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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Vrste testa (Types of dough)

Prema sastavu i načinu obrade, testa se mogu podeliti na: 

1. biskvitno testo, 

2. lisnato testo, 

3. dizano (kvasno) lisnato testo,

4. dizano (kvasno) testo, 

5. prhko testo, 

6. vučeno testo i 

7. krompir testo. 


Osnovni sastojci za izradu biskvitnog testa su brašno, jaja, šećer, prašak za pecivo koji uzrokuje dizanje testa u pečenju, voda ili mleko ili jogurt. 

Ako zelite da dobijete razlicite ukuse dodaju se zacini kao sto su cimet, anis, kardamon, karanfilic, ekstrakti - uglavnom vanila, mada moze i rum, boje za hranu ili dodatne masnoće, kao i kakao ili rogac u prahu ako zelite dobiti tamni biskvit. 

Biskvitno testo je mekane teksture te se koristi za izradu kolača, kolacica, torti i drugih poslastica.


Pravi se od brašna, vode, masnoće - mast, margarin ili puter, i drugih sastojaka, ali bez dodatka šećera. 

Lisnato testo sadrži veliku količinu masnoća, više blizu 25% na količinu upotrijebljenog brašna. Na primer, na 1 kg brasna ide 250g margarina. Masnoća se dodaje u razvaljano testo, koje se zatim presavija više puta dok se ne dobije slojevita struktura s tankim listićima. Između svakog presavijanja testo mora odmarati na hladnom 10–20 minuta. 

Obično se nadeva slatkim ili slanim nadevima. Moze se oblikovati u različite oblike. Moze se zamrznuti ili odmah peći. 


Priprema se uz dodatak kvasca, praška za pecivo ili nekog drugog sastojka koji uzrokuje dizanje testa. 

Sadrži 15% masnoća na količinu upotrijebljenog brašna. 

Struktura testa je slojevita, uz postizanje puno većeg volumena proizvoda u pečenju nego kod beskvasnog lisnatog testa. 

Od kvasnog lisnatog testa prave se različiti kroasani koji se pune slatkim ili slanim nadjevima ili kremovima pre ili nakon pečenja i preliva se cokoladom, eurokremom ili glazurama.


Osnovni sastojci za pravljenje dizanog testa su brašno, voda ili mleko ili jogurt, kvasac ili drugi sastojak koji uzrokuje vrenje, kao i dodatni sastojci za poboljšanje ukusa i svojstava testa kao sto su šećer, jaja, zacini i ekstrakti. 

Nema dodatka masnoće. 

Važno je kvasac razmutiti u mlakoj vodi ili mleku, dodati 1 kasiku brašna i 1 kasicicu šećer i ostaviti na toplom mestu kako bi započeo proces vrenja i testo ‘naraslo’. 

Testo se mesi ručno uglavnom a moze i mikserom i formira u željeni oblik. 

Najčešće služi za izradu slatkih i slanih kiflica, krofni, ustipaka, mekika, pica.


Pravi se od brašna, vode ili mleka, masnoća, šećera i dodatnih sastojaka za poboljšanje svojstava testa kao sto su jaja, so, prašak za pecivo. 

Promer brašna, masnoća i šećera u testu je približno 3:2:1.

Koristi za izradu pita i sličnih poslastica.


Testo za pite savijace.

Sastojci za izradu vučenog testa su brašno, voda ili mleko, masnoća i jaja. 

Ručno se mesi tijesto koje se zatim razvija u tanki sloj. 

Koristi za izradu raznih slatkih i slanih štrudli ili poslastica, bosanske pite - krompiruse ili bureka.


Proizvodi se od brašna žitarica, najčešće pšeničnog belog, krompira ili krompirovog brašna ili krompirovih pahuljica, vode ili mleka kao i dodatnih sastojaka za poboljšanje ukusa i svojstava testa. 

Koristi za pravljenje njoka, kroketa, knedla.

According to their composition and processing method, doughs can be divided into:

1. biscuit (sponge) dough,

2. puff pastry,

3. leavened (yeast) puff pastry,

4. leavened (yeast) dough,

5. shortcrust pastry,

6. pulled pastry and

7. potato pastry.


The basic ingredients for making sponge dough are flour, eggs, sugar, baking powder which causes the dough to rise during baking, water or milk or yogurt.

If you want to get different flavors, spices such as cinnamon, anise, cardamom, cloves, extracts - mostly vanilla, although rum can also be added, food coloring or additional fats, as well as cocoa or carob powder if you want to get a dark sponge.

Sponge dough has a soft texture and is used to make cakes, cookies, tarts and other desserts.


It is made from flour, water, fat - lard, margarine or butter, and other ingredients, but without added sugar.

Puff pastry contains a large amount of fat, more like 25% of the amount of flour used. For example, 1 kg of flour uses 250 g of margarine. The fat is added to the rolled dough, which is then folded several times until a layered structure with thin sheets is obtained. Between each folding, the dough must rest in the cold for 10–20 minutes.

It is usually filled with sweet or savory fillings. It can be shaped into various shapes. It can be frozen or baked immediately.


It is prepared with the addition of yeast, baking powder or some other ingredient that causes the dough to rise.

It contains 15% of fat per amount of flour used.

The dough structure is layered, achieving a much larger volume of baked products than unleavened puff pastry.

Yeast puff pastry is used to make various croissants, which are filled with sweet or savory fillings or creams before or after baking and topped with chocolate, eurocream or glazes.


The basic ingredients for making yeast dough are flour, water or milk or yogurt, yeast or another ingredient that causes fermentation, as well as additional ingredients to improve the taste and properties of the dough such as sugar, eggs, spices and extracts.

No added fat.

It is important to dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water or milk, add 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 teaspoon of sugar and leave in a warm place to start the fermentation process and the dough to 'rise'.

The dough is kneaded by hand, mostly, but can also be used with a mixer and formed into the desired shape.

It is most often used to make sweet and savory rolls, donuts, ustipak, mekika, pizzas.


It is made from flour, water or milk, fat, sugar and additional ingredients to improve the properties of the dough such as eggs, salt, baking powder.

The ratio of flour, fat and sugar in the dough is approximately 3:2:1.

It is used to make pies and similar desserts.


Dough for pies roll pies.

The ingredients for making pulled dough are flour, water or milk, fat and eggs.

The dough is kneaded by hand and then rolled out into a thin layer.

It is used to make various sweet and savory strudels or desserts, Bosnian pies - krompiruse or burek.

7. POTATO Dough

It is produced from cereal flour, usually white wheat, potato or potato flour or potato flakes, water or milk, as well as additional ingredients to improve the taste and properties of the dough.

Used for making gnocchi, croquettes, dumplings.

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