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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Čokoladni griz od spelte (Spelt chocolate semolina)

Sastojci: 4 kašike griza od spelte, 400ml biljno mleka (ovseno, pirinčano, bademovo, sojino), 1 kašika kakaoa u prahu, 50g orašastih plodova, 1 kašika meda.


1. U serpu sipati mleko i griz. Promesati da nema grudvica. Kad prokljuca smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati 7 do 10 minuta konstantno mesajuci, dok se ne zgusne.

2. Dodati med, kakao i oraste plodove i mesati da se sve sjedini, jos minut.

3. Skloniti sa sporeta.

4. Sipati u cinije i ostaviti da se malo ohladi.

Predlog: mozete dodati ili sveze voce ili suvo voce.

Ingredients: 4 spoons of spelt semolina, 400 ml of nut milk (oat, rice, almond, soy milk), 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 50 g of nuts (what you have or like), 1 tablespoon of honey.


1. Pour milk and spelt semolina into a saucepan. Stir so that there are no lumps. When it boils, reduce to medium temperature (4) and cook for 7 to 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until it thickens.

2. Add honey, cocoa powder and nuts and mix until everything is combined, another minute.

3. Remove from the stove.

4. Pour into bowls and leave to cool a little.

Suggestion: you can add either fresh fruit or dried fruit.

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