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Monday, March 3, 2025

Brza torta od keksa i maskarpone krema (Quick biscuit and mascarpone cream cake)

Sastojci: za koru - 300g mleveni keksa, 50g šećera u prahu, 25g kakao praha, 110g margarina, 120ml mleka, za fil - maskarpone krem sa slatkom pavlakom, 150g crne cokolade, za preliv - cokoladna glazura sa slatkom pavlakom, glazura od cokolade 2 ili glazure od cokolade, za dekoraciju - 50g crne čokolade, m&m bombone.

1. U činiji pomešajte mleveni keks, šećer u prahu, mleko, kakao prah i otopljen margarin i dobro promesati. Staviti u kalup i poravnati.
2. Pripremiti fil - maskarpone krem sa slatkom pavlakom. Otopiti cokoladu na srednje niskoj temperaturi (3) i dodati u krem. Sve sjediniti.

3. Preko kore naneti krem.
4. Preko fila staviti cokoladnu glazuru.
5. Ukrasiti m&m bombonama i rendanom cokoladom.

Ingredients: for the crust - 300g of ground plain biscuits, 50g of powdered sugar, 25g of cocoa powder, 110g of margarine, 120ml of milk, for the filling - mascarpone cream with heavy cream, 150g of dark chocolate, for the topping - chocolate glaze with heavy cream, chocolate glaze 2 or chocolate glaze, for decoration - 50g of dark chocolate, m&m candies.

1. Mix ground biscuit, powdered sugar, milk, cocoa powder and melted butter in a bowl and mix well. Put in the mold and align.
2. Prepare the filling - mascarpone cream with heavy cream. Melt the chocolate at a medium-low temperature (3) and add to the cream. Combine everything.
3. Spread cream over the crust.
4. Put chocolate glaze over the filling.
5. Decorate with m&m candy and grated chocolate.

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