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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Veganski parmezan sir (Vegan parmesan cheese)

Sastojci: 160 g krompirovog skroba, 120 ml rafinisanog kokosovog ulja, otopljenog, 150 ml biljnog mleka (kao što je ovseno ili sojino ili bademovo), 90 g nutritivnog kvasca, 15 ml limunovog soka, 1 ½ kašičice soli, 15 ml belog misa paste (opciono), 50 g zelenih maslina - sitno iseckanih (opciono).


1. Dodajte sve sastojke u blender. Mešajte smesu dok ne postane potpuno glatka i kremasta.  Sastružitr sa strane po potrebi.

2. Podmažite posudu za pečenje bezbednu za kuvanje na sporetu koja ima minimalni kapacitet od 500 ml ili možete da stavite papir za pečenje tako da se ivice preklapaju dovoljno da prekriju vrh parmezana.

(Uverite se da posuda koju izaberete stane u korpu za kuvsnje na pari).

3. Smesu sipajte u pripremljenu posudu i prekrijte aluminijumskom folijom. Ako koristite papir za pečenje, prvo prekrijte papirom, a zatim pokrijte alu folijom da se zatvori.

4. Dodajte nekoliko cm vode u veliki lonac sa korpom za paru i dovedite do ključanja.

5. Stavite posudu unutra, pokrijte šerpu i kuvajte na pari 35 - 45 minuta, dok parmezan ne postane čvrst, ali i dalje poskakuje kada se pritisne, i tamnije je boje.

6. Izvadite posudu sa pare i ostavite da se ohladi. 

Ako se na vrhu parmezana stvori kondenzacija, osušite ovo pre nego što se stavite u frizider. 

7. Pokrijte i ohladite parmezan preko noći u frižideru.

8. Izvadite blok parmezana iz posude. 

Možda ćete morati da prođete nožem po ivicama da biste ga olabavili. 

9. Koristite parmezan po želji, narendani, isečeni ili otopljen.

10. Čuvajte u frižideru do 1 nedelje, ili zamrznite u hermetički zatvorenoj posudi do 3 meseca.

Ingredients: 160 g potato starch, 120 ml refined coconut oil, melted, 150 ml plant-based milk, (such as oat or soy or almond), 90g nutritional yeast, 15 ml lemon juice, 1 ½ teaspoons salt, 15 ml white miso paste (optional), 50 g sliced green olives (optional).


1. Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend the mixture until it's completely smooth and creamy. Stop to scrape the sides as needed.

2. Grease a heat-safe baking dish that has a minimum capacity of 500ml or you can place baking paper overlapping edges enough to cover the top of parmesan cheese.

(Make sure the dish you select fits into your steamer basket). 

3. Pour the mixture into the prepared dish and cover with aluminum foil. If using baking paper first cover with paper then cover with alu foil sealing it.

4. Add several inches of water to a large pot with a steamer basket and bring to a boil.

5. Place the dish inside, cover the pot and  steam for 35 - 45 minutes, until the parmesan is solid but still feels bouncy when pressed, and is darker in color.

6. Remove the dish from the steamer and let it cool. 

If some condensation forms on the top of the Parmesan pat this dry before chilling.

7. Cover and chill the Parmesan overnight in the refrigerator.

8. Take out the Parmesan block from the dish. 

You may need to run a knife around the edges to loosen it. 

9. Use the Parmesan as desired, grated, sliced, and melted.

10. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week, or freeze it in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

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