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Monday, December 29, 2014

Sok od jabuka, celera, kelja, persuna i djumbira (Apples, celery, kale, parsley and ginger juice)

Za osteoartritis

Sastojci: 2 jabuke, 2 stapa celera, 1 glavica veceg ili 2 glavice manjeg kelja, 50g persuna, 1 kasika svezeg djumbira ili 1 kasicica suvog.

1) Oprati, oljustiti i iseci na kocke jabuke. Celer i persun oprati. Kelj oprati i iseci na manje komade.
2) U blender staviti sve sastojke i blendirati.

Napomena: sve sveze sokove koje napravite moraju se popiti u toku dana.
Predlog 1: mozete takodje napraviti za osteoartritis Sok od sargarepe, celera, ananasa i limuna.
Predlog 2: mozete takodje napraviti za osteoartritis Sok od bobicastog voca.

For osteoarthritis

Ingredients: 2 apples, 2 sprigs of celery, 1 larger head of kale or 2 smaller head of kale, 50g parsley, 1 tablespoon fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon dried.

1) Wash, peel and cut into cubes apple. Celery and parsley wash. Kale wash and cut into smaller pieces.
2) In a blender put all ingredients and blend.

Note: all fresh juices you make must be drink during the day.
Suggestion 1: you can also make for osteoarthritis Carrots, celery, pineapple and lemon juice.
Suggestion 2: you can also make for osteoarthritis Berries juice.

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