Sastojci: 1 baget hleb, 60 ml maslinovog ulja ili 60 g margarina ili putera.
1. Zagrejte rernu na 180 C (350 F).
2. Baget isecite na komade od oko 0,6 do 1 cm debljine.
3. Ređajte kriške bageta u jednom sloju na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje.
4. Kriške ravnomerno premažite maslinovim uljem ili ravnomerno premažite puterom.
5. Pecite dok se ne lagano zapeče, oko 15 minuta.
Napomena: ako želite da dobijete krostini da ih koristite u supama ili kao užinu za umakanje u sosove, isecite ih na 0,6 cm. Ako želite da ih koristite kao predjelo isecite ih na 1 cm debljine.
Pre pečenja možete ih posuti sitno seckanim belim lukom.
Možete namazati kremove ili paštete ili ih koristiti sa sosovima i umacima.
Ingredients: 1 baguette bread, 60ml olive oil or 60g of butter.
1. Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F).
2. Cut the baguette to about 0.6 to 1 cm sliced.
3. Arrange baguette slices in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
4. Brush the slices evenly with olive oil or spread butter evenly.
5. Bake until lightly toasted, about 15 minutes.
Note: if you want to get crostini to use them in soups or as a snack for dipping into sauces, cut them to 0.6 cm. If you want to use them as appetisers cut them to 1 cm.
Before baking you can sprinkle them with finely chopped garlic.
You can spread creams or pates or use them with sauces and dips.
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