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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Kiflice sa krompirom, prazilukom i kackavaljem (Croissants with potatoes, leeks and yellow cheese)

Sastojci: 600g brasna, 30g instant pire krompira u prahu* + 125ml + 65ml mleka + 25g margarina  (ili 3 manja krompira), 275ml mleka (mlakog), 10g svezeg kvasca, 1 kasicica, secera, 80ml ulja, 2 jaja, za fil: 1 1/2 stapa praziluka, 300g kackavalja, 180g kisele pavlake, malo ulja + malo vode, malo soli (opciono). 

1) Pomesati u solji mleko, kvasac, secer i 1 kasiku brasna. Promesati i ostaviti 15 minuta da nadodje. Umutiti jaja u odvojenim tanjirima. Kackavalj izrendati. Praziluk oprati, ocistiti i sitno iseckati. U brasno dodati so i promesati.

2) U ciniju staviti 300g brasna, pire krompir, kvasac, ulje, umuceno jaje.  Promesati pa posteno dodavati brasno dok mesate testo kasikom. Kad vise ne mozete da mesate kasikom, prebaciti testo na pobrasnjenu podlogu iz uz povremeno dodavanje ostatka brasna mesite testo. Podeliti na dva dela i svaki deo staviti u ciniju. Pokriti krpom i ostaviti 1 sat da nadodje na toplom mestu.

3) Svaki deo testa (2) premesiti i podeliti na po 4 dela (8). Ostaviti da stoje 15 minuta. Svaki deo razviti u krug debljine oko 0.5 do 0.8 cm. Krug iseci na 4 dela (32). 

4) Za fil - na malo ulja u tiganju na srednje niskoj temperaturi (3) ili niskoj (2) proprziti praziluk dok ne omeksa, konstantno mesajuci. Ocediti visak ulja ako ima. Pomesati kiselu pavlaku, praziluk i kackavalj. 

5) Na svaki trougao staviti po malo fila i zamotati kiflice (paketice**). 

6) Pleh namazati sa malo margarina. Staviti papir za pecenje. Pleh mozete nakon premazivanja margarinom malo posuti brasnom (umesto papira za pecenje). Poredjati kiflice (paketice) u pleh sa razmakom od oko 1cm sa svih strana. 

7) Drugom umucenom jajetu, dodati 1 kasiku ulja i 2 kasike vode. Promesati i premazati kiflice i ostaviti 15 minuta da odstoje da nadodju.

8) Peci u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 180C dok ne porumene, oko 35 do 40 minuta. 

Napomena 0: ako su vam kiflice odozgo malo tvrde, poprskati sa vodom i prekriti krpom. Ostaviti da se tako ohlade. Pa izvaditi iz pleha. Ako vam je pleh manji, i treba vam da dalje pecete, izvaditi kifilice iz pleha, poredjati na posluzavnik, poprskati vodom, pokriti i ostaviti da se ohladi.

*Napomena 1: ako koristite pire u krompir u prahu, u serpicu staviti vodu i pustiti da prokljuca. Skloniti sa sporeta i dodati mleko, margarin i pire u prahu. Vratiti na sporet i konstantno mesajuci kuvati par minuta. Ako koristite sirov krompir, oprati ga, oljustiti i iseci na cetvrtine. Staviti u serpu i kuvati oko 20 minuta. Ocediti visak vode. Izgnjeciti viljuskom. Dodati mleko i margarin i mesati dok se margarin ne otopi. Ako je potrebno vratiti kratko na sporet.

**Napomena 2: pogledati slike ispod teksta na engleskom kako zamotati rolnice tj. paketice.
U sustini, na jedan trouhao tacnije lepezu, po kruznom delu na 1 cm od ivice, staviti fil. Levi kraj testa preklopiti preko desne strane i utapkati prstima testo (da fil ne ispadne). Desni kraj testa preklopiti preko levog, malo istegnuti testo i podvuci ispod kiflice (da se ne bi otvaralo) i utapkati prstima testo. Sa trece strane tj. kraja lepeze, opet istgnuti malo testo (ako je potrebno) i preklopiti preko prethodno dva zalepljena dela i jos jednom utapkati preko testa prstima. Ako ne ne zelite paketice, nego bas rolnice, staviti manje fila i od sire strane zarolati ka uzoj.

***Napomena 3: ja sam koristila jedan papir zapecenje tri puta :) 

****Napomena 4: ako imate zeludac kao ja (koji slabo vari), preporucujem przenje praziluka pre mesanja sa kiselom pavlakom i kackavaljem. Ako nemate tih problema, mozete staviti sirov praziluk. Mojim komsinicama su se veoma svidele kiflice sa gotovo nepecenim prazilukom. Predlozile su da kupe sastojke a ja da ih napravim :)

Ingredients: 600g flour, 30g instant mashed potato powder * + 125ml + 65ml milk + 25g margarine (or 3 small potatoes), 275ml milk (lukewarm), 10g fresh yeast, 1 teaspoon, sugar, 80ml oil, 2 eggs, for filling : 1 1/2 leek sticks, 300g cheese, 180g sour cream, a little oil + a little water, a little salt (optional).


1) Mix in salt milk, yeast, sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour. Stir and leave for 15 minutes to rise. Whisk the eggs in separate plates. You're kidding. Wash, clean and finely chop the leeks. Add salt to the flour and mix.

2) Put 300g of flour, mashed potatoes, yeast, oil, beaten egg in a bowl. Stir and then add the flour while stirring the dough with a spoon. When you can no longer stir with a spoon, transfer the dough to a floured surface with the occasional addition of the rest of the flour knead the dough. Divide into two parts and place each part in a bowl. Cover with a cloth and leave for 1 hour in a warm place, to rise.

3) Knead each part (two) of the dough and divide each part into 4 parts (8). Leave to stand for 15 minutes. Develop each part into a circle about 0.5 to 0.8 cm thick. Circle cut into 4 parts (32).

4) For the filling - in a frying pan, on a little oil, at a medium low temperature (3) or low (2) fry leeks until they are soften, stirring constantly. Drain excess oil if any. Mix sour cream, leeks and yellow cheese.

5) Put a little filling on each triangle and wrap the rolls (packets **).

6) Spread a little margarine on the baking tray. Put baking paper***. After coating with margarine, you can sprinkle a little flour on the baking tray (instead of baking paper). Arrange the rolls (packets) in a tray with a distance of about 1 cm on all sides.

7) To another beaten egg, add 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir and coat the rolls and leave for 15 minutes to rise.

8) Bake in a preheated oven at 180C until golden brown, about 35 to 40 minutes.

Note 0: if your rolls are a little hard on top, sprinkle with water and cover with a cloth. Allow to cool. Then take it out of the baking pan. If your baking pan is smaller, and you need it to bake further, take the rolls out of the pan, arrange them on a plastic tray, sprinkle with water, cover and leave to cool.

*Note 1: if you use instant mashed potatoes in powder, put water in a bowl and let it boil. Remove from the heat and add milk, margarine and potatoe powder. Return to the stove and cook, stirring constantly, for a few minutes. If you use raw potatoes, wash them, peel them and cut them into quarters. Put in a saucepan and cook for about 20 minutes. Drain excess water. Mash with a fork. Add milk and margarine and mix until the margarine melts. If necessary return briefly to the stove.

**Note 2: see the pictures below the text in English how to wrap rolls or packets. Basically, put a filling on one triangle, more precisely along the length of a semicircle, at 1 cm from the edge. Fold the left end of the dough over the right side and tap the dough with your fingers (so that the filling does not fall out). Fold the right end of the dough over the left, stretch the dough a little and pull it under the roll (so that it doesn't open) and press the dough with your fingers. On the third side, ie the end of the hand fan, again stretch out a little the dough (if necessary) and fold over the previously "glued" parts and press once more over the dough with your fingers. If you don't want packets, but just rolls, put less filling and roll it from wider side towards the narrow side.

*** Note 3: I used one baking paper three times :)

**** Note 4: if you have a stomach like me (poorly digesting), I recommend frying leeks before mixing with sour cream and yellow cheese. If you do not have these problems, you can put raw leeks. My neighbors really liked the rolls with almost unroasted leeks. They suggested that they buy the ingredients and asked me to make them :) 

Kuvanje instant pire krompirea (Cooking instant mashed potatoes)

Dizanje kvasca (Yeast rising)

Mesanje i mesenje testa (Stirring and kneading the dough)

Mesenje testa opet i podela testa (Knead the dough again and dividing the dough)

Priprema fila (Preparation of the filling)

Zamena za oklagiju (Replacement for rolling pin)

Kako zamotati kiflice - paketice (How to wrap rolls - packets) 

Redjanje u pleh i premazivanje (Arranging on a baking sheet and coating)

Filling with jam and sweet coating (Filling with jam)

Ostatak od jednog jajeta, 1 kasika secera i malo mleka. (The rest of one egg, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a little milk.)

Pecene kiflice - paketici i prskanje vodom (Baked rolls - packets and sprinkling with water)

Pleh sa miksom slanih i slatkih kiflica - paketica (Baking tray with a mix of salty and sweet rolls - packets)

Slani paketici (Salty packets)

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