Sastojci: 450 g mešavine povrća za rusku salatu, 550ml jogurta, 100 ml majoneza, 30g želatina (belog, mlevenog), 170ml hladne vode, 250 g sunke, 3 kisela krastavcica (ako koristite kornisone stavite vise), 10 zelenih maslina (bez kostica).
0. Sunku, zelene masline i kisele krastavcice iseci na kockice.
1. Skuvajte mešavinu povrća po uputstvu sa kesice. Ocediti.
2. U ciniju sipajte vodu i zelatin i ostaviti da nabubri 20 minuta.
3. U šerpu sipajte jogurt da se zagreje na srednje nisku temperaturu (3). Skloniti sa sporeta.
Ne sme da prokljuca.
4. U serpu sa jogurtom dodajte majonez i dobro promešajte da ne ostanu grudvice.
5. Dodajte povrće, kisele krastavcice i sunku i zelene masline. Promesati.
6. Sipati u kalup.
7. Ostavite ga u frižideru da se ohladi i dobro stegne preko noci a moze i 24 sata.
8. Posluzite kao predjelo uz bruskete ili pecivo ili kao prilog uz meso ili ribu.
Ingredients: 450 g of mixed vegetables for the Russian salad (carrots, potatoes and green peas), 550 ml of buttermilk (yoghurt), 100 ml of mayonnaise, 30 g of gelatin (white, ground), 170 ml of cold water, 250 g of ham, 3 pickles (if you use cornichons, put more), 10 green olives (pitted).
0. Cut the ham, green olives and pickles into cubes.
1. Cook the vegetable mixture according to the instructions on the bag. Drain.
2. Pour water and gelatin into the bowl and let it swell for 20 minutes.
3. Pour the yogurt into the saucepan to heat it to a medium-low temperature (3). Remove from the stove.
Do not let it boil.
4. Add mayonnaise to the pot with yogurt and mix well so there are no lumps.
5. Add the vegetables, pickles and ham and green olives. Stir.
6. Pour into the mold.
7. Leave it in the refrigerator to cool and set well overnight or 24 hours.
8. Serve as an appetizer with bruschetta or pastries or as a side dish with meat or fish.
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