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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Cokoladne nepecene kocke sa kikirikijem (Chocolate no bake cubes with peanuts)

Sastojci: za braon smesu - 125 g šećera, 10g vanillin secera, 250 ml vode, 80 g čokolade (na kocke), 250 g mlevenog keksa, 125 g mlevenih oraha, 1 kasika rogaca, 1 kasicica ekstrakta ruma, za belu smesu - 125 g margarina (sobne temperature), 125 g šećera u prahu, 125 g kikirikija (mlevenog). 


1. U serpici staviti vodu i šećer pa kad prokljuca smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati nekoliko minuta, dok se sirup malo zgusne. Skloniti sa sporeta.

2. Dodati čokoladu, vanilin šećer i rum. Mešajte dok se čokolada ne otopi.

3. Dodajte mleveni keks, orahe i rogac. Promesati da se sve sjedini.

4. Ostavite da se hladi.

5. Penasto umutite margarin sa šećerom u prahu.

6. Dodati kikiriki i promesati.

7. Izmedju dva lista papira za pecenje razviti smesu na debljinu od 0.6 do 0.8 cm. Podeliti na dva dela.

8. Belu smesu staviti preko braon smese. A preko bele drugu braon smesu.

9. Posuti sa mlevenim kikirikijem.

10. Ostaviti i frizideru na 4 sata da se stegne.

Ingredients: for the brown mixture - 125 g of sugar, 10 g of vanillin sugar, 250 ml of water, 80 g of chocolate (in cubes), 250 g of ground biscuits, 125 g of ground walnuts, 1 tablespoon of carob, 1 teaspoon of rum extract, for the white mixture - 125 g margarine (room temperature), 125 g powdered sugar, 125 g peanuts (ground).


1. Put water and sugar in a saucepan, and when it boils, reduce to medium temperature (4) and cook for a few minutes, until the syrup thickens a little. Remove from stove.

2. Add chocolate, vanilla sugar and rum. Stir until the chocolate melts.

3. Add ground biscuit, walnuts and carob. Stir to combine everything.

4. Leave to cool.

5. Beat margarine with powdered sugar until foamy.

6. Add peanuts and stir.

7. Between two sheets of baking paper, roll out the mixture to a thickness of 0.6 to 0.8 cm. Divide into two parts.

8. Put the white mixture over the brown mixture. And over the white another brown mixture.

9. Sprinkle with ground peanuts.

10. Leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours to set.

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