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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Domaci jogurt ili kiselo mleko (Homemade buttermilk or yogurt)

Ingredients: 1 l of milk, 250 ml buttermilk or yogurt (store bought).

1. Put milk to boil, remove from stove and put into the pot with cold water. Stirring occasionally leave to cool - until reaches 37°C.
2. Remove the milk from pot with cold water and pour the milk in another pot with beaten buttermilk or yogurt. Stir and cover .

3. Put into preheated oven - 50°C and leave until morning.
4. Remove from oven, allow to cool and put buttermilk (yogurt) in the refrigerator 4-5 hours.

Note: instead of steps 3 and 4, you can wrap the yogurt or buttermilk in a blanket and leave it until morning. Then leave in the fridge for 4-5 hours,

Sastojci: 1 l mleka, 250 ml jogurta ili kiselog mleka (kupljenog).

1. Staviti mleko da provri, pomeriti sa ringle i staviti u sud s hladnom vodom. Uz povremeno mešanje ostaviti da se prohladi - dostigne temperaturu 37°C.
2. Izvaditi sud sa mlekom iz hladne vode i sipati mleko u drugu posudu s razmućenim jogurtom ili kiselim mlekom. Promešati i poklopiti.
3. Staviti u zagrejanu rernu (50°C) i ostaviti do jutra.
4. Izvaditi iz rerni, ostaviti da se ohladi i staviti u frižider 4-5 sati.

Napomena: umesto koraka 3 i 4, mozete kiselo mleko ili jogurt umotati u cebe i ostaviti do jutra. Nakon toga ostaviti u frizider na 4-5 sati,

1 comment:

  1. you can easily make your own buttermilk - 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons vinegar.. mix.. let stand at room temperature for 30 mins - and it curds and you have buttermilk :)
