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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Brzi tart srca sa dzemom (Quick tart hearts with jam)

Sastojci: 250g lisnatog testa, 100 g džema, pekmeza ili marmelade. 


1. Staviti lisnato testo u frizider na 30 minuta.

2. Odmotajte i razvaljajte ohlađeno lisnato testo tako da bude debljine novčića metalnog novcica.

3. Pomocu okrugle modle izrežite 12 krugova, dovoljno velikih da obložite rupe u plehu za projice tj. mafine. 

4. Stavite 2 kašičice dzema.

5. Modlom u obliku srca isecite od lisnatog testa. 

6. Stavite ih preko dzema.

7. Pecite u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200 C oko 15 do 18 minuta ili dok ne porumeni i dok fil ne počne da se pojave mehurici. 

8. Ostavite da se ohladi u plehu nekoliko minuta, a zatim pažljivo prebacite na rešetku da se potpuno ohladi.

Predlog: moze napraviti i poslasticarski krem bez brasna ili poslasticarski krem ili krem od pudinga i margarina ili krem od pudinga i cokolade ili krem od pudinga i slatke pavlake ili vocni krem sa gustinom ili krem od griza i pudinga.

Stavite prvo krem, pa dzem a preko dzema srca od lisnatog testa.

Ingredients: 250 g of puff pastry, 100 g of jam or marmalade.


1. Put the puff pastry in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2. Unwrap and roll out the chilled puff pastry so that it is the thickness of a coin.

3. Using a round mold, cut out 12 circles, large enough to cover the holes in the muffins pan.

4. Put 2 teaspoons of jam.

5. Cut out the puff pastry with a heart-shaped cutter.

6. Put them over the jam.

7. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for about 15 to 18 minutes or until golden brown and the filling starts to bubble.

8. Let cool in the pan for a few minutes, then carefully transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Suggestion: you can also make a pastry cream without flour or a confectioners cream or a pudding and margarine cream or a pudding and chocolate cream or a cream with pudding and heavy cream or a fruit cream with corn starch or a semolina and pudding cream.

First put the cream, then the jam and over the jam the puff pastry hearts.

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