Sastojci: krem od kisele pavlake i slatke pavlake, 15 krem bananica, 200 g zele bombona, 150 g keksa, malo soka, glazura od cokolade, i jos - 80g slaga u prahu, 200 ml mleka ili 200 ml vode iz frizidera.
1. Pripremite krem od kisele pavlake i slatke pavlake.
2. Krem bananice i zele bombone iseckajte na kockice.
3. Pomesati sa kremom.
4. U dublju posudu ili pleh, poredjati keks koji ste potopili u sok.
5. Premažite kremom.
6. Pripremiti glazuru od cokolade.
7. Premazati tortu.
8. Sipati mleko ili vodu u dublju posudu i dodati sadržaj kesice. Mutiti mikserom najmanjom brzinom oko pola minuta, a potom najvećom brzinom oko 3 minuta, dok se ne dobije čvrsta pena.
9. Premazati preko cokolade.
10. Staviti u frizider da se ohladi.
Ingredients: cream from sour cream and heavy cream, 15 small cream bananas, 200 g jelly candies, 150 g plain biscuits, a little juice, chocolate glaze, and more - 80 g powdered whipping cream, 200 ml milk or 200 ml water (from fridge).
1. Prepare a cream of sour cream and sweet cream.
2. Cut the small cream bananas and jelly candies into cubes.
3. Mix with cream.
4. In a deep container or tray, arrange the biscuit that you soaked in the juice.
5. Cover with cream.
6. Prepare the chocolate glaze.
7. Coat the cake.
8. Pour milk or water into a deep bowl and add the contents of the bag. Beat with a mixer at the lowest speed for about half a minute, and then at the highest speed for about 3 minutes, until a solid foam is obtained.
9. Spread over the chocolate.
10. Put it in the refrigerator to cool down.
Velicina krem bananice je 25g - Size of small cream bananas is 25g
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