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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Fil od maka (Poppy seeds filling)

Sastojci: 200 g mlevenog maka, 150 g šećera, 20g vanilin secera, 240 ml mleka, 100 g margarina (sobne temperature), 100 g mlevenog keksa.


1. U serpi pomesati mak, mleko, vanilin secer i šećer na srednju temperaturu (4) i kuvati uz konstantno mesanje, dok skoro svo mleko ne ispari to jest ukuva se, oko 6 do 8 minuta.

2. Sklonite sa sporeta. Dodajte margarin i mešajte da se svi sastojci sjedine.

3. Dodati mleveni keks i promesati.


Zavisno od recepta u kome ga koristite mozete filovati odmah ili ostaviti da se ohladi. Ako se hladi poklopite i povremeno promesajte.

Sa ovim filom mozete filovati biskvite i rolate, ali i lisnato testo.

Ingredients: 200 g of ground poppy seeds, 150 g of sugar, 20 g of vanilla sugar, 240 ml of milk, 100 g of margarine (room temperature), 100 g of ground biscuits.


1. Mix poppy seeds, milk, vanilla sugar and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat (4) and cook, stirring constantly, until almost all the milk evaporates, that is, it is cooked, about 6 to 8 minutes.

2. Remove from the stove. Add margarine and mix until all ingredients are combined.

3. Add ground biscuit and mix.


Depending on the recipe in which you use it, you can use it as filling immediately or leave it to cool. If it cools down, cover it and stir occasionally.

With this filling you can fill biscuit dough and roll crusts, as well as puff pastry.

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