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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Junece i svinjske kosti supa (Beef and pork bones soup)

Sastojci: 2 kom. junece bele koske (sveze), 2 kom. svinjsko meso od slabine s koskom (moze i smrznute), pola paprike, 300-400g graska (moze i smrznut), 1 cen belog luka, 1 sargarepa, 1 kasika jabukovog sirceta.

1.Papriku ocistiti od semenki. Sargarepu i beli luk oljustiti. Sargarepu iseci na manje komade.
2.Junece koske i svinjsko meso staviti u serpu. Preliti hladnom vodom. Poklopiti. Pustiti da prokljuca na visokoj vatri (6).
3. Smanjiti na srednju temperaturu (4), i uz povremeno dolivanje vode, polu-poklopljeno, kuvati 6h.

4.Posle 3h kuvanja dodati papriku, jabukovo sirce i beli luk. 
5.Pola sata pred kraj kuvanja dodati sargarepu i grasak.
6.Ostaviti da se ohladi. Procediti povrce, meso i koske. Koske baciti. 

1. Supa ce biti mutna od masnoce koja se oslobadja prilikom kuvanja. Ja penu nisam skupljala jer nisam mogla da razaznam sta je sta. Sirce sam dodala 2 sata pred kraj kuvanja. 
2. U originalnom receptu pise da sirce dodajete kad meso prestane da peni; tu penu skupljati kasikom i baciti.
3. Sirce se dodaje da bi iz kostiju izvuklo sve dobrobiti koje junece koske imaju.
4. Ja sam supu ocedila ujutro. Razdvajala masnoce, koske, meso, grasak i sargarepu. Kuvanu papriku sam bacila jer je koristim sam kao dodatak ukusa jelu. 
5. Kada procedite supu, po zelji mozete dodati neku vrste testenine: mlinci, fida, flekice i slicno. Vratiti supu u serpu, dodati testeninu i sacekati da bude gotova.
6. Supa se jede sa mesom, a mozete je posluziti i uz krompir pire.
7. Ja sam je jela s mesanim pasuljem (sareni, beli i azuki), barenom cveklom i belim hlebom. 
Drugi put sam jela grasak s mesom, Bundeva s kokosovim uljem pecena u rerni i kuvanim amarantom. Amarant sam pojela na kraj da se zasladim. 
Treci put sam jela grasak s mesom, bundevom, sargarepom (1 komad) i integralni pirinac.

Iako mutna, supa je vrlo ukusna.
Posto sam je prvi put spremala, sledeci put bi ranije stavila sirce.


Ingredients: 2 pcs. beef white bones (fresh), 2 pcs. bone-in pork loin (can be frozen), half a bell pepper, 300-400g green peas (can be frozen), 1 clove of garlic, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

1. Remove the seeds from the pepper. Peel the carrot and garlic. Cut the carrot into smaller pieces.
2. Place beef bones and pork in a pot. Add cold water to cover beef bones. Cover with lid. Let it boil over high heat (6).
3. Reduce to medium temperature (4), and with occasional addition of water, half-covered, cook for 6 hours.
4. After 3 hours of cooking, add pepper, apple cider vinegar and garlic.
5. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add carrot and peas.
6. Leave to cool. Strain vegetables, meat and bones. Throw the bones.

1. The soup will be cloudy from the fat released during cooking. I didn't collect the foam because I couldn't tell what was what. I added the vinegar 2 hours before the end of cooking.
2. In the original recipe, it says to add vinegar when the meat stops foaming; collect the foam with a tablespoon and throw it away.
3. Vinegar is added to extract from the bones all the benefits that beef bones have.
4. I drained the soup in the morning. Separated fats, bones, meat, peas and carrots. I threw away the cooked pepper because I use it only to add flavor to the dish.
5. When you strain the soup, if you wish, you can add some kind of pasta: grinders, noodles and the like. Return the soup to the pot, add the pasta and wait until it is ready.
6. The soup is eaten with meat, and you can also serve it with mashed potatoes.
7. I ate it with beans (pinto, white and azuki), boiled beetroots and white bread.
The second time I ate peas with meat, Pumpkin with coconut oil baked in the oven and cooked amaranth. I ate the amaranth at the end to sweeten myself.
For the third time, I ate peas with meat, pumpkin, carrot (1 piece) and integral rice.

Although cloudy, the soup is very tasty.
Since I prepared it for the first time, next time I would add the vinegar earlier.

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