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Monday, December 29, 2014

Sok od jabuka, celera, kelja, persuna i djumbira (Apples, celery, kale, parsley and ginger juice)

Za osteoartritis

Sastojci: 2 jabuke, 2 stapa celera, 1 glavica veceg ili 2 glavice manjeg kelja, 50g persuna, 1 kasika svezeg djumbira ili 1 kasicica suvog.

1) Oprati, oljustiti i iseci na kocke jabuke. Celer i persun oprati. Kelj oprati i iseci na manje komade.
2) U blender staviti sve sastojke i blendirati.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.
Predlog 1: mozete takodje napraviti za osteoartritis Sok od sargarepe, celera, ananasa i limuna.
Predlog 2: mozete takodje napraviti za osteoartritis Sok od bobicastog voca.

For osteoarthritis

Ingredients: 2 apples, 2 sprigs of celery, 1 larger head of kale or 2 smaller head of kale, 50g parsley, 1 tablespoon fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon dried.

1) Wash, peel and cut into cubes apple. Celery and parsley wash. Kale wash and cut into smaller pieces.
2) In a blender put all ingredients and blend.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.
Suggestion 1: you can also make for osteoarthritis Carrots, celery, pineapple and lemon juice.
Suggestion 2: you can also make for osteoarthritis Berries juice.

Sok od bobicastog voca za osteoartritis (Berries juice for osteoarthritis)

Za osteoartritis

Sastojci: 150g borovnice, 150g brusnice, 150g malina, 150g jagoda.

1) U sokovniku iscedite sok od svih sastojaka.

Savet 1: ako vam je sok je dosta gust, mozete ga razblaziti sa malo vode.
Savet 2: umesto sokovnika mozete koristiti blender.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.

Predlog 1: mozete takodje napraviti za osteoartritis Sok od sargarepe, celera, ananasa i limuna.
Predlog 1: mozete takodje napraviti za osteoartritis Sok od jabuka, celera, kelja, persuna i djumbira.

For osteoarthritis

Ingredients: 150g blueberries, 150g cranberries, 150g raspberries, 150g strawberries.

1) In the juicer squeeze the juice of all the ingredients.

Tip 1: If you juice is quite thick, you can dilute it with a little water.
Tip 2: You can use blender instead of juicer.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.

Suggestion 1: you can also make for osteoarthritis Carrots, celery, pineapple and lemon juice.
Suggestion 2: you can also make for osteoarthritis Apples, celery, kale, parsley and ginger juice.

Sok od spanaca i sargarepe za gorusicu (Spinach and carrots juice for heartburn)

Za gorusicu

Sastojci: 450g spanaca i 6 sargarepa.

1) Oprati, oljustiti i iseci na manje komade sargarepu. Oprati spanac.
2) U sokovniku iscediti sok od sargarepe.
3) U blender staviti spanac i blendirati.
4) U blender dodati spanac i kratko miksati.

Predlog: mozete napraviti takodje za gorusicu Sok od cvekle, krastavca i sargarepe, ovaj sok je takodje dobar i za ciscenje organizma.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana

For heartburn

Ingredients: 450g spinach and 6 carrots.

1) Wash, peel and cut into smaller pieces carrots. Wash spinach.
2) In a juicer squeeze the juice of carrots.
3) In a blender put spinach and blend.
4) In a blender add the spinach and mix shortly.

Suggestion: you can also make for heartburn Beetroot, cucumber and carrots juice, which is also good for cleansing the body.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.

Sok od sargarepe, krastavca i paradajza (Carrots, cucumber and tomatoes juice)

Za dijabetes

Sastojci: 2 sargarepe, 1 krastavac, 4 paradajza.

1) Sargarepu, krastavac i paradajze operite, oljustite i isecite na manje komade.
2) Iscedite sok u sokovniku.

Predlog 1: umesto paradajza mozete koristiti domaci sok od paradajza.
Predlog 2: mozete napraviti takodje za dijabetes Sok od sargarepe, jabuke, spanaca i celera.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.

For diabetes

Ingredients: 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 4 tomatoes.

1) Wash carrots, cucumber and tomatoes, peel and cut into smaller pieces.
2) Squeeze juice in a juicer.

Suggestion 1: instead of tomatoes you can use homemade tomato juice.
Suggestion 2: you can make also for diabetes Carrots, apples, spinach and celery juice.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sok od ananasa, banane i djumbira (Pineapple, banana and ginger juice)

Sastojci: 2 banana, 500g ananasa, 1 1/2 kasika sveze izrendanog djumbira ili 1 1/2 kasicica suvog, 300ml jogurta, 250ml soka od ananasa.

1) Bananu oljustiti i iseci na kolutove. Ananas iseckati na kocke.
2) Sve sastojke staviti u blender i blendati.

Ingredients: 2 bananas, 50g pineapple, 1 1/2 tablespoon freshly grated ginger or 1 1/2 teaspoon dried, 300ml yogurt, 250ml pineapple juice.

1) Banana peel and cut into slices. Pineapple cut into cubes.
2) Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend.

Sok od bobicastog voca i lubenice (Berries and watermelon juice)

Za povisen holesterol

Sastojci: 100g borovnica, 100g brusnica, 100g malina, 100g jagoda, 100g lubenice

1) U sokovniku iscedite sve sastojke.

Savet: ako zelite da razblazite ovaj sok dodati malo soka od lubenice.

Predlog: mozete napraviti takodje za povisen holesterol Sok od kelja, brokolija i lubenice.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.

For high cholesteNapomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.rol

Ingredients: 100g blueberries, 100g cranberries, 100g raspberries, 100g strawberries, 100g watermelon.

1) In the juicer squeeze all the ingredients.

Tip: if you want to dilute the juice add a little watermelon juice.

Suggestion: you can make also for high cholesterol, Kale, broccoli and watermelon juice.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.

Sok od celera, spanaca i sargarepe (Celery, spinach and carrots juice)

Za povisen holesterol

Sastojci: 3 stabljike celera, 1 veza spanaca, 3 sargarepe.

1) Celer, spanac i sargarepu oprati, ocistiti i iseckati na manje komade.
2) Pomesati celer, spanac i sargarepu. U sokovniku iscedite sok.

Savet:  mozete dodati 2 cena belog luka.

Predlog: mozete napraviti takodje za povisen holesterol Sok od kelja, brokolija i lubenice.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.

For high cholesterol

Ingredients: 3 celery stalks, 1 bunch of spinach, 3 carrots.

1) Celery, spinach and carrots wash, clean and cut into small pieces.
2) Mix the celery, spinach and carrots. In the juicer squeeze juice.

Tip: You can add 2 cloves garlic.

Suggestion: you can make also for high cholesterol, Kale, broccoli and watermelon juice.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Torta s kandiranim vocem (Cake with candied fruit)

Sastojci: biskvit testo, 1 L umucenog slaga, 200g mesanog usecerenog voca, 150g rendane crne cokolade, 100g seckanih badema, 100g seckanih lesnika, 300ml konjaka, 300ml ruma, za posipanje: 50g kakaoa, 50g secera u prahu.

1) Pripremiti biskvit. Ohladiti i iseci na kocke.
2) Pomesati konjak i rum. Poprskati biskviti.
3) Pomesati cokoladu, slag, bademe, lesnike i usecereno voce.
4) Pola isecenog biskvita staviti u kalup, premazati kremom pa pokriti preostalim biskvitom. Ostaviti u frizideru preko noci.
5) Pre sluzenja posuti mesavinom kakaoa i secera u prahu.

Mozete pogledati i sledece recepte:

Teodora torta 
Posna torta sa suvim grozdjem
Dubrovacka torta

Ingredients: biscuit dough, 1 L whipped cream, 200g of mixed candied fruits, 150g grated dark chocolate, 100g chopped almonds, 100g chopped hazelnuts, 300ml cognac, 300ml of rum, for sprinkling: 50g cocoa, 50g powdered sugar. 

1) Prepare biscuit. Cool and cut into cubes.
2) Mix the brandy and rum. A sprinkle over biscuits.
3) Mix the chocolate, whipped cream, almonds, hazelnuts and candied fruits.
4) Half of cut biscuits put into the mold, spread the cream and cover with the remaining biscuits. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.
5) Before serving sprinkle with a mixture of cocoa and powdered sugar.

You might also like:

Teodora cake
Fasting cake with raisins
Dubrovnik cake

Pijani badem kolacici (Drunk almond cookies)

Sastojci: 400g brasna, 300g margarina, 300g mlevenih badema, 130g secera, 2 zumanceta, 100ml rakije, rendana kora od jednog limuna, za premazivanje: rakija i secer.

1) Pomesati brasno, secer, badem, margarin, koru od limuna, zumanca i rakiju. Zamesiti testo pa ga razvuci na debljinu od 1,5cm. Modlom ili casicom vaditi kolacice.
2) Pleh namazati margarinom, posuti brasnom, poredjati kolacice, premazati rakijom, posuti secerom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C.

Mozete pogledati i sledece recepte:

Energetske stanglice
Zdrave kuglice
Krem bananice

Ingredients: 400g flour, 300g butter, 300g ground almonds, 130g sugar, 2 egg yolks, 100ml brandy, grated rind of one lemon, for brushing: brandy and sugar.

1) Mix the flour, sugar, almonds, butter, lemon peel, egg yolks and brandy. Knead dough and develop to a thickness of 1.5 cm. With cookie cuter or small glass remove cookies.
​2) Line baking sheet, brush with margarine, sprinkle with flour, arrange the cookies, brush with brandy, sprinkle with sugar and bake in pre-heated oven at 180 C.

Pijani patlidzan (Drunk eggplant)

Sastojci: 4 patlidzana, 400ml roze vina, 80ml sirceta, 80ml maslinovog ulja, so, biber, 5 lista nane, 4 cena belog luka, 200g tvrdog sira (narendanog).

1) Patlidzan isecite na tri dela po duzini. Zarezite na tri mesta. Nanu oprati. Beli luk oljustiti.
2) U blender staviti nanu, beli luk, sir i biber i blendati. Ovom masom napuniti zareze na patlidzanu.
3) Zagrejati ulje i prziti patlidzane. Kad se proprze sa obe strane, dodati vino i pustiti da ispari. Dodati sirce, posoliti po ukusu i kuvati jos 10 minuta.

Mozete pogledati i sledece recepte:

Palacinke sa spanacem
Ingredients: 4 eggplants, 400ml pink wine, 80ml vinegar, 80ml olive oil, salt, pepper, 5 mint leaves, 4 cloves garlic, 200g of hard cheese (grated).

1) Cut eggplant into three pieces lengthwise. Cut deep in three places. Wash mint leaves. Peel garlic.
2) In a blender put the mint, garlic, cheese and pepper and blend. With this mass fill holes on the eggplant.
3) Heat the oil and fry the eggplant. When the fried on both sides, add the wine and let it evaporate. Add vinegar, salt to taste and cook for another 10 minutes.

You might also like:

Spinach crepes
Broccoli in puff pastry
Gratinated cauliflower

Pasteta od haringe i lososa (Herring and salmon pate)

Sastojci: 300g dimljene haringe, 300g dimljenog lososa, 300g margarina, kora od jednog limuna, biber.

1) Haringu i losos iseci na komade. Od limunove kore odstraniti beli deo.
2) Staviti haringu u blender. Dodati 150g margarina i blendati. Ako je masa preslana dodati jos margarina. Dodati koru od limuna, losos, preostali margarin i blendati dok ne dobijete kremastu masu. Zaciniti biber.
3) Posluziti uz prepecen hleb.

Mozete pogledati i sledece recepte:

Besamel sos
Lisnato testo
Pesto od blitve

Ingredients: 300g of smoked herring, 300g smoked salmon, 300g butter, rind of one lemon, pepper.

1) Herring and salmon cut into pieces. Remove the white part of lemon peel.
2) Place the herring in the blender. Add 150g margarine and blend. If the mass is too salty add more margarine. Add lemon peel, salmon, remaining margarine and blend until you get a creamy mass. Spice with pepper.

3) Serve with toasted bread.

You might also like:

Bechamel sauce
Puff pastry
Swiss chard pesto

Krompir salata sa zacinima (Potato salad with spices)

Sastojci: 600g krompira, 1 kasicica karija u prahu, 1 kasika kima, 1 kasika susama, 200ml jogurta, 1 kasika maslinovog ulja, so, biber, rendana kora jednog limuna, 2 kasike seckanog persuna.

1) Krompir oprati i obariti u slanoj vodi. Ostaviti da se ohladi. Oljustiti i iseci na kockice.

2) Pomesati maslinovo ulje, jogurt, koru od limuna, kim, kari i susam.
3) Preliti krompir ovim prelivom i posuti persunom.

Ingredients: 600g potatoes, 1 teaspoon curry powder, 1 tablespoon cumin, 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, 200ml yogurt, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, grated rind of one lemon, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley.

1) Wash the potatoes and cook in salted water. Leave to cool. Peel and slice into cubes.
2) Mix the olive oil, yogurt, lemon peel, cumin, curry and sesame.
3) Pour the potato with dressing and sprinkle with parsley. 

Pileca salata sa povrcem (Chicken salad with veggies)

Sastojci: 1 crni luk, 1 koren celera, 1 veza lisca celera, 1 sargarepa, 1 lovorov list, malo sirceta, 500g pileceg mesa, 2 paprike, 3 sargarepe, 2 glavice zelene salate, 50g crnih maslina, 50g zelenih maslina, 10 kiselih krastavcica, majonez, so, biber.

1) Crni luk, koren celera i sargarepu oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Lisce celera sitno iseckati. Papriku i sargarepu oljustiti i iseckati na trakice. Kisele krastavcice sitno iseckati. Zelenu salatu oprati iseci na trakice. Ocistiti crne i zelene masline.

2) U vodu staviti crni luk, koren i lisce celera, sargarepu, lovorov list i malo sirce i pustiti da prokuva. Dodati piletinu i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi. Pilece meso izvaditi a u supu dodati rezanca i kuvati jos malo.
3) Pomesati pilece meso, papriku, sargarepu, zelenu salatu, masline, kisele krastavice i majoneza, soli i bibera po ukusu.

Ingredients: 1 onion, 1 celery root, 1 bunch celery, 1 carrot, 1 bay leaf, a little vinegar, 500g chicken meat, 2 peppers, 3 carrots, 2 heads of lettuce, 50g black olives, 50g green olives, 10 pickles, mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

1) Onions, celery root and carrot peel and finely chop. The leaves of celery finely chop. Peppers and carrots peel and cut into strips. Finely chop pickles. Wash lettuce and cut into strips. Clean black and green olives.
2)In the water put onion, root and leaves of celery, carrot, bay leaf and a little vinegar and let it boil. Add chicken and cook on medium heat. Remove chicken meat, in the soup add noodles and cook some more.
3) Mix the chicken, peppers, carrots, lettuce, olives, pickles and mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Kenijski pire od mesanog povrca (Kenyan mixed vegetables puree)

Sastojci: 300g kukuruza, 250g spanaca, 200g krompira, 150g graska, 2 kasike margarina, so i biber.

1) U blago posoljenoj vodi, zasebno skuvati, grasak, oljusten krompir, spanac isecen na komade i kukuruz.
2) U blender staviti krompir, grasak, kukuruz i blendati.
3) U serpu, otopiti margarin, dodati pire od povrca i spanac i dinstati 5 minuta. Posoliti i pobiberiti.

Ingredients: 300g corn, 250g spinach, 200g of potatoes, 150g peas, 2 tablespoons margarine, salt and pepper.

1) In the slightly salted water, cook separately, peas, peeled potatoes, spinach sliced into pieces and corn.
2) In blender put potatoes, peas, corn and blend.

3) in a saucepan, melt the margarine, add the pureed vegetables and spinach and cook for 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper.

Egipatske cufte od pasulja (Egyptian bean balls)

Sastojci: 400g belog pasulja, 1 crni luk, 2 cena belog luka, sok od jednog limuna, 2 kasike iseckanog lisca persuna ili korijandera, 1 kasicica kima u prahu, 1 kasicica seckanog korijandera, 1/2 kasicice aleve paprike, 1/2 kasicice kurkume, 1/2 kasicice praska za pecivo, susam, 50g brasna, jogurt, ulje za przenje.

1) Potopiti pasulj u vodu i ostaviti 12 sati. Ocediti. Staviti u blender i blendati da dobijete zrnastu masu.
2) Crni luk i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Pomesati pasulj, crni luk, beli luk i persun ili korijander. Dodati kim, korijander, alevu papriku, kurkumu, prasak za pecivo, sok od limuna. Dobro promesati i ostaviti 15 minuta.
3) Uzimati po 2 kasike i praviti cufte, blago pritisnuti dlanovima.

Napomena: ako je suvise meko, dodati jos malo brasna i vode i ostaviti 15 minuta da odstoji.

4) Cufte posuti susamom i prziti u vrelom ulju. Staviti na papir da upije visak masnoce.
5) Posluziti uz jogurt i Egipatski hleb od jecma.

Ingredients: 400g white beans, 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves or coriander, 1 teaspoon cumin powder, 1 teaspoon chopped coriander, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon baking powder, sesame seeds, 50g flour, yogurt, oil for frying.

1) Soak the beans in water and leave for 12 hours. Drain. Put in blender and blend to get the grain mass.
2) Onions and garlic peel and finely chop. Mix the beans, onion, garlic and parsley or coriander. Add cumin, coriander, red pepper, turmeric, baking powder, lemon juice. Mix well and leave for 15 minutes.
3) Take 2 tablespoons and make meatballs, gently press with palms.

Note: if it is too soft, add a little flour and water and leave for 15 minutes to rest.

4) Balls sprinkle with sesame seeds and fry in hot oil. Put on paper to absorb excess fat.
5) Serve with yogurt and Egyptian barley bread.

Iracki slatkis od urmi (Iraqi sweet of dates)

Sastojci: 200g urmi, 200g mlevenih badema, 150g mlevenih oraha, 80g secera u prahu.

1) Urme ocistiti od kostica i sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati urme, bademe i orahe da dobijete ujednacenu masu.
3) Povrsinu posuti secerom u prahu i oblikovati valjak.

Ingredients: 200g of dates, 200g ground almonds, 150g ground walnuts, 80g powdered sugar.

1) Remove pits from dates and finely chop.
2) Mix the dates, almonds and walnuts to get a uniform mass.

3) Cover surface with powdered sugar and form cylinder.

Kajsije u lisnatom testu (Apricots in puff pastry)

Sastojci: 300g lisnatog testa 1, 300g kajsija iz kompota, 200g dzema od kajsija, 300ml mleka, kora od jednog limuna, 100g secera, 10g zelatina, 3 zumanca, 400ml+200ml slatke pavlake.

1) Rastopiti zelatin u hladnoj vodi. Kajsije ocediti i sitno iseckati.
2) U posudu staviti mleko i koru od limuna i na tihoj temperaturi pustiti da provri. Skloniti i ostaviti da odstoji 10 minuta.

Kolac od sira (Cheesecake)

Sastojci: za testo - 300g brasna, 150g margarina, 100g secera, 3 jaja+ 1 zumance, 2 kasike cimeta; 150g obicnog keksa; za krem - 500g mladog sira, 3 jaja+1 zumance, 100ml ruma, 150g suvog grozdja, 150g secera u prahu, 50g kakaoa, 150g usecerene kore pomorandze sitno iseckane, 1 kasika cimeta.

1) Brasno prosejati, pa dodati margarina isecen komadice, secer, jaja i cimet. Zamesiti glatko testo. Ostaviti u frizider na 1 i po sat.
2) Razvaljati testo i njime obloziti manji pleh koji je prethodno podmazan margarinom i posut brasnom. Izbusiti viljuskom i posuti izmrvljenim keksom. Ostaviti u frizideru 30 minuta.
3) Potopiti suvo grozdje u rum i ostaviti da nabubri. Ocediti.
4) Pomesati sir, secer, jaja, zumance i mesati dok ne dobijete ujednacenu masu. Dodati suvo grozdje, pomorandze i cimet. Promesati pa sipati u pleh. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 160C oko 40 minuta.

Ingredients: for dough - 300g flour, 150g butter, 100g sugar, 3 eggs + 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons cinnamon; 150g plain biscuits; for cream - 500g cottage cheese, 3 eggs + 1 yolk, 100ml rum, 150g raisins, 150g powdered sugar, 50g cocoa, 150g candied orange peel finely chopped, 1 tablespoon cinnamon.

1) Sift flour and add the sliced pieces of margarine, sugar, eggs and cinnamon. Knead to get smooth dough. Leave in the refrigerator to one and a half hour.
2) Roll out the dough and put it in a smaller baking pan that you previously greased with margarine and sprinkled with flour. Make holes with fork and sprinkle with crushed biscuits. Leave in the fridge for 30 minutes.
3) Soak the raisins in the rum and leave to swell. Drain.
4) Mix cheese, sugar, eggs, egg yolks and stir until you get a uniform mass. Add raisins, oranges and cinnamon. Stir it and pour into baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven at 160C for about 40 minutes.

Ovas sa suvim vocem i bananama (Oats with dried fruits and bananas)

Sastojci: 400g ovasa u zrnu, 800ml vode, 100g suvog grozdja, 80g suvog ananasa, 80g suve papaje, 2 banane.

1) U dublju serpu sipati ovas i preliti vodom. Pustiti da prokljuca pa smanjiti na srednju temperaturu i kuvati oko pola sata.

2) Bananu oljustiti i iseci na kockice.
3) Ocediti ovas pa dodati suvo voce i banane. Promesati.

Ingredients: 400g oats in the grain (oats groats), 800ml water, 100g of raisins, 80g dried pineapple, 80g dried papaya, two bananas.

1) In deeper saucepan put oats and pour water. Allow to boil then reduce to medium heat and cook for about half an hour.
2) Peel bananas and slice into cubes.
3) Drain barley and add the dried fruits and bananas. Stir.

Supa od jecma (Barley soup)

Sastojci: 2 sargarepe, 2 struka celera, 1 krompir, 2 L supe, 200g jecma, 1 crni luk, 3 kasike maslinovog ulja, so.

1) Jecam oprati i potopiti u hladnu vodu. Ostaviti 8 sati da stoji. Procediti.
2) Crni luk, krompir i sargarepu oljustiti i iseci na komade. U blender staviti povrce, dodati celer i blendati. Izvaditi, zatim dodati jecam.
3) U serpu staviti supu, dodati jecam s povrcem, ulje, so i kuvati na niskoj temperaturi oko 1 sat.

Ingredients: 2 carrots, 2 waist celery, 1 potato, 2 liters of soup, 200g barley, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt.

1) Barley wash and soak in cold water. Allow to stand for 8 hours. Strain.
2) Onion, potato and carrot peel and cut into chunks. In a blender put the vegetables, add the celery and blend. Remove, then add barley.
3) Put the soup in a saucepan, add the barley with vegetables, oil, salt and cook on a low heat for about 1 hour.

Skoljke sa pestom od celera (Clams with celery pesto)

Sastojci: 200g celera (listovi i stabljike), 150 testenine, 1 sargarepa, 50g parmezana, 1 cen belog luka, 50g oraha, 4 kasike maslinovog ulja, so.

1) Oprati i osusiti celer. Oprati, oljustiti sargarepu i iseci na kolutove. Beli luk ocistiti.
2) U blender staviti celer, sargarepu, beli luk i 2 kasike ulja i blendati. Dodati orahe i jos malo blendati. Razblaziti sa malo vode, dodati preostalo ulje i so i promesati.
3) U slanoj i prokljucaloj vodi staviti testenine i skuvati.
4) Testeninu preliti pesto sosom.

Ingredients: 200g celery (leaves and stems), 150 pasta, 1 carrot, 50g Parmesan cheese, 1 clove of garlic, 50g walnuts, 4 tablespoons olive oil, salt.


1) Wash and dry the celery. Wash and peel the carrots and cut into slices. Clean garlic.
2) In a blender put celery, carrot, garlic and 2 tablespoons oil and blend. Add walnuts and blend a little more. Dilute with a little water, add remaining oil and mix.
3) In salted, boiling water put the pasta and cook.
4) Pour the pasta with pesto sauce.

Sok od dinja i jabuka (Melon and apple juice)

Sastojci: 4 jabuke, 2 dinje, 300ml soka od pomorandze, 25 listica nane, 10 kockica leda.

1) Jabuke oprati, ocistiti i iseci na cetvrtine. Dinju iseci na pola, odstraniti semenke i mekani unutrasnji deo. Oljustiti i iseckati na kockice.
2) Staviti jabuke i dinje u blender i blendati dok se masa ne izjednaci. Dodati sok od pomorandze, nanu i 10 kockica leda i blendati 3 minuta.
3) Sipati u bokal i ostaviti u frizider 2 sata. Pre serviranja promesati.

Ingredients: 4 apples, 2 melons, 300 ml of orange juice, 25 ballots mint, 10 ice cubes.

1) Wash and clean apples and cut into quarters. Melons cut in half, remove the seeds and soft inner part. Peel and cut into cubes.
2) Place the apples and melons in a blender and blend until the mixture is smooth. Add orange juice, mint and 10 ice cubes and blend 3 minutes.

3) Pour into a jug and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Before serving stir.

Sok od jabuka i sargarepa (Apples and carrots juice)

Sastojci: sokovnik, 6 jabuke, 6 sargarepa, sok od jedne limete.

1) Jabuke oprati, ocistiti i iseci na cetvrtine. Sargarepe oprati i oljustiti i iseci na kolutove.
2) Sve staviti u sokovnik, sipati u bokal i zaciniti sokom od limete.

Ingredients: juicer, 6 apples, 6 carrots, juice of one lime.

1) Wash and clean apples and cut into quarters. Wash nad peel carrots and cut into slices.
2) All put in a juicer, pour into a jug and season with lime juice.

Karfiol sa besamel sosom (Cauliflower with bechamel sauce)

Sastojci: 800g karfiola, 250ml besamel sosa.

1) Karfiol oprati, ocistiti i kuvati na pari 15 minuta. Procediti i ostaviti da se prohladi.
2) Pripremiti besamel sos.
3) Karfiol razdvoji na cvetice i preliti sosom.

Ingredients: 800g cauliflower, 250ml bechamel sauce.

1) Cauliflower wash, clean and cook steamed for 15 minutes. Strain and leave to lightly cool.
2) Prepare a bechamel sauce.

3) Cauliflower separate into flowers and pour sauce.

Ruske palacinke od kukuruznog brasna (Russian crepes made of corn flour)

Sastojci: 250g kukuruznog brasna, 250g brasna, 50 ml mleka, 20g kvasca, 6 jaja, 1 kasika secera, pola kasicice soli, 50g margarina.

1) U solji pomesati kvasac, toplo mleko, secer i 1 kasiku brasna. Promesati i ostaviti da nadodje.
2) Pomesati kukuruzno brasno i brasno, so i zumanca. Promesati i sipati mleko sa kvascem. Dodati rastopljen margarin i zamesiti testo. Testo bi trebalo da bude meko i glatko. Ostaviti tri sata da stoji na toplom mestu.
3) Umutiti belanca i dodati u testo. Promesati.
4) Na ulje sipati kutlacu testa i prziti palacinke.

Ingredients: 250g of corn flour, 250g of wheat flour, 50 ml milk, 20g yeast, 6 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 50g of margarine.

1) in a cup mix the yeast, warm milk, sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and leave to swell.
2) Mix corn floura and wheat flour, salt and egg yolks. Stir and pour milk with yeast. Add melted butter and knead the dough. The dough should be soft and smooth. Allow three hours to stand in a warm place.
3) Whisk the egg whites and add to the batter. Stir.
4) In oil put ladle of dough and fry pancakes.

Aspik od tunjevine (Tuna aspic)

Sastojci: 200g tunjevine, 50g sardina, 10g zelatina, 60g margarina, 1 veza persuna, 3 kasike majoneza, sok od pola limuna.

1) Potopiti zelatin u solju hladne vode.
2) Tunjevinu ocediti, pa pomesati sa omeksalim margarinom, sardinama, majonezom i persunom. Staviti u blender i blendati dok ne dobijete ujednacem krem.
3) Ocediti zelatin i otopiti u soku od limuna, na pari ili niskoj temperaturi. Ostavit da se prohladi pa dodati u krem.
4) Sipati u ciniju i ostaviti u frizider 4 sata. Pre sluzena malo promesati.

Predlog: ovaj aspik mozete posluziti uz Galete od krompira.

Ingredients: 200g of tuna, 50g sardines, 10g gelatine, 60g butter, 1 bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons mayonnaise, juice of half a lemon.
1) Soak the gelatin in a cup of cold water.
2) Drain tuna, and to mix with the softened margarine, sardines, mayonnaise and parsley. Put in blender and blednati until yo get well combined cream.
3) Drain the gelatine and dissolve in lemon juice, steamed or over low heat. Leave to cool, then add to the cream.

4) Pour into a bowl and leave in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Before serving stir a little.

Salata od piletine s limunom (Chicken salad with lemon)

Sastojci: 400g pilecih grudi, 2 limuna, 2 struka celera, 100g zelene salate, 1 mladi luk, 1/2 komoraca, 50g badema, 1 zelena jabuka, 4 kasike majoneza, 4 kasike kisele pavlake, 1 kasika seckanog persuna, so.

1) Pilece grudu skuvati i iseci na trakice. Zaciniti korom od limuna i sokom. Ostaviti nekoliko sati u frizideru. Ocediti.
2) Jabuku, mladi luk i komorac oljustiti i sitno iseckati. Celer sitno iseckati.
3) Pomesati jabuku, mladi luk, komorac, celer, bademe i pomesati sa pilecim grudima.
4) Pomesati majonez, kiselu pavlaku, so i persun.
5) Na tanjir staviti zelenu salatu, preko salatu od pilecih grudi i preliti sosom od majoneza i kisele pavlake.

Ingredients: 400g chicken breasts, 2 lemons, 2 waist celery, 100g of lettuce, 1 onion, 1/2 fennel, 50g almonds, 1 green apple, 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, 4 tbsp sour cream 4, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, salt.

1) Cook the chicken breasts and cut into strips. Spice with lemon rind and lemon juice. Leave a few hours in the fridge. Drain.
2) An apple, onion and fennel peel and finely chop. Finely chop celery.
3) Mix the apple, onion, fennel, celery, almonds and mix with chicken breasts.
4) Mix the mayonnaise, sour cream, salt and parsley.

5) On a plate place lettuce, pu salad with chicken breasts and pour sauce of mayonnaise and sour cream.

Krem od kiselog mleka sa belim lukom (Yogurt cream with garlic)

Sastojci: 400ml kiselog mleka, 2 cena belog luka, 2 kasike meda, so, 2 kasike mesavine zacinskih trava (2 kasike svezih pera vlasca, 2 kasike svezeg persuna ili 2 kasicice suvog, 2 kasike sveze mirodjije ili 2 kasicice suve, 2 kasike svezeg origana ili 2 kasicice suvog, 2 kasike svezeg bosiljka ili 2 kasicice suvog, 2 kasike svezeg estragona ili 2 kasicice suvog).

1) Beli luk oljustiti i izgnjeciti. Zacinske trave-pomesati sve pa sipati dve kasike. Sve sastojke izmesati u ciniji.
2) U cediljku staviti dvostruki sloj gaze, cediljku staviti nad posudom, sipati masu i ostaviti da se cedi 3 sata. Kada se tecnost ocedi sipati krem i ostaviti u frizider nekoliko sati, najbolje preko noci.

Ingredients: 400ml sour milk, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tablespoons honey, salt, 2 tablespoons of mixture of herbs (2 tablespoons fresh chives, 2 tablespoons fresh parsley or 2 teaspoons dried, 2 tablespoons fresh dill or 2 teaspoons dried, 2 tablespoons fresh oregano or 2 teaspoons dried, 2 tablespoons fresh basil or 2 teaspoons dried, 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon or 2 teaspoons dried).

1) Peel garlic and squeeze. For herbs-mix all but put two tablespoons of mixture. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

2) In a strainer, put a double layer of cheesecloth, put strainer over a bowl, pour the sauce and leave it trickles 3 hours. When the fluid drain, pour the cream and leave in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight.

Sos od rena (Horseradish sauce)

Sastojci: 4 kasike rendanog rena, 2 kasike pecenog kikirikija, 200ml maslinovog ulja, 2 kasike iseckanog persuna, so.

1) U blender staviti kikiriki i blendati nekoliko sekundi. Dodati ren i ulje i blendati dok ne dobijete ujednacen sos.
2) Sipati u posudu, posoliti po ukusu i posuti persunom.

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of grated horseradish, 2 tablespoons roasted peanut, 200ml olive oil, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, salt.

1) In a blender put peanuts and blend for a few seconds. Add horseradish and oil and blend until you get a well combined sauce.

2) Pour into a bowl, add salt to taste, and sprinkle with parsley.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Kari u prahu (Powder curry)

Sastojci: 2 kasike kima u prahu, 2 kasike kardamona, 2 kasike korijandera, 60g kurkume, 1 kasicica aleve paprike, 1 kasicica muskatnog oraha, 1 kasicica cimeta, 1/2 kasicice bibera.

1) Staviti sve sastojke u posudu sa poklopcem. Promesati.
2) Cuvati na hladnom i suvom mestu.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons cumin powder, 2 tablespoons cardamom, 2 tablespoons coriander, 60g turmeric, 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon pepper.

1) Put all ingredients in the bowl with a lid. Shake to mix.
2) Store in a cool, dry place.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Egipatski hleb od jecma (Egyptian barley bread)

Sastojci: 500g jecmenog brasna, 20g kvasca, 125ml mlake vode, 2 kasike meda, 1/2 kasicice soli, 1 jaje, 2 kasike margarina, malo ulja.

1) Pomesati kvasac, vodu i med i ostaviti da nadodje.
2) Pomesati brasno i so. Dodati margarin i jaja i zamesiti testo. Staviti u ciniju, premazati uljem, pokriti i ostaviti da naraste na toplom mestu oko 2 sata.
3) Premesiti testo i oblikovati krug debljine oko 1,5-2cm. Staviti u ciniju, blago premazati uljem, pokriti i ostaviti da naraste na toplom mestu jos 1 sat.
4) Zagrejati rernu na 200C. Staviti hleb u pleh i peci oko 20-30 minuta.

Ingredients: 500g barley flour, 20g yeast, 125ml lukewarm water, 2 tablespoons honey, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons margarine, a little oil.

1) Mix the yeast, water and honey and let it rise.
2) Mix the flour and salt. Add margarine and eggs and knead the dough. Put in a bowl, coat with oil, cover and leave to rise in a warm place for about 2 hours.
3) Knead the dough again and form a circle thick 1,5-2cm. Put in a bowl, lightly coated with oil, cover and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour.
4) Preheat oven to 200C. Place the bread in a baking pan and bake for about 20-30 minutes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Poslasticarski krem (Confectioner cream)

Sastojci: 500ml mleka, 50g brasna, 4 zumanca, 150g secera u prahu, kora od jednog limuna.

1) Sipati mleko u serpu, pa dodati koru od limuna i pustiti da provri. Skloniti. Blago umutiti zumanca sa secerom, pa dodati prosejano brasno. Dodati mleko uz neprestano mesanje. Kuvati na tihoj temperaturi dok se krem ne zgusne. Izvaditi koru od limuna i ostaviti da se prohladi.

Ingredients: 500ml milk, 50g flour, 4 egg yolks, 150g powdered sugar, rind of one lemon.

1) Pour the milk in a saucepan and add the lemon peel and let it boil. Remove. Lightly whisk egg yolks with sugar, and add sifted flour. Add the milk while stirring. Cook over low heat until the cream thickens. Remove lemon peel and leave to lightly cool.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rokfor sos (Roquefort sauce)

Sastojci: 50g rokfor sira, 1 kasika maslinovog ulja, 200ml jogurta, 1 kasika jabukovog sirceta.

1) Viljuskom izgnjeciti sir i dodati jogurt. Mesati dok ne dobijete ujednacen krem.
2) Polako dodati ulje. Promesati. Dodati sirce i jos jednom promesati.

Predlog: ovaj sos mozete posluziti uz Puding od radica.

Ingredients: 50g Roquefort cheese, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 200ml of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

1) Squeeze cheese with fork and add yogurt. Mix until you get well combined cream.
2) Slowly add the oil. Stir. Add vinegar and stir again.

Suggestion: with this sauce you serve Radicchio pudding.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Kari sos (Curry sauce)

Sastojci: 200ml supe, 100ml kisele pavlake, 15g brasna, 15 grama margarina, 1 manji crni luk, 1/2 limuna, 1 kasicica karija, prstohvat timijana, 1 kasicica muskatnog oraha, 1 list lorbera.

1) Crni luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Na margarinu proprziti crni luk. Dodati lorber, timijan i brasno pomesano sa karijem. Kad blago pozuti dodati supu i pustiti da provri. Posuti sa muskatnim orahom i kuvati na srednjoj temperaturi oko 15 minuta. Dodati kisleu pavlaku i nekoliko kapi limuna.

Predlog: ovaj sos mozete posluziti uz Mus od jastoga.

Ingredients: 200ml soup, 100ml sour cream, 15g flour, 15 grams of margarine, 1 small onion, half a lemon, 1 teaspoon curry powder, a pinch of thyme, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 sheet bay leaf.

1) Peel onion and finely chop.
2) On the margarine fry onion. Add bay leaf, thyme and flour mixed with curry. When  turns light golden, add the soup and let it boil. Sprinkle with nutmeg and cook on medium heat for about 15 minutes. Add sour cream and a few drops of lemon.

Suggestion: you can serve this sauce with Lobster mousse.

Galete od krompira (Potatoe waffles)

Sastojci: 500g zutog krompira, 1 crni luk, 1 cen belog luka, 1 kasika sitno seckanog persuna, 1 kasika pera vlasca, 1 jaje, 1 kasika brasna, so i ulje.

1) Krompir oljustiti i narendati. Crni luk i beli luk oljustiti i sitno iseckati.
2) Pomesati krompir, crni luk, beli luk, jaje, brasno i so.
3) Na ulje, na niskoj temperaturi, staviti 2 kasike mase i pritisnuti da dobije oblik galete. Staviti na papir da upije visak ulja.

Savet: mozete posluziti uz ribu, salame, meso i sosove.

Ingredients: 500g of yellow potatoes, 1 onion, 1 clove garlic, 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon chives pen, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon flour, salt and oil.

1) Peel and grate the potatoes. Onions and garlic peel and finely chop.
2) Mix the potatoes, onion, garlic, egg, flour and salt.
3) In the oil, at low temperature, place 2 tablespoons of mixture and press to obtain a form of waffle. Put on paper to absorb excess oil.

Tip: You can serve with fish, salami, meats and sauces.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Frape od breskvi i pomorandze (Peaches and oranges frappe)

Sastojci: 4 breskve, 400ml mleka, 200ml soka od pomorandze, 2 kasike secera, malo cimeta.

1) Breskve oljustiti i seci na kockice.
2) U blender staviti breskve, dodati mleko, secer i sok od pomorandze i blendati.
3) Sipati u case i posuti cimetom.

Ingredients: 4 peaches, 400ml milk, 200ml orange juice, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a little cinnamon.

1) Peel peaches and cut into cubes.
2) In a blender put the peaches, add milk, sugar and orange juice and blend.
3) Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Mleko od soje (Soy milk)

Sastojci: 300ml soja zrno, 400ml+500ml mlake vode, rendana kora jednog limuna, 1 kasicica cimeta, 1 kasicica vanile.

1) Oprati soju i potopiti u hladnu vodu. Ostaviti da stoji dva dana.
2) Ocediti, staviti u blender, dodati 500ml vode i blendati 2-3 minuta.
3) sipati u serpu, dodati 400ml vode. Kuvati 15 minuta. U cediljku staviti krpu i procediti. Baciti pulpu a tecnost sacuvati.
4) Aromatizovati korom limuna ili vanilom ili cimetom.

Napomena: cuvati u frizideru najduze jedan dan.

Ingredients: 300ml soybean, 400ml + 500ml lukewarm water, grated peel of one lemon, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon vanilla.

1) Wash soybeans and soak in cold water. Allow to stand for two days.
2) Drain, put in a blender, add 500ml water and blend 2-3 minutes.
3) Pour in a saucepan, add 400ml water. Cook for 15 minutes. In a strainer put a cloth and drain. Throw the pulp and preserve liquid.
4) Flavor with rind of lemon or vanilla or cinnamon.

Note: keep in the refrigerator no longer than one day.

Banane s konjakom (Bananas with cognac)

Sastojci: 600g banana, 400ml konjaka, 30 listova nane.

1) U blender staviti oljustene banane i konjak i blendati 3 minuta.
2) Sipati u case, dodati led i ukrasiti nanom.

Ingredients: 600g banana, 400ml cognac, 30 mint leaves.

1) In a blender put hulled banana cognac and blend 3 minutes.
2) Pour into glasses, add ice and garnish with mint.

Belini (Bellini)

Sastojci: 6 breskvi, 750ml vina (proseka), 1 kasike secera.

1) Breskve oljustiti i iseci na kockice.
2) U blender staviti breskve dodati 200ml vina i blendati.
3) Sipati u bokal, dodati vino i secer i promesati.

Ingredients: 6 peaches, 750ml of wine (sherry), 1 tablespoon of sugar.

1) Peel and slice peaches into cubes.
2) In a blender put the peaches add 200ml of wine and blend.
3) Pour into a jug, add the wine and sugar and stir.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Napuljski uskrsnji hlepcici (Neapolitan Easter buns)

Sastojci: 1kg mekog brasna, 400-500ml vode, 40g kvasca, 2 kasike ulja, 50g semena komoraca, 150g crnih maslina, 1 kasicica secera, 1 kasicica soli, 2 ljute papricice.

1) Maslinama izvaditi kostice. Papricice sitno iseckati. Pomesati kvasac, secer, 1 kasiku brasna i mlaku vodu i ostaviti da naraste.
2) Pomesati brasno, so, kvasac. Dodati semenke komoraca, masline, papricice i mesiti.
3) Staviti testo u posudu, pokriti vlaznom krpom i ostaviti dva sata na toplom da naraste.
4) Podeliti testo na 6 delova i napraviti hlepcice. PLeh namazati uljem, posuti brasnom, staviti hlepcice, premazati uljem i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 30 minuta.

Ingredients: 1kg soft flour, 400-500ml of water, 40g of yeast, 2 tablespoons oil, 50g fennel seeds, 150g black olives, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 hot peppers.

1) Remove pits to olives. Finely chop peppers. Mix the yeast, sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour and lukewarm water, and let it grow.
2) Mix flour, salt, yeast. Add fennel seeds, olives, peppers and knead.
3) Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave for two hours to warm to rise.
4) Divide the dough into 6 parts and make buns. Grease a baking sheet with oil, sprinkle with flour, place buns, coat with oil and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Domaci kvasac (Homemade yeast)

Sastojci: 200g integralnog brasna, 200ml mlake vode, 1 kasicica meda ili 1 kasicica nerafinisanog maslinovog ulja.

1) U posudi od keramike pomesati brasno, vodu u kojoj je rastvoren med ili ulje i mesati dok masa ne postane lepljiva i glatka.
2) Ostaviti dva dana na provetrenom i toplom mestu (15 do 20 stepeni) i pokriti cistom krpom koja stalno treba da je vlazna da se na masi ne bi stvorila korica.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hleb sa suvim grozdjem (Bread with raisins)

Sastojci: 400g mekog brasna, 100ml ulja, 20g kvasca, 1 grancica ruzmarina, 100g suvog grozdja, 1 zumance, 250ml vode, 1 kasicica secera, 1/2 kasicice soli.

1) Pomesati kvasac, secer, 1 kasiku brasna i mlaku vodu. Ostaviti da naraste. Potopiti suvo grozdje u vodu i ostaviti da naraste. Ocediti. Uvaljati suvo grozdje u brasno (da testo ne bi bilo gnjecavo).
2) Pomesati brasno, so, kvasac i dobro umesite testo.
3) Posudu premazati uljem staviti testo i ostaviti da naraste na toplom 2 sata. 4) Na ulju, na niskoj temperaturi, proprziti iglice ruzmarina oko 10 minuta. Ostaviti da se ohladi.
5) U posudu sa testom dodati ulje sa ruzmarinom. Umesiti tako da se dobro sjedini.
6) Napraviti loptu i ostaviti da narasta 1 sat.
7) Dodati suvo grozdje i mesiti opet.
8) Oblikovati okrugli hleb, premazati zumancetom, staviti u pleh namazan uljem, posut brasnom i peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C  oko 30 minuta.

Ingredients: 400g soft flour, 100ml oil, 20g of yeast, 1 sprig rosemary, 100g raisins, 1 egg yolk, 250ml water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 tsp salt.

1) Mix the yeast, sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour and lukewarm water. Allow to rise. Soak the raisins in water and let it grow. Drain. Roll raisins in flour (so that dough would not be soggy).
2) Mix the flour, salt, yeast and knead the dough well.
3) Brush pan with oil, put the dough and let it rise in a warm two hours.
4) In the oil, at low temperature, fry rosemary needles about 10 minutes. Allow to cool.
5) In a bowl add to the dough oil with rosemary. Knead so it is well combined.
6) Make a ball and leave to rise for 1 hour.
7) Add the raisins and knead again.
8) Make round loaf, brush with the egg yolks, put in a baking pan greased with oil, sprinkled with flour and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 30 minutes.

Jevrejski hleb (Jewish bread)

Sastojci: 1kg mekog brasna, 2 zumanca, 400ml mlake vode, 1 kasicica secera, 1 kasicica soli, 5 kasika ulja, 70g semenki anisa, 40g kvasca.

1) Pomesati kvasac i secer u mlakoj vodi i ostaviti da naraste.
2) Pomesati brasno, so, ulje anis i kvasac. Mesiti dok ne dobijete glatko testo. Napravite loptu.
3) Prebaciti testo u veliku posudu pokriti vlaznom krpom i ostaviti na toplom dva sata da naraste.
4) Podeliti testo na dva dela, a zatim ta dva na jos tri dela. Svaki komad testa trljajte dlanom na povrsini posutoj brasnom tako da dobijete valjak debljine oko 2cm. Upletite ih u dve pletenice.
5) Pleh namazati uljem, posuti brasnom, staviti pletenice i premazati ih umucenim zumancima. Ostaviti da odstoje 30 minuta.
6) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 45 minuta.

Ingredients: 1kg soft flour, 2 egg yolks, 400ml lukewarm water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 5 tablespoons oil, 70g anise seeds, 40g yeast.

1) Mix the yeast and sugar in warm water and leave to rise.
2) Mix the flour, salt, oil, anise and yeast. Knead until you have a smooth dough. Make a ball.
3) Transfer the dough into a large bowl covered with a damp cloth and leave in a warm two hours to grow.
4) Divide the dough into two parts, and then that two to three more. Each piece of dough roll with the palm on the surface covered in flour so that you get the roller thickness of about 2cm. Make into two braids.
5) Line baking pan with oil, sprinkle with flour, put braids and coat them with beaten yolks. Allow to stand for 30 minutes.
6) Bake in the preheated oven at 180C for about 45 minutes.

Glatko testo-osnovni recept (Smooth dough-basic recipe)

Sastojci: 400g brasna, 250g margarina (iz frizidera), 6 kasika hladne vode

1) Pomesati brasno i margarin isecen na kockice i mesiti vrhovima prstiju tako da se dobiju krupni komadi.Dodati vodu, malo mesiti a zatim mesiti na brasnom posutoj povrsini dok testo ne postane ujednaceno i glatko.
2) Napraviti loptu, posuti brasnom, staviti u posudu a onda u frizider 1 sat.
3) Pre upotrebe ponovo mesiti na podlozi posutoj brasnom nekoliko minuta.

Ingredients: 400g flour, 250g margarine (from the fridge), 6 tbsp cold water

1) Mix the flour and butter cut into cubes and knead with your fingertips so you can get a big pieces.Add water, knead a little and then knead on the flour covered surface until the dough is evenly and smooth.
2) Make a ball, sprinkle with flour, put in a bowl and then in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
3) Before use, knead again on a surface covered in flour a few minutes.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Salata od pacetine sa pecurkama (Salad of duck with mushrooms)

Sastojci: 1 pacje grudi, 300g pecuraka, 50g margarina, 300ml belog vina, 1 grancica ruzmarina, 1/2 kasicice estragona, 1 cen belog luka (sitno iseckanog).

1) Pomesati belo vino, beli luk, ruzmarin, estragon. Potopiti pacje grudi i ostaviti 2 sata.
2) Pleh namazati margarinom. Pacje grudi obrisati i staviti u pleh. Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C oko 40 minuta, cesto prelivajuci belim vinom. Ostaviti da se ohladi i iseci na kocke.
3) Pecurke obrisati vlaznom krpom i prziti na margarinu i ostaviti da se ohlade.
4) Posluziti pacje grudi sa pecurkama.

Predlog: mozete pripremiti Pacje grudi sa suvim grozdjem i pinjolama.

Ingredients: 1 duck breast, 300g mushrooms, 50g butter, 300ml white wine 1 sprig of rosemary, 1/2 tsp tarragon, 1clove of garlic (finely chopped).

1) Combine white wine, garlic, rosemary, tarragon. Soak duck breasts and leave for 2 hours.
2) Line baking tray smeared with margarine. Dry duck breasts and put in a baking pan. Bake in the preheated oven at 180C for about 40 minutes, often overflowing with white wine. Leave to cool and cut into cubes.
3) Wipe mushrooms with a damp cloth and fry in margarine and leave to cool.
4) Serve duck breast with mushrooms.

Suggestion: you can make Duck breasts with raisins and pine nuts.