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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sta je gersla-jecam zrno? (What is barley grain?)

Ječam je zrno žitarica sa žvakaćom teksturom i blagim, orašastim ukusom. To je seme vrste trava koja raste u umerenoj klimi širom sveta. Ječam (Hordeum vulgare) je četvrti najveći usev žitarica na svetu, posle pšenice, pirinča i kukuruza. Ječam se obično koristi u hlebu, supama, varivima i zdravim proizvodima.

Ječam zrno - gersla ima ukus orašastih plodova i bogat je ugljenim hidratima, sa umerenim količinama proteina, kalcijuma i fosfora i malim količinama vitamina B. 

Pošto sadrži malo glutena, elastične proteinske supstance, ne može se koristiti za pravljenje brašna koje će proizvesti poroznu veknu hleba. 

Biserni ječam, najpopularnija forma u mnogim delovima sveta, sastoji se od celih zrna sa kojih su spoljašnja ljuska i deo sloja mekinja uklonjeni postupkom poliranja.

Oljušteni ječam se smatra celim zrnom, jer je tokom obrade uklonjena samo nejestiva spoljašnja ljuska.

Međutim, biserni ječam nije celo zrno jer su mekinje koje sadrže vlakna uklonjene.

Tako je biserni ječam i dalje dobar izvor nekih hranljivih materija. Ishrana bogata integralnim žitaricama povezana je sa manjim rizikom od hroničnih bolesti.

Oljusteni jecam je celovita zitarica i bolje je od bisernoh jecma.

Prednosti ječma od celog zrna mogu proizaći ne samo iz njegovog sadržaja vlakana već i iz njegovih fitonutrijenata, koji su biljna jedinjenja koja imaju blagotvorno dejstvo na zdravlje.

Jedna šolja (200 grama) nekuvanog, oljuštenog ječma sadrži:

Kalorije: 708

Ugljeni hidrati: 147 grama

Vlakna: 34,6 grama

Proteini: 25,0 grama

Masti: 4,6 grama

Referentni dnevni unos (RDI)

Tiamin: 86%

Riboflavin: 34%

Niacin: 46%

Vitamin B6: 32%

Folat: 10%

Gvožđe: 40%

Magnezijum: 66%

Fosfor: 52%

Kalijum: 26%

Cink: 36%

Bakar: 50%

Mangan: 194%

Selen: 108%

Glavna vrsta vlakana u ječmu je beta-glukan, rastvorljivo vlakno koje formira gel kada se kombinuje sa tečnošću. Beta-glukan, koji se takođe nalazi u ovsu, može pomoći u smanjenju holesterola i poboljšanju kontrole šećera u krvi. 

Takođe, ječam sadrži antioksidante kao što su vitamin E, beta-karoten, lutein i zeaksantin, koji pomažu u zaštiti i popravljanju oštećenja ćelija izazvanih oksidativnim stresom.

Može biti dobro za kontrolu šećera u krvi

Ječam može pomoći u smanjenju šećera u krvi i nivoa insulina, što može smanjiti rizik od dijabetesa. Ječam od celog zrna (oljušteni ječam) je dobar izvor vlakana, uključujući rastvorljivo vlakno beta-glukan, koji usporava apsorpciju šećera vezujući se sa njim u vašem digestivnom traktu.

Može poboljšati varenje

Dijetalna vlakna omeksavaju vašu stolice, što olakšava prolazak kroz vaš probavni sistem. Ječam takođe može podstaći rast dobrih bakterija u vašem digestivnom traktu. Beta-glukanska vlakna u ječmu mogu pomoći u hranjenju zdravih crevnih bakterija, povećavajući njihovu probiotičku aktivnost.

Može pomoći u gubitku težine

Pošto ljudsko telo ne može da svari vlakna, hrana bogata vlaknima dodaje volumen vašoj ishrani bez povećanja kalorija. Ovo čini hranu bogatu vlaknima korisnom za ljude koji pokušavaju da izgube težinu.

Može pomoći u smanjenju holesterola

Pokazalo se da ishrana bogata rastvorljivim vlaknima — koja sadrži ječam — snižava ukupni holesterol i „loš“ LDL holesterol za 5-10%.

U studiji, muškarci sa visokim holesterolom, koji su jeli dijetu sa 20% kalorija iz ječma, snizili su ukupni holesterol za 20%, smanjili "loš" LDL holesterol za 24% i povećali "dobar" HDL holesterol za 18%.

Potencijalni rizici

Cela zrna su generalno dobar dodatak ishrani. Međutim, neki ljudi možda žele da izbegnu ječam.

Prvo, to je celo zrno koje, poput pšenice i raži, sadrži gluten.

Pored toga, ječam sadrži ugljene hidrate kratkog lanca zvane fruktani, koji su fermentabilna vrsta vlakana. Fruktani mogu izazvati gasove i nadimanje kod ljudi sa sindromom iritabilnog creva (IBS) ili drugim digestivnim poremećajima.

Na kraju, pošto ječam ima snažan uticaj na nivo šećera u krvi, možda ćete želeti da budete oprezni dok ga jedete ako imate dijabetes i uzimate bilo koje lekove za snižavanje šećera u krvi ili insulin.

Ječam dolazi u različitim oblicima:

Oljušteni ječam je verzija ječma od celog zrna kojoj je uklonjena samo spoljašnja, nejestiva ljuska. Žvaće se duže i duze se kuva, u poređenju sa drugim vrstama ječma.

Biserni ječam je delimično paren, a ljuska i mekinje su uklonjene. Biserni ječam se kuva brže od oljuštenog ječma, ali ima manje hranljivih materija.

Ječmene pahuljice - pahuljice su spljoštene i isečene, slično valjanom ovsu. Brzo se kuvaju, ali imaju manje hranljivih materija od oljuštenog ječma.

Ječmeni griz se pravi od ječma koji je tostiran i ispucan. Razlikuju se u sadržaju hranljivih materija u zavisnosti od izvora (oljušteni ili biserni ječam).

Ječmeno brašno je brašno koje se priprema od sušenog i mlevenog ječma. Ječmeno brašno se koristi za pripremu ječmenog hleba i drugih hlebova, kao što su somun i hleb sa kvascem. Njegov dodatak pšeničnom brašnu stvara pečeni krajnji proizvod tamnije boje, a takođe menja ukus proizvoda.

Ječmene mekinje se mogu koristiti kao profilaktički agens jer imaju antikancerogeno i imunomodulatorno dejstvo.

Možete koristiti oljušteni ječam kao zamenu za druge integralne žitarice, kao što su pirinač, kinoa, ovas ili heljda.

Evo nekoliko načina da dodate ječam u svoju ishranu:

  • Probajte ječmene pahuljice kao kašu za doručak umesto ovsa.
  • Dodajte ga u supe i čorbe.
  • Pomešajte ječmeno brašno sa pšeničnim brašnom u pecivama.
  • Napravite salatu od žitarica sa kuvanim ječmom, povrćem i prelivom.
  • Jedite ga kao prilog umesto pirinča ili kinoe.
  • Pokušajte da pijete ječmenu vodu.

Ječmeno brašno se koristi za pravljenje beskvasnog tipa, ili somuna, i za pripremu kaša.

Barley is a cereal grain with a chewy texture and mild, nutty flavor. It’s the seed of a type of grass that grows in temperate climates throughout the world.

Barley, (Hordeum vulgare), is the fourth largest grain crop globally, after wheat, rice, and corn. Barley is commonly used in breads, soups, stews, and health products.

Barley has a nutlike flavour and is high in carbohydrates, with moderate quantities of protein, calcium, and phosphorus and small amounts of the B vitamins. Because it contains little gluten, an elastic protein substance, it cannot be used to make a flour that will produce a porous loaf of bread. 

Pearl barley, the most popular form in many parts of the world, consists of whole kernels from which the outer husk and part of the bran layer have been removed by a polishing process.

Healthy and nutritious whole grain

Hulled barley is considered a whole grain, as only the inedible outer shell has been removed during processing.

However, pearled barley is not a whole grain because the fiber-containing bran has been removed.

Though pearled barley is still a good source of some nutrients. A diet high in whole grains has been linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases.

The benefits of whole-grain barley may stem from not only its fiber content but also its phytonutrients, which are plant compounds with beneficial effects on health.

One cup (200 grams) of uncooked, hulled barley contains:

Calories: 708

Carbs: 147 grams

Fiber: 34.6 grams

Protein: 25.0 grams

Fat: 4.6 grams

Reference Daily Intake (RDI)

Thiamine: 86%

Riboflavin: 34%

Niacin: 46%

Vitamin B6: 32%

Folate: 10%

Iron: 40%

Magnesium: 66%

Phosphorus: 52%

Potassium: 26%

Zinc: 36%

Copper: 50%

Manganese: 194%

Selenium: 108%

The main type of fiber in barley is beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that forms a gel when combined with fluid. Beta-glucan, which is also found in oats, may help lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar control.

Also, barley contains antioxidants such as vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which help protect against and repair cell damage caused by oxidative stress.

May be good for blood sugar control

Barley may help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, which may reduce your risk of diabetes. Whole-grain barley (hulled barley) is a good source of fiber, including the soluble fiber beta-glucan, which slows the absorption of sugar by binding with it in your digestive tract.

May improve digestion

Dietary fiber increases the bulk of your stool, making it easier to pass through your digestive system. Barley may also promote the growth of good bacteria within your digestive tract. Beta-glucan fiber in barley may help feed healthy gut bacteria, increasing their probiotic activity.

May help weight loss

Since the human body cannot digest fiber, foods high in fiber add volume to your diet without increasing calories. This makes high-fiber foods useful for people trying to lose weight.

May help lower cholesterol

A diet high in soluble fiber — which barley contains — has been shown to lower total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol by 5–10%.

In a study men with high cholesterol, ate a diet with 20% of calories coming from barley lowered total cholesterol by 20%, reduced “bad” LDL cholesterol by 24% and increased “good” HDL cholesterol by 18%.

Potential Risks

Whole grains are generally a good addition to anyone’s diet. However, some people may want to avoid barley.

First, it’s a whole grain that, like wheat and rye, contains gluten.

Additionally, barley contains short-chain carbohydrates called fructans, which are a fermentable type of fiber. Fructans may cause gas and bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive disorders.

Lastly, since barley has a strong effect on blood sugar levels, you may want to exercise caution while eating it if you have diabetes and are taking any blood-sugar-lowering medications or insulin.

Barley comes in a variety of forms:

Hulled barley is the whole-grain version of barley that has only the outer, inedible hull removed. It’s chewier and takes longer to cook, compared to other types of barley.

Pearl barley has been partially steamed and its hull and bran removed. Pearl barley cooks more quickly than hulled barley but is lower in nutrients.

Barley flakes are flattened and sliced, similar to rolled oats. They cook quickly but are lower in nutrients than hulled barley.

Barley grits - are made from barley that has been toasted and cracked. They vary in nutrient content depending on their source (hulled or pearled barley).

Barley flour is a flour prepared from dried and ground barley. Barley flour is used to prepare barley bread and other breads, such as flat bread and yeast breads. Its addition to wheat flour creates a darker-colored baked end-product, and also alters the flavor of the product.

Barley bran can be used as a prophylactic agent because it has anti-cancer and immunomodulatory activities.

You can use hulled barley as a substitute for other whole grains, such as rice, quinoa, oats or buckwheat.

Here are some ways to add barley to your diet:

  • Try barley flakes as a breakfast porridge instead of oats.
  • Add it to soups and stews.
  • Mix barley flour with wheat flour in baked goods.
  • Make a grain salad with cooked barley, vegetables and dressing.
  • Eat it as a side dish instead of rice or quinoa.
  • Try drinking barley water.

Barley flour is used to make an unleavened type, or flatbread, and to make porridge.

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