did after every trip to the toilet, with the fact that first I only gently picked up the accumulated blood with toilet paper, and then wiped myself with wet wipes. Also, I spread pork lard before going to bed. It is more effective because you don't go to the toilet often.

My pork lard was very soft. And if you have it in a solid state, soften it a little before putting it on.

In addition, I alternated a piece of coconut oil. Take the coconut oil out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before putting it in so that it softens a little, because it melts very quickly when they are applied to it.

After two days the bleeding stopped.

Avoid sitting and lying on your back during hemorrhoid bleeding. Lie on your side.

I didn't have money for creams, so I don't know which ones are good.

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