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Kombinacije sastojaka za poneti (Combos of ingredients to go)

U zadnjih 10 godina (i vise) na prstima jedne ruke mogu da nabrojim koliko sam puta gledala TV. Ove godine (2022) sam se "zalepila" za 24Kitchen. Malo po malo, svaki od kuvara mi se "podvlaci pod kozu", na svoj nacin. Prva koja mi se svidela je Lorejn Paskal.

Jedino sto ne volim je to sto recepti trce preko ekrana kao da gledam konjske trke.

Saveti su postavljeni po engleskoj abecedi. Pocetno slovo saveta - na primer, "kremasti pirinac" naci cete pod slovom K (slika slova) ili imena kuvara - na primer, "Dzejmi Oliver" bice pod slovom Dz (slika slova). 

Takodje, ovde mozete naci kratke recepte tj. sta se slaze, kao i kombinacije sastojaka za poneti. Na primer, kinoa + pirinac. A linkovi to jest drugi clanci, ako ih ima, uputi ce vas kako se odredjena namirnica ili kombinacija sastojaka spremaju. 

Neki saveti su sa kanala o hrani, a neki iz licnog iskustva.


In the last 10 years (and more), I can count the number of times I've watched TV on the fingers of one hand. This year (2022) I am "glued" to 24Kitchen. Little by little, each of the chefs "gets under my skin", in their own way. The first one I liked was Lorraine Pascale.

The only thing I don't like is that the recipes run across the screen like I'm watching horse races.

The tips are arranged according to the English alphabet. The first letter of the advice - for example, "creamy rice" will be found under the letter C (image of the letter) or the chef's name - for example, "Jamie Oliver" will be under the letter J (image of the letter).

Also, here you can find short recipes, i.e. what goes together, as well as combinations of ingredients to take away. For example, quinoa + rice. And the links, that is, other articles, if there are any, will guide you on how to prepare certain foods or combinations of ingredients.

Some tips are from the food channel, and some are from personal experience.


Salate = Kopriva + maslacak + morski trozubac + sremus

Salate = Spanac + rukola + cikorija 

Preliv za piletinu od pavlake za kuvanje
Margarin (gi puter) + beli luk (svez) + djumbir (svez) + korijander suvi mleveni + kumin + garam masala + kurkuma + kardamon + pavlaka za kuvanje (na kraj) + sok od limuna (svez). Prziti zacine na srednje niskoj temperaturi (3), na kraju dodati pavlaku za kuvanje i sjediniti.

Indijska marinada za piletinu
Jogurt (grcki jogurt) + beli luk (svez) + djumbir (svez) + korijander suvi mleveni + kumin + garam masala + kurkuma + sok od limuna (svez).


Salads = nettle + buttermilk + sea trident + sremus

Salads = spinach + arugula (rocket) + chicory

Dressing for chicken made from cooking cream

Margarine (gi butter) + garlic (fresh) + ginger (fresh) + dry ground coriander + cumin + garam masala + turmeric + cardamom + cooking cream (at the end) + lemon juice (fresh). Fry the spices at a medium-low temperature (3), at the end add the cooking cream and combine.

Indian marinade for chicken

Yogurt (Greek yogurt) + garlic (fresh) + ginger (fresh) + dry ground coriander + cumin + garam masala + turmeric + lemon juice (fresh).

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